Welcome To The Completionist Zone!

Who Am I?
I am a Completionist. All Anime and Manga will be Watched and Read. ALL FILLERS episodes will be enjoyed. I watch and read THE LOWEST SCORED/RATED/RANKED ANIMES/MANGA ON Myanimelist. I am a Masochist - (a person who enjoys an activity that appears to be painful or tedious). I am chronically online at this point, I have so much time on my hands, I do play some video games, but I am giving more time to anime and manga!
I will now start to discuss more about anime/manga and write notes about it so that I stay interactive with anime and manga.
When did I start watching anime?
I started watching anime when I was VERY young (5) I started with the Pokemon Movie 3 which I watched a lot as a kid, in addition to this I watched the Pokemon: Pichu to Pikachu Movie and Pokémon: Pichu Bros in Party Panic a ridiculous amount of times. I generally enjoyed watching episodes as a child as you can imagine I was so young I didn't even know what a series was until I was 12. Series that I would watch as a kid episode by episode on TV were Monsuno, Digimon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Beyblade, Bakugan Battle Brawlers, and many more.
I then turned 12 and was more into anime and started watching whole series. Some of the shows that I started watching were One Punch Man, Tokyo Ghoul, Hunter x Hunter, One Piece, Bleach, Code Geass, Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works, Fire Force, and many more. I look at these series and think this series was so recent but in actuality, I am just really young lol.
I enjoy old shows and of course trash shows, I like the 4:3 Aspect ratio and when the anime quality is older this reminds me of the good old days. Also, ALL friend requests are welcome and accepted! I do also read other things not just manga.
Here is an example of the 4:3 Aspect Ratio:

How will you watch all anime and manga?
I only mean that I will aim to complete all anime and manga that I can complete, and this will be a significant amount of anime (No figure of course)
Firstly, I have some calculations
- They include Openings and Endings being skipped.
- My watch time speed (1.5x)
- The most accurate amount of time I could possibly watch anime in a day which is 8 hours.
So here is the stats...
There are around 26,000 anime on MyanimeList. If all anime were 12-episode anime (1 Cour Anime). This is how long it will take:

Around 12,000 of these animes are series (12 episodes, 24 episodes, 52 episodes, etc).
The rest would be those 1-minute music videos that we love so much, movies, OVAs, ONAs, Hentai, and Pv's, etc... I think you get the idea.
If only 12,000 anime are 12-episode series, let's recalculate:

So essentially it is possible, I'm not too bothered with the stats at this point, but hey it is interesting to see some rough estimates.
I understand that it is possible to watch all animes on this site in my life (Although it will take some time). However, when it comes to manga it is impossible by my calculations to finish every manga, this is due to the sheer amount of manga that is released and is out there.
Anyway, I know I am going to get far! :)
All in all, there it is, and the figures are out! Not much to say.
Why are your ratings so low?
I am a harsh rater. I have to relate to the anime in some way for it to even get above a 1. The only anime I currently have at a 10 is Monster, and I believe it will hold that rating.
What speed do you watch anime in?
I watch anime in 1.5x. I enjoy watching at this speed as it allows me to experience the anime as I would in real life, the faster the more compact the more real it is.
Do you watch ALL filler episodes?
Yes, I Watch all filler episodes for every anime, even for the long-running shonen
How many chapters/episodes can you watch in 10 hours?
-I can watch around 43 Episodes in 10 hours (Skipping OP's and ED's)
-I can read around 80-100 Chapters of Manga in this time.
Do you read the manga you have already watched the anime for from the beginning?
Every manga is read from Chapter 1. So yes.
Do you change your ratings often?
Yes. I often review my list after seeing clips or potential content/rewatches that make me rethink my rating for that anime.
Did you collect anything?
Yes! When I Was 6 I used to have Beyblades and a complete stadium to battle, Monsuno toys, Pokemon Cards, Yu-Gi-Oh! cards, Bakugan Dragonoid was one of my favorite toys (I had other Bakugan), more Pokemon Toys and I also collected Match Attacks (Football Cards). So you could say anime was a big part of my life at a young age and still is!
Why Johan?
I think that Johan is an influential character, he is very secretive and smart in his execution and planning not much more to say.
"One must have many faces in order to manipulate society. The masses don't care about results. They believe the image that is sold to them, and from that they create heroes". - Chairman Mori (Anime: Rekka no Honoo)
"Spend more time training than you do sleeping".
Parkinson's Law is that work expands to fill the time allotted for its completion.
"I know that I know nothing" - Socrates
"One thing that harms a man is his ego, his need excessive need to be right. You must destroy your ego or it will destroy you." - AllAlone8
"Remain humble and receive humbling rewards" - AllAlone8
On the whole, Enjoy Anime, Manga, Light Novels, Novels etc... :)
Additionally, I will stay single my entire life and remain a bachelor, this is my personal decision. :)
If you have the same goals as me, let me know, my discord is down below!
Page 1 Of My Anime Journey
Not Rated Anime
Page 1 Of My Manga Journey
Not Rated Manga
Do you have a discord, or is there any way to contact you?
Yes here is my Discord :) https://discord.gg/aHrHTVQBBG
I also have an Anilist: https://anilist.co/user/AllAlone8/
1917-1960 Anime
All Comments (18) Comments
I recently got an oled monitor which makes 4:3 even better since you can’t see the black bars in the dark
I recommend Sony Trinitron monitors if you do end up looking into getting one.
Anyway, I think your profile is cool and I like completionist communities in general cause you guys are people that are genuinely dedicated to your hobby so good luck to your challenge!!!
Nowadays I have to force myself just to watch 2 episodes.
I really do want to keep enjoying anime/manga but it just doesn't feel the same. How do you do it?
Thank you for the friend request :)