Idk how one day, surprising to me as well, your name came up like in an afternoon dream!! So I thought i should ping you, strange isn’t it? After 7 years it happened!
Me too i login to update my list haha and yes lockdown give the chance to watch so many animes haha!
i always remember you when i log in here, also i remember something :D
It's your birthday already!! so congratulations my dear!! wish you the best in every aspect of your life!! you are such a good and important friend for me, and im so glad to share another birthday with you!! send you a lot of hugs for you <3
Yes a long time!! hahaha im watching so many anime these days that i return already hahaha and i well i can log in without saying hello to my favorite friend :D
Hope you are fine and send you kisses and hugs my friend!!
Something only I would know? Gee that kinda puts so much pressure on me and my secret keeping abilities, you know XD How can I be sure I haven't spilled the beans about certain things yet? Lemme still try. uh i got some!
from what I know about you, B for Balenciaga.. EU38.. and even if those don't seem authentic enough......................... 18. That's it. You got it. It's me lmao.
Yes life is going well I guess, and aw i would love too
but i have like 2 weeks until i get busy and get on a hiatus from mal again
would it be okay with you if you continue talking on any other form of social media?
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PS: its great to catch up with you after whole 7 years Hehe
send you a big hug :D
Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou is so funny haha invite me to watch it again :P
hope you are well my dear
i always remember you when i log in here, also i remember something :D
It's your birthday already!! so congratulations my dear!! wish you the best in every aspect of your life!! you are such a good and important friend for me, and im so glad to share another birthday with you!! send you a lot of hugs for you <3
Hope you are fine and send you kisses and hugs my friend!!
from what I know about you, B for Balenciaga.. EU38.. and even if those don't seem authentic enough......................... 18. That's it. You got it. It's me lmao.
And yes yes I am, i do use it alot too, not much these days but certainly more than MAL. Pm me your username I'll add it rn
but i have like 2 weeks until i get busy and get on a hiatus from mal again
would it be okay with you if you continue talking on any other form of social media?