About Me
I’m a very mellow person and rarely stressed. I like to take it easy and go with the flow most of the time. Often times this gives people the impression that I lack goals and ambitions, and that couldn’t be farther from the truth. I can become very competitive, though that’s a rare occurrence depending on what we’re talking about. My interests include my girlfriend, my three cats, and writing. On my off time I like to watch anime, of course.
All Comments (138) Comments
(Also, crazy, you were last online on my eighth birthday.)
I've got two games to play now.. the SMT game and WoW (they wanted me to play.. I finally gave in >.>;;)
So newly wed =P.. well it's been a month, hasn't it? XD Congratulations!!
How are you?
XD Yeah, I heard Shaiya is very PvP based... the graphics imo seem a lot better than WoW xD
Ultimate Mode sounds scary though.. be dead for longer than 3 minutes and you lose your char completely @.@;
Haha, poor you, being called every 5 minutes.. xD
Wow, you got your mom playing it o.O; at one point all my cousins except me played WoW. But that died too.
Haha, I'm kinda the same though, get everyone to play one game... but in the end I'm ahead of everyone so I end up getting bored and try something new. xD