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Naruto Gaiden: Nanadaime Hokage to Akairo no Hanatsuzuki
Jul 3, 2015 9:17 AM
· Scored
All Comments (17) Comments
Soo..are u watching something currently?
I had holidays till today but tomorrow school starts again...I hope i still have time to watch or read
I think too, just write for the fun
Thank you for the compliment about my Tumblr :')
I just red your review about Seven Days and I completely love how you described the story. You should write more review, I think you have a talent for this ;)
And Yes Im Good
Ahh, I see.. Well i'm not sure if you might like it as much then. :/ With me, I got sucked in right at episodes one.. I was hooked on the world and atmosphere this series set up, and I thought the dialogue, especially during Info dump moments was able to keep my attention from diverging. If anything I thought it was the first half that really made the show for me as the second half really focused on this one case, and learning more about the world came second.. Though you're in luck as the Dub just came out and that's how I saw it. The dub was phenomenal (Though mostly anything by Funi is bound to be good) So hopefully that will help change your initial view about the show ^.^
Ahhh Monster.. Where to begin! This is a show where you definitely HAVE to be invested into, in order to fully appreciate. From what i've seen so far, most episodes are really only build ups and fillers to grand events or breakthroughs in the mystery. During these builds up, it's mainly character interactions but also a bit of character development as after a certain amount of episodes, they start changing character perspectives. I'm the same as you, I actually put it on hold for a bit since I can't watch too much episodes a day but now that i'm on march break, i'm trying my best to marathon, but even watching 10 episodes in strenous for Me o__O. All in all, I would say watch it when you have the time.. It's not something that you have to immediately see but it can get interesting during some parts..
If you're looking for a serious toned anime though, I can't recommend enough: Psycho-Pass, probably the best show i've seen this year so far.. There's a well balance of Mystery, Action and grit that can almost easily hook you x)