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Days: 7.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries34
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- Episodes430
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Days: 9.5
Mean Score:
- Total Entries240
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- Chapters1,459
- Volumes190
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C.C.L. Newsletter
Hello Members of C.C.L~! This is an update telling you that the Official Member Cards thread is now open! Be sure to come and request ;)
On another order of business, the final round of voting for Club Picture Contest will be up and running soon so keep an eye out!
Lastly, be sure to check back often for LE's, events, games and more ^_^
~Thanks for Reading~
Mass Message From Anime Boys Fan Club
~ Vote for your favorite character in Character of the Month [September]
~ If you still haven't member cards, then request here.
~ The club games are still open > Describe character, Guess the anime, Words, Describe anime, Chain Reaction, Scrambles.
~ You want more cards? Request here UNlimited cards.
Don't forget to save and rehost it
If there any problems with the member card just let me know and I will edit
I hope that you like it
>.< ^.^
I hope you like it! xD Don't forget to save
I will be deleting it after two weeks :P
If there are any problems just let me know
Happy Valentines day!!