Hello stranger. This will probably be the first time I write on this website, as well as the last. I hope you never read this message, as it would mean you have went on with your life and forgotten about a seemingly meaningless place.
Searching a certain topic on the internet I found this website forum by chance, as well as your answer to it. I took a liking to that certain answer, as it was something an intelligent and non-hypocritical person would say.
Truly, I wonder why I was compelled to write this message. Perhaps it was the wish help a person with similar problems or perhaps it's just an excuse for idling and occupying my thoughts from more important, uncomfortable matters.
Before carrying on with this message I wish to relay some information about myself.
In my past I was a pathological idler, a chronic thinker and at times perhaps a terminal worrier. I don't fancy myself a special existence. In fact I stopped thinking about any matters humans in our generation possibly can't find an answer to. I watched anime since my teens but not as much out of infatuation or adoration rather than desperately trying to escape reality and problems. Anime influenced me, it estranged me from public reality. It made me overly dramatic and intensified the way I feel. It's probably a common thing for anime viewers, even if most aren't aware of it. Doing things, and perhaps not doing things, influences us, whether we like it or not. Perhaps abusing anime as a way to avoid problems is a reason I am not too fond of it, even though there still remain a few shows I enjoyed.
Now, after giving you all this information you don't really need, I want to say a few things I find necessary in order to conclude with this whole idea of writing you.
Thinking excessively will make you unhappy, without fail. Nothing human can escape it and probably never will. Accepting the truths of this world will take a toll on your mind and emotions. If those truths don't hold practical value for your live, I'd recommend to not burn through your resources just for the sake of knowing the truth. Think about all those great artists, authors and thinkers who, at some point decided to take their own lives.
In order to accomplish things in life, discipline is needed. Letting your focus scatter in all directions will only amount to a small breeze in a turbulent world.
Most likely, we are the same in regard to how our isolation and idling (which goes hand in hand) has damaged our social perception. More than often have I thought someone disliked me or was bothered by me only to find out they don't or perhaps even like me. If you aren't used to social situations, try to consciously lower your sensitivity to others actions and words. All people that hurt are hurting themselves. Don't place to much value on negative events. People who don't spend much time with other people tend to fall in a black and white schema. If you meet 3 people a day and 1 reacts negative to you, it would probably bother you more than if you met 50 people a day and 1 reacts negative. It's all a matter of perception.
Hmm, whatelse... Yes. Baby-steps. It's a plain truth, but still, humans are what they are used to do. If your habits don't support your dreams and goals, it will be difficult to achieve them, if not impossible. We are, more so than what we think and say, what we do. Thoughts compel words and words compel action. If your thoughts and words are different from what you do, then that's the definition of 'lacking integrity'. A lack of integrity can have many reasons, in my case it may well have been a crippling fear of failure. I believe there's no shame in admitting faults and past failures, only in not changing them despite having the option.
We humans are constantly changing. Everday bears a new reality, a new self and a new opportunity, while sounding very romantic, it's not too far off.
If you change something and keep at it, you will change without fail, your reality will change without fail.
Slow and steady wins the race.
In the future, there will be, trust me, many times when you feel unhappy, maybe also depressed and in the worst case (which I don't hope) even suicidal. All of this is a certain thought response to pain and suffering. If you concentrate on negativity and problems in your life you will naturally enhance and strengthen those problems and negativity. We value what we invest time and energy in, even the negative things. If you focus on the problem you are the problem. Focus on the solution instead, and if there is no solution, then the problem is no problem but a fact to accept. Don't occupy your time with things you can't change.
Life will beat you down in the future, many times. But I doesn't matter how hard you get hit, or how hard you can hit back.The only thing that matters is how hard you can get hit, and still keep going. That's how winning is done. Fail, and still keep going. No one is a winner because they always win. Winners are winners because they try until they win. Because they keep going despite feeling bad and depressed. Because they keep going despite wanting to stop. It's so important to not run away from your pain but feel it. Only when you truly feel your own pain is when pain loses it's bite. It's the fear of pain and the fear of fear that's crippling humans. Doubt has killed more dreams than failure ever will.
Hmm.. Usually I don't like to get all philosophical like that. In fact I dislike philosophy, why isn't important for now.
Let me say, I very much commend you for giving up anime. It's a safe haven for lost souls. A way to gain experiences and emotions humans want and need but are unable to get on their own in real life. I don't look down on anyone watching anime, but may it sound arrogant, I very much have compassion.
People forget oh so often how limited their youth and time is, and I think anyone can spend it better than in front of a display if they are truly willing. But addiction isn't called addiciton for nothing and many people fall into it's vicious cycle.
if you truly want to follow your dreams, no matter how hard it is - take baby steps. Even if it's just studying for 1 minute. this one minute will strengthen your will and resolve. 1 Minute, do it again and again. 1 minute will become 10 and 10 will become a 100. Time can be your worst enemy, or best friend, depending on how you use it. It's all about stay on the right track.
I could ruminate about much more things, but taking into account that you may not even be interested in anything I wrote so far, or even cringe at it, it would be most logical to stop. In the end I just wanted to selfishly satisfy an urge of unknown origins.
I am sure you will find your way, just find your anchor in reality. As I am now, I very much can say that your 'condition' or call it state of being can be cured. I have a good amount of friends, regularly hit the gym and keep up with my studies just fine, you can too. Don't be swayed by impulses. Keep at it. Grasp your door to reality. Escapism only leads to oblivion. Doing the right things, even if it feels uncomfortable, will shape you and your perception will gradually change.
Reality is something that is created when a lot of people come together and recognize it as real. Only the things you take to reality, the feelings, the thoughts words and actions you take along with you, no matter where they are from, can have an influence on reality. If there are things from fantasies, like anime or manga that move you, then take them with you, to reality, and make those things reality.
Don't worry about being courteous, you don't need to reply. As I said, I only acted out on an urge of mine. In a week I will probably look over it once and cringe at what I have written, even though it holds true for me.
I think the main reason I enjoyed the first Kino novel is that it inserts more of Kino's thoughts and hidden emotions into the story. Gives it an extra layer of richness, so to speak. Sadly only the first novel in the series was released in my country before the publisher closed shop and moved to Germany so I never got to read the rest in the series and have no idea how good they are.
Also, about my anime list: The list is huge and is comprised of many different genres. Not everything on it is something I'd actually recommend for the following reasons:
A) I've been watching anime for a very, very long time. Since I was four years old, in fact. This list includes EVERYTHING that I've ever seen, and not all the shows we think are amazing as children still hold up to scrutiny later in life. (Although some do, happily)
b) Some of the stuff I watched were not things I watched because I actually desired to. Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, for example. I find the show dull and too fanservicey but one of my best friends loves it (his all-time favorite, in fact) so I watched all four seasons upon his request just so he'd have someone to talk about it with.
c) Some of the things I watched I ABSOLUTELY HATED. Examples: School Days was utter garbage, as was Delinquent in Drag. Buddha Saitan was boring as hell. The lead character of Don't Leave My Alone Daisy was too obnoxious to make the show watchable and I don't recommend ANYBODY watch Maiden Rose. Also couldn't get past the first two episodes of Guilty Crown and fail to understand the show's appeal.
If you have a question about anything particular on my list feel free to ask!
Hey, another fan of Kino! *waves enthusiastically* So many people have never heard of this great series, so I'm always excited to see another fan! Have you read the novel as well?
All Comments (4) Comments
Searching a certain topic on the internet I found this website forum by chance, as well as your answer to it. I took a liking to that certain answer, as it was something an intelligent and non-hypocritical person would say.
Truly, I wonder why I was compelled to write this message. Perhaps it was the wish help a person with similar problems or perhaps it's just an excuse for idling and occupying my thoughts from more important, uncomfortable matters.
Before carrying on with this message I wish to relay some information about myself.
In my past I was a pathological idler, a chronic thinker and at times perhaps a terminal worrier. I don't fancy myself a special existence. In fact I stopped thinking about any matters humans in our generation possibly can't find an answer to. I watched anime since my teens but not as much out of infatuation or adoration rather than desperately trying to escape reality and problems. Anime influenced me, it estranged me from public reality. It made me overly dramatic and intensified the way I feel. It's probably a common thing for anime viewers, even if most aren't aware of it. Doing things, and perhaps not doing things, influences us, whether we like it or not. Perhaps abusing anime as a way to avoid problems is a reason I am not too fond of it, even though there still remain a few shows I enjoyed.
Now, after giving you all this information you don't really need, I want to say a few things I find necessary in order to conclude with this whole idea of writing you.
Thinking excessively will make you unhappy, without fail. Nothing human can escape it and probably never will. Accepting the truths of this world will take a toll on your mind and emotions. If those truths don't hold practical value for your live, I'd recommend to not burn through your resources just for the sake of knowing the truth. Think about all those great artists, authors and thinkers who, at some point decided to take their own lives.
In order to accomplish things in life, discipline is needed. Letting your focus scatter in all directions will only amount to a small breeze in a turbulent world.
Most likely, we are the same in regard to how our isolation and idling (which goes hand in hand) has damaged our social perception. More than often have I thought someone disliked me or was bothered by me only to find out they don't or perhaps even like me. If you aren't used to social situations, try to consciously lower your sensitivity to others actions and words. All people that hurt are hurting themselves. Don't place to much value on negative events. People who don't spend much time with other people tend to fall in a black and white schema. If you meet 3 people a day and 1 reacts negative to you, it would probably bother you more than if you met 50 people a day and 1 reacts negative. It's all a matter of perception.
Hmm, whatelse... Yes. Baby-steps. It's a plain truth, but still, humans are what they are used to do. If your habits don't support your dreams and goals, it will be difficult to achieve them, if not impossible. We are, more so than what we think and say, what we do. Thoughts compel words and words compel action. If your thoughts and words are different from what you do, then that's the definition of 'lacking integrity'. A lack of integrity can have many reasons, in my case it may well have been a crippling fear of failure. I believe there's no shame in admitting faults and past failures, only in not changing them despite having the option.
We humans are constantly changing. Everday bears a new reality, a new self and a new opportunity, while sounding very romantic, it's not too far off.
If you change something and keep at it, you will change without fail, your reality will change without fail.
Slow and steady wins the race.
In the future, there will be, trust me, many times when you feel unhappy, maybe also depressed and in the worst case (which I don't hope) even suicidal. All of this is a certain thought response to pain and suffering. If you concentrate on negativity and problems in your life you will naturally enhance and strengthen those problems and negativity. We value what we invest time and energy in, even the negative things. If you focus on the problem you are the problem. Focus on the solution instead, and if there is no solution, then the problem is no problem but a fact to accept. Don't occupy your time with things you can't change.
Life will beat you down in the future, many times. But I doesn't matter how hard you get hit, or how hard you can hit back.The only thing that matters is how hard you can get hit, and still keep going. That's how winning is done. Fail, and still keep going. No one is a winner because they always win. Winners are winners because they try until they win. Because they keep going despite feeling bad and depressed. Because they keep going despite wanting to stop. It's so important to not run away from your pain but feel it. Only when you truly feel your own pain is when pain loses it's bite. It's the fear of pain and the fear of fear that's crippling humans. Doubt has killed more dreams than failure ever will.
Hmm.. Usually I don't like to get all philosophical like that. In fact I dislike philosophy, why isn't important for now.
Let me say, I very much commend you for giving up anime. It's a safe haven for lost souls. A way to gain experiences and emotions humans want and need but are unable to get on their own in real life. I don't look down on anyone watching anime, but may it sound arrogant, I very much have compassion.
People forget oh so often how limited their youth and time is, and I think anyone can spend it better than in front of a display if they are truly willing. But addiction isn't called addiciton for nothing and many people fall into it's vicious cycle.
if you truly want to follow your dreams, no matter how hard it is - take baby steps. Even if it's just studying for 1 minute. this one minute will strengthen your will and resolve. 1 Minute, do it again and again. 1 minute will become 10 and 10 will become a 100. Time can be your worst enemy, or best friend, depending on how you use it. It's all about stay on the right track.
I could ruminate about much more things, but taking into account that you may not even be interested in anything I wrote so far, or even cringe at it, it would be most logical to stop. In the end I just wanted to selfishly satisfy an urge of unknown origins.
I am sure you will find your way, just find your anchor in reality. As I am now, I very much can say that your 'condition' or call it state of being can be cured. I have a good amount of friends, regularly hit the gym and keep up with my studies just fine, you can too. Don't be swayed by impulses. Keep at it. Grasp your door to reality. Escapism only leads to oblivion. Doing the right things, even if it feels uncomfortable, will shape you and your perception will gradually change.
Reality is something that is created when a lot of people come together and recognize it as real. Only the things you take to reality, the feelings, the thoughts words and actions you take along with you, no matter where they are from, can have an influence on reality. If there are things from fantasies, like anime or manga that move you, then take them with you, to reality, and make those things reality.
Don't worry about being courteous, you don't need to reply. As I said, I only acted out on an urge of mine. In a week I will probably look over it once and cringe at what I have written, even though it holds true for me.
I wish you best of luck, in reality.
God bless you.
Also, about my anime list: The list is huge and is comprised of many different genres. Not everything on it is something I'd actually recommend for the following reasons:
A) I've been watching anime for a very, very long time. Since I was four years old, in fact. This list includes EVERYTHING that I've ever seen, and not all the shows we think are amazing as children still hold up to scrutiny later in life. (Although some do, happily)
b) Some of the stuff I watched were not things I watched because I actually desired to. Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, for example. I find the show dull and too fanservicey but one of my best friends loves it (his all-time favorite, in fact) so I watched all four seasons upon his request just so he'd have someone to talk about it with.
c) Some of the things I watched I ABSOLUTELY HATED. Examples: School Days was utter garbage, as was Delinquent in Drag. Buddha Saitan was boring as hell. The lead character of Don't Leave My Alone Daisy was too obnoxious to make the show watchable and I don't recommend ANYBODY watch Maiden Rose. Also couldn't get past the first two episodes of Guilty Crown and fail to understand the show's appeal.
If you have a question about anything particular on my list feel free to ask!