if your 'lofi beats to relax to' playlist were a manga
This manga was made for people that love the stillness of night.
Grey is the tone, Grey is the mood, Grey is the color of my mind. The melancholy of the characters is a reflection of my own. The isolated night is sanctuary to the introvert. Its stillness is the call to those who are lost. As colors fade to the darkness, so do one's worries of his mundane life.
Possibly the only series whose fandom made the experience better
My memories following this series' serialization are full of heated best girl debates and of bride theories.
You can probably understand why best girl debates were prominent within the community, but chances are, you've never heard of a bride theory.
Understanding bride theories requires you to understand the premise of this manga, which is laid out very clearly in the first chapter.
The main character Uesugi Fuutaro is hired to be the tutor of 5 identical sisters, quintuplets.
We're shown in the first chapter that one of these sisters will end as the main character's bride. Who? Hell if we knew,...hell if even Negi himself knew as he was writing the better half of this manga. Bride theories were the attempt to deduce the bride's identity through a mix of subtle hints and major plot developments. This genius setup inspired so many of the readers to create their own bride theories. It was able to squeeze so much suspense out of its readers, suspense that shouldn't have been possible for a romcom manga. The question of "Who's the bride" was up in the air until the main character literally proposes. The veiling of the bride's identity eliminated the genre's biggest weakness, predictability.
I can say that, with full confidence, this is my favorite romcom manga and possibly the greatest romcom of all time. Well at the very least, the greatest harem of all time.
I'll give this series a Strongly Recommended
especially for anyone that enjoys harem/romcom manga as much as I do.
Despite the fact new readers won't get to experience the hype this had during serialization, it's still a solid series that does many of its tropes differently and, excuse the term, "deconstructs" the genre.
Sorry if it sounds weird but I honestly couldn't tell whether this was meant seriiously or not (actually looked like a copypasta lmao). If it isn't: I just think Shinobu was a great character in the Monogatari series. I haven't really given the ideologies described by you any though I suppose, since I've never been faced with them in such a way. Maybe I just don't really get what you're trying to say, idk. I think liking a fictional character is something reasonably fine, no matter what sort of character - in this case I suppose the sort of "like" is what you're talking about.
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