Hey! I just stumbled onto your profile after reading your write-up on Tamako Market! You're also the reason why I finished the series!
I'm a strange person and if I don't binge a series there's a high chance of me putting it on hold/drop it. I didn't manage to binge Tamako Market, in fact I only got around to watching two episodes before I had to go run an errand. But last night, as I was browsing Reddit, I saw your post on r/Anime and gave it a read. I really enjoyed reading it and could definitely see how much you love the show. It gave me the push I needed to finish the rest of the show so I proceeded to stay up to 5 AM finishing the show. Overall, I really liked it! So yeah I just wanted to give you my thanks and praise you for your amazing writing!
Also I've been planning to watch Rolling Girls for a really long time, and I know you're planning to write something on it. I guess I'll wait until then :3
Gorgeous art and very soothing OST, it's so easy for me to love this show! The show's atmosphere was done exceptionally well! Also loved the little plot points and parallels. It's melodramatic as hell but I don't hate melodrama in anime. Can't say I feel very satisfied by the ending though even with a resolved love polygon. I still have some questions like
Did they stopped the calamity? Why are land people (or i guess half sea, half land) getting Ena now?
Would also be better if they did a Tsumugu ep/arc about his grandfather and his family. It could've made his character much better. I guess I needed more episodes. Still best guy for me aha! I like direct and perceptive people. Best girl is Chisaki cus I think she's the most well-written in the group even though she's neurotic to the bone and always making herself suffer. XD
Ah and you're one of the people who recommended me this so thank you! Also read your WT! post back then. You're so good at writing stuff and expressing yourself! It's amazing, pls keep doing that!
Guess I should watch Tamako Market next for you! :D
Whoa, what shit taste. You should be ashamed of calling yourself an "elitist" lol. Also Naoko Yamada, though a great director, isn't the best and is flawed. Moe doesn't save anime.
Oh right. Its a collage of the player characters from the Persona games, namely Persona 3/Persona 3 Portable, Persona 4 and Persona 5. They do have respective anime adaptions, minus Portable as she's an optional female player character and the anime for Persona 5 is meant to come out in 2018
Hiya! I read your writeup on Koe no Katachi. I have no words really to describe how great it was, but I really appreciate you putting words to stuff I feel I can relate to in one way or another. However I just wanted to tell you that your post was great and if you ever feel down know there are people all over the world that appreciate you :D
It was really fun to make it but it's not finish yet though. I'll continue it during my free time since I have a test coming up and I need to study so that means I can't watch anime for the next few days too. :c
Just finished Clannad AS, and oh man, I've never cried so much at a show in my entire life. Planning to watch 3-gatsu no Lion next ~
All Comments (62) Comments
I'm a strange person and if I don't binge a series there's a high chance of me putting it on hold/drop it. I didn't manage to binge Tamako Market, in fact I only got around to watching two episodes before I had to go run an errand. But last night, as I was browsing Reddit, I saw your post on r/Anime and gave it a read. I really enjoyed reading it and could definitely see how much you love the show. It gave me the push I needed to finish the rest of the show so I proceeded to stay up to 5 AM finishing the show. Overall, I really liked it! So yeah I just wanted to give you my thanks and praise you for your amazing writing!
Also I've been planning to watch Rolling Girls for a really long time, and I know you're planning to write something on it. I guess I'll wait until then :3
Gorgeous art and very soothing OST, it's so easy for me to love this show! The show's atmosphere was done exceptionally well! Also loved the little plot points and parallels. It's melodramatic as hell but I don't hate melodrama in anime. Can't say I feel very satisfied by the ending though even with a resolved love polygon. I still have some questions like
Ah and you're one of the people who recommended me this so thank you! Also read your WT! post back then. You're so good at writing stuff and expressing yourself! It's amazing, pls keep doing that!
Guess I should watch Tamako Market next for you! :D
Source of fanart if you wanted it https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=50367197
It was really fun to make it but it's not finish yet though. I'll continue it during my free time since I have a test coming up and I need to study so that means I can't watch anime for the next few days too. :c
Just finished Clannad AS, and oh man, I've never cried so much at a show in my entire life. Planning to watch 3-gatsu no Lion next ~