Rin. Aspiring graphical artist, photographer, musician, and future cosmetologist. Seventeen years old and currently loafing around, procrastinating on going to beauty school. Has a hate for homophobes, politicians, and two faced ass holes. I do drugs, I drink, I curse, and I definitely don't label my self, if you don't like it too fucking bad. Shy, wanna-be-optimist, crazy, and some times a bit moody. Take it or leave it. Being individual is what I'm all about, what you think doesn't matter. If there was ever any one who would give any thing in the world to be at musical rehearsals all day instead of work, I would be that one. Drama and theater is part of my life, despite my large lack of confidence. I can sing, but if you ask me to I probably wont, though perhaps if I like you or you get me trashed I might. I've been studying Japanese history as well as the language since the age of eight, don't bother trying to prove me wrong. Also, if you watch anime all day and think you know even a single thing about Japan, don't even bother trying to speak to me. I've beaten Tales of Symphonia thirty one times to date and in sixteen hours and forty nine minutes. Don't even try to prove me wrong about that game.
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