Veo anime desde hace años, desde el 2015 con dedicación, aunque últimamente ya no veo tanto.
Me gusta el romance, pero con buenas heroínas.
1st: Sailor Moon (2009)
100th: Aku no Hana (06/04/17)
150th: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (11/12/18)
50th: Kodomo no Omocha (31/12/17)
75th: Kimi to Natsu no Naka (02/05/20)
Last Update: 04-15-19 Total Cookies Collected: 130 Baker: dlee342
I will delete your jar in 3 days if it is not updated by then. But don't worry, should that happen,
you can always use this message as a reference to restore the cookies when you sign up again.
βΌ Lluvia de cartas aquí βΌ
It's Delivery Time!||Federación Latino-Americana temas:San Valentín'18, 4to Aniversario, Halloween'18 el próximo año, las entregaré a tiempo |recuerda guardar y resubir
Last Update: 11-13-18 Total Cookies Collected: 15 Baker: dlee342
I will delete your jar in 3 days if it is not updated by then. But don't worry, should that happen,
you can always use this message as reference to restore the cookies when you sign up again.
You better watch out, You better not cry, You better not pout, because
we are about to tell you why. Holiday Ho-Down is coming to CK. We are
making a list, gonna be checking it twice. Going to find out who's been naughty or nice. Will it be Team Daddy Darth, notorious for being naughty
or will it be Team Mommy Maze known for being nice. Both teams will
battle it out mano a mano, dueling each other through epic events of epic
festive proportions. Sign up ASAP. See you there \( Ν‘~ ΝΚ Ν‘°)/
Time for your all fave card editions, look out for surprise ones ( Ν‘~ ΝΚ Ν‘°) December 2nd - CK Ugly Sweaters Edition
December 7th - CK Yuki Edition December 12th - CK Nosebleed NSFW Edition
December 17th - CK Staff Fav Anime: Nanatsu no Taizai December 22nd - CK Pull that Ribbon ( Ν‘° ΝΚ Ν‘°) Edition
December 25th - CK Under the Mistletoe Edition December 30th - CK 2K18 KPOP Mega Edition
Important etcetera you never thought you'd need (*γωγ»)οΎ Sign up now in our Holiday Ho-Down! Will the naughty
children win or will it be the nice kids of the year? Find
out and be part of it yourself & get presents from Santa! Your all time favorite GFX Invitational is back at it again!
The theme this December is Santa!! Go show your gfx
skills! HoHoHoBby so enter the contest now! Candy Kingdom's very own Project Recognize is back!! ♥
Join us and let us set our tents to admire the hard-work GFX
and BBCode artists put forth in bringing excellence on MAL.
All aboard the Polar Express, the magical train that appears only
during December at the front steps of your house. Watch these
animated shorts to reach the front cart to witness the Northern Lights! Welcome, dear lumplings, to where your story begins!
What story you ask? Well listen, dear friends! CK has
launched a Mistletoe Massacre Anime Challenge! ;)
& Gordon Ramsay level FUCKEN RAW conversation that
will leave you all MINDBLOWN or not. IDGAF ¯_(γ)_/¯
Our Sexy Anime Challenges will always be open ( Ν‘~ ΝΚ Ν‘°)
If you like joining anime challenges, this is perf for you!
*whispers* Sign up to win amazing prizes people!! ;)
Members of Candy Kingdom on MAL are always welcome
in our official discord server! Join us now and hang out ♥
Stay tuned for more happenings on CK! ( Ν‘~ ΝΚ Ν‘°) Newsletter by: Maze & Darth
Delivered by: Rinkari
This is a friendly reminder that 2018 is ending and with it our yearly challenges. You've received this reminder because you've signed up for one of our challenges and we want to make sure you'll be able to complete it on time. Please update and send in your challenge on time to receive your chocos and to be able to use one of our shiny banners.
Is the challenge to difficult? No problem! You can just change your challenge level. Do you have trouble finding your sign up post? Again no problem! Use Crtl+F to find it fast.
Claro, por supuesto, aunque una peli :eyes: .... sabes, trato de no dar eso tan fácil ^^; pero deja ver, creo que tengo unos cortos que quizás te puedan interesar ;D
Hello my sexy candies \( Ν‘~ ΝΚ Ν‘°)/ How was Halloween for you all? Enjoyed
dressing up and getting high on sugar rush? Thankfully, November is here
& we reached 2222 members ;w; As always we are now hiring exclusively Card Makers/Claim Makers & new position, Chefs. Continue being awesome
and remember to have fun. We have some great card editions for you this
month + more. Tune in for a special surprise. *sips coffee* See you at the
club + discord, Lovelies ( Ν‘~ ΝΚ Ν‘°) oh btw as you've noticed we're not having
Illustration Invitationals & Project Recognize this month but fear not! We're bringing it back next month so stay tune!! See ya <3
Congratulations to these amazing people who were nominated
in our Project: Recognize BBCODE & GFX Profile Contest ♥
π₯ 1st Place goes to: pure π₯ 2nd Place goes to: Sweet π₯ 3rd Place goes to: arderine
π₯ 1st Place goes to: Maze π₯ 2nd Place goes to: Nate π₯ 3rd Place goes to: Airenee
Time for your all fave card editions, look out for surprise ones ( Ν‘~ ΝΚ Ν‘°) November 1st - CK Let it Rain Edition
November 3rd - League of Legends K/DA Skins November 6th - CK Staff Fav: Summer Anime 2018
November 11th - CK Goblin Slayer Edition November 16th - CK Suppressed Love Edition
November 21st - CK's Sexy Maid Edition November 26th - CK Fairy Tail Finale Edition
November 30th - CK Staff Fav Anime: Chihayafuru Edition
Important etcetera you never thought you'd need (*γωγ»)οΎ Welcome, dear lumplings, to where your story begins!
What story you ask? Well listen, dear friends! CK has
launched a Mistletoe Massacre Anime Challenge! ;)
Join us to find out more!
Hey! time for you favorite waifu to shine! ( Ν‘~ ΝΚ Ν‘°)
This challenge is only for the month of October and and will
be ending on November 15th, 2018. What are u waiting for?
Okay now since October is CK's Waifu month ( Ν‘~ ΝΚ Ν‘°)
we will be having another mini tournament like last month
but this time it will be all about our precious waifufus ;3;
& Gordon Ramsay level FUCKEN RAW conversation that
will leave you all MINDBLOWN or not. IDGAF ¯_(γ)_/¯
Our Sexy Anime Challenges will always be open ( Ν‘~ ΝΚ Ν‘°)
If you like joining anime challenges, this is perf for you!
*whispers* Sign up to win amazing prizes people!! ;)
Members of Candy Kingdom on MAL are always welcome
in our official discord server! Join us now and hang out ♥
Stay tuned for more happenings on CK! ( Ν‘~ ΝΚ Ν‘°) Newsletter by: Maze & Darth
Delivered by: Rinkari
All Comments (188) Comments
Hello, this is a cookie jar update reminder.
Last Update: 04-15-19
Total Cookies Collected: 130
Baker: dlee342
I will delete your jar in 3 days if it is not updated by then. But don't worry, should that happen,
you can always use this message as a reference to restore the cookies when you sign up again.
Hope u had a good one :)
it's allg ^^
Thx for accepting
Nice to meet u :)
It's Delivery Time! || Federación Latino-Americana
temas: San Valentín'18, 4to Aniversario, Halloween'18
el próximo año, las entregaré a tiempo | recuerda guardar y resubir
Hello, this is a cookie jar update reminder.
Last Update: 11-13-18
Total Cookies Collected: 15
Baker: dlee342
I will delete your jar in 3 days if it is not updated by then. But don't worry, should that happen,
you can always use this message as reference to restore the cookies when you sign up again.
This is a friendly reminder that 2018 is ending and with it our yearly challenges. You've received this reminder because you've signed up for one of our challenges and we want to make sure you'll be able to complete it on time. Please update and send in your challenge on time to receive your chocos and to be able to use one of our shiny banners.
Is the challenge to difficult? No problem! You can just change your challenge level. Do you have trouble finding your sign up post? Again no problem! Use Crtl+F to find it fast.
Hope you enjoy them. If you need any other let me know.