''If you don't plan to do anything until you've been taught, then teaching you will change nothing.''
-Goblin Slayer.
''Being Weak is nothing to be ashamed of, staying weak is.''
-Fuegoleon Vermilion.
''Human strength lies in the ability to change yourself.''
''It is no sin to fight for what is right.''
-Android 16.
''Nobody has ever accomplished anything without the will to see their efforts through. For what is progress but the attempt to move ever forward?''
-Lizardman Shaman
"The sound of the Gion Shoja bells echoes the impermanence of all things; the color of the sala flowers reveals the truth that the prosperous must decline. However, only we are the exception".
-Literally me
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Ya lo podés marcar como completo, momento triste.
Supongo así se sienten los jojofans cuando sus 4 primeras partes son una cagada.