I take everything related to "anime" seriously! +_+
Well.. some things about my profile and "me":
I don't give score to ovas and specials(same score from the TV) only TV and movies but some ovas like Hellsing Ultimate deserves a score of course.
I hate sooo f****** much the bad endings and sad endings.. I can give 6,5 or a bad score to a anime which deservers 10 because of the bad ending! -.-
I like ecchi,seinen and shounen so much! (Seinen much more *.* !)..... GORE..BLOOD...NUDISM... HAHAHAHAHAH!!! LOL sorry.. it was not me xDDD!
All Comments (10) Comments
[color=Lightseagreen]Hello, dear chillers. I know it's been a while since you get a newsletter from the club (I'm sorry for being lazy) but I have good news to make up for it. Our Chill Club already has 1000+ members o/
Now, without further hindrance here's news about the club
Sign up here if you want to get more newsletters.
You can find your membership card located here: http://dropcanvas.com/pk0l2
If there are any issues let me know so that I can get it corrected as quickly as possible.
I'm here to inform you that AnimeHQ has become an inactive club. It is regrettable, especially as club activities never quite happened, but that's the way it goes sometimes.
I will also take this chance to inform you of a similar club that has recently been undergoing revisions, called the VIA. http://myanimelist.net/clubs.php?cid=38689
The VIA is currently looking for more members, as most of the ones it has right now have since left due to a period of inactivity.
Please take a look through the club and think about joining if you liked the idea of AnimeHQ. Reviews have actually been made in the VIA, 5 as of right now, 3 of which have been made by my own division, Graveyard.
You can find a link to VIA reviews in the bottom graphic, just click on reviews.
Thank you for your time.
- Former AnimeHQ Admin, Kami no Kage
Este un site in limba engleza, care pe langa articole si discutii ce privesc ANIME, mai acopera si industria cinematografica si muzicala din China, Japonia si Coreea. Va invitam sa il vizitati si sa ramaneti alaturi de noi. Suntem la inceput de drum dar ne miscam foarte bine, iar feedback-ul din partea voastra ne va ambitiona sa mergem mai departe. Postam frecvent articole bine documentate si interesante. Avem si un playlist cu melodii foarte diverse, pe care va invitam sa le ascultati. Avem deasemenea si forum: http://oriental-farrago.com/forum/ Doar o mica remarca, cei care au gmail s-ar putea sa primeasca mailul de confirmare in SPAM asa ca sa verificati. Va asteptam! Vizitati si pagina noastra de facebook: https://www.facebook.com/orientalfarrago
Either way to anyone of you new or not we have a new Anime Review you can join right now if your interested that is so check it out. http://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=699805
Oh and one more thing i thought i would do a little advertising because in the future we plan on doing video reviews on this channel. Its my reviewing channel but want to turn it into a community type channel so if you want check it out as well. http://www.youtube.com/user/TehAnimeHQ
- Calal321
If you haven't already, take a look at our very first club design, completed just recently! http://myanimelist.net/clubs.php?cid=40335
We have finished organizing ourselves, and club activities have finally started! Please take a look at the very first poll for our very first club review! http://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=698833
We hope you all have fun, let's get along together!
- Kami no Kage
PS: From me personally, if you need help editing your profile I can teach you. "-Kazu" told you that bbcode is disabled temporarily on MAL, and this is true, but it hasn't been disabled on profiles or in clubs. You can still edit those as much as you want.
You use BBcode, which is currently disabled temporarily on MAL.