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Days: 74.7
Mean Score: 9.15
  • Total Entries250
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Kuroko no Basket 3rd Season
Kuroko no Basket 3rd Season
Mar 11, 7:45 PM
Watching 1/25 · Scored -
Kuroko no Basket 2nd Season
Kuroko no Basket 2nd Season
Mar 11, 7:12 PM
Completed 25/25 · Scored 9
Feb 26, 7:28 PM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 10
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 11.7
Mean Score: 8.92
  • Total Entries61
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  • Chapters1,507
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Ningyou no Kuni
Ningyou no Kuni
Sep 17, 2022 12:25 PM
Completed 54/54 · Scored 7
Made in Abyss
Made in Abyss
Nov 3, 2021 4:16 PM
Reading 61/? · Scored 9
Jan 7, 2021 11:28 AM
Completed 93/93 · Scored 9

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aaronluis26 Aug 27, 2010 1:05 PM
Awww, well thanks :) And thanks for being patient with me. How have you been doing? :)

Origa-san Aug 5, 2010 2:19 AM
you are welcome ^^
Origa-san Aug 4, 2010 3:28 AM

Origa-san Jul 31, 2010 10:41 AM
aaronluis26 Jul 24, 2010 10:45 AM
HEY MIKI!!! *hugs* I'm really sorry I haven't been on in so long :( I've missed you too. I'm going to post another comment a little later because I don't have enough time to type out an appropriate comment now. It's really nice hearing from you Miki :) I'll definitely talk to you later :)
aaronluis26 Mar 28, 2010 5:02 AM
Ooooh, haha, okay >.< That sound good! xDD I'll have to try it later, providing I remember xD What site do you usually play Jam Legend on?

Well, they were xD I don't know what to say now. Dmitry posted a blog entry saying it was the end and even one of their Veoh's board members tweeted that "Veoh is dead." However, when I was searching through the forums last week, I noticed an administrator deleted a thread that made mention of them shutting down and the reason they gave was that they might not have to chapter 7 (like they were planning) and may continue operating. So I don't know what to say now xD
aaronluis26 Mar 16, 2010 11:09 AM
Haha, yeah true xD

Oh yeah! You told me about that game before. I almost forgot about it until you just mentioned it. I remember trying it once when you told me about before, but I forgot how I did with that xD For some reason I always stink at playing any game like Guitar Hero xD Robot Unicorn Attack?! xD Haha, I'll have to try that. The title sounds fun xD Yeah maybe, but I guess it all depends on the games you like to play. Hmmm, but thinking about it, the Nintendo DS sounds like it could be the perfect game system for you. It has a lot of cool games similar to what you play on the computer :D

Haha, yeah xD The only time I ever worry about the weather ruining my hair is when it's really windy out. It can turn my curly hair into a poofy mess, hahaha xD

Okie dokie :D MyAnimeList is becoming my favorite miscellany account, especially with Veoh shutting down. OH! This site has a Facebook application that displays your latest updates from MAL on Facebook if you're interested :D

Oh, that must have sucked! :O I hope you didn't have to re-type too much of your message D:
aaronluis26 Mar 14, 2010 1:24 PM
Ooooh :O That's interesting to have spring break during the winter xD Have fun going back to school tomorrow D:

Oh it was fun :D Along with playing video games, we also watched some YouTube videos and The Best of Adam Sandler on Saturday Night Live. My friend got the new Final Fantasy game for the Xbox 360, so I got to check that out. It looks pretty good. Other than Facebook games, have you played any video games recently?

Haha, true xD Today has been really rainy like that. For some reason I find the rain kind of fun. Except when it makes the day feel dreary xD

Doesn't matter to me either :) While I'm trying to spend more time on Facebook, it doesn't matter what account someone replies to me on because I rely on email notifications no matter what site I use.
aaronluis26 Mar 11, 2010 4:15 AM
Oh it's okay. Just reply when you can. Always happy to hear from you when you can :) Good luck with all your school stuff. I bet you can't wait for spring break xD

Glad to hear you had a good birthday :) I've been doing well. Today should be fun for me. I'm going to one of my friend's house today with my brother. Most likely we will play video games and stuff. Other than that, nothing really new. Besides your studies, what's up with you? By the way, if it's easier for you to reply on Facebook, feel free to continue this conversation over there :)
aaronluis26 Feb 19, 2010 2:12 PM
Haha :) Yeah that's because each site can define their own "classes" and "div id's." Once you realize what each one does, the syntax to changing the appearance of it is the same, like changing the font color, etc.

Yeah it was terrible @_@ Even now when I feel get a odd tickling feeling on my arm or something I jump to see what it is xD It's almost always caused by something silly like a loose thread on my shirt xD I once had this very odd experience with cockroaches that I'll never forget. One day I woke up to see a ton of cockroaches just camping on the wall above the stove because it was warm. It was so freaky @__@

Thanks for understanding :) Haha, I go through the same thing xD It becomes worse when someone posts a comment on an account I don't use often because I'll eventually just forget about it completely xD What I'm doing now though is that if I get an email notification that someone sent me a message or posted a profile comment, I leave it unread so I'll remember to reply to that person when I have the chance.

By the way, how was your birthday? :D
aaronluis26 Feb 13, 2010 6:07 PM
You're welcome! :D I was doing the same thing before a friend of mine introduced it to me. Except I had mine saved in a text document on my computer. It's definitely a great site with a very large database :D

Haha, it didn't take me that long to add my stuff to my lists because I didn't have much to add. I probably had only five things completed at the time I made my account xD The biggest list I made was my plan to watch stuff. I had some things written down that people told me about and there were some things I added on a whim because they were recommended by the community here. I haven't added much to my plan to watch list since then because I wanted to start watching stuff on that list before adding more stuff. The only thing is that I haven't really gotten to my plan to watch list because I have been mostly watching shows that are airing.

I know! :D I've wanted to do something special with my list, but I have yet to do so xD I've mainly just added a background and altered the transparency of the list so you can see the background a little bit more. If you want to make your list a little more advanced using CSS and need help with it, just ask and I'll help you :)

Oh my gosh @__________@ I hate cockroaches! When I was younger and living in the apartment building before the one I live in now, we had cockroach problems. I absolutely hated it @_@ It took a few years and multiple exterminations to finally get rid of those things @____@

Sorry for replying so late (as well as my last message on Facebook I sent you). I guess I wasn't really feeling that well and I wasn't active on any of my accounts. I did sign into here a few times, but it was because I watched some stuff and wanted to update my lists.
aaronluis26 Jan 22, 2010 8:06 PM
MIKI!!! *excitedly hugs you* I'm so glad you made an account here! Seeing your comment was such a happy surprise :D
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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