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Days: 220.5
Mean Score: 8.14
  • Total Entries836
  • Rewatched34
  • Episodes13,085
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Dragon Ball Daima
Dragon Ball Daima
Mar 3, 12:42 PM
Completed 20/20 · Scored 7
Hibike! Euphonium 3
Hibike! Euphonium 3
Jan 5, 3:01 AM
Completed 13/13 · Scored 9
Blue Lock vs. U-20 Japan
Blue Lock vs. U-20 Japan
Dec 30, 2024 7:37 AM
Completed 14/14 · Scored 9
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 103.2
Mean Score: 8.66
  • Total Entries1,066
  • Reread3
  • Chapters15,435
  • Volumes1,743
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Bleach: Gokui Meimei-hen
Bleach: Gokui Meimei-hen
Aug 11, 2021 6:02 AM
Completed 1/1 · Scored 8
Dagashi Kashi
Dagashi Kashi
Jan 5, 2021 9:07 AM
Completed 186/186 · Scored 8
Violence Action
Violence Action
Jul 10, 2020 7:38 AM
Plan to Read · Scored -

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Huss Feb 3, 2019 4:38 PM
Greetings human, I have came in peace. I am sorry for being uninvited for this holy place of yours. I have seen the show Uchouten Kazoku ( the eccentric family). I wanted to discuss it with people. sadly the people i knew weren't that eager to discuss it with me or there wasn't that enough of people that liked it enough to have a proper discussion with me. Either way, i wanted to talk to new people. I want to seek new people and new opinions. whether i disagree with them or not, i shall gain some new perspectives and stuff i am sure i am not aware of. the other reason for me to do this is to make my conversation skills bigger and better. i want my critical thinking and my expression skills about anime to go higher this way conversations and discussions will be more effective and more fun for both parties. I wanted to talk to as much people as i can. i have went to the anime page in MAL, and have looked over the people who gave good or positive scores for this anime. I then later went over your profile and made sure that you have relatively good taste, regardless if i disagree with you or not. I have selected people who have a profile picture which indicates that such person like is OK with being social, or i assumed. i am sorry if this not the case and i was mistaken. This massage you see here have been sent to the dozen of people i have selected by hand. i made this massage unnecessarily long so i can trust you are comfortable with me talking to you in long posts in the next days to come when we discuss the various topics, specifically Uchouten Kazoku. I am again sorry for the intrusion and regardless if you are OK with me talking with you about this anime, i wish you a good week and successful life.
Kasou Feb 17, 2016 2:01 AM

NipponjinKazuya Dec 29, 2015 11:43 PM
i still am and quite frankly i have yet to meet someone that held a grudge like that. it may be someone's reality but honestly get off of your high horse
NipponjinKazuya Dec 28, 2015 11:50 AM
i was expecting the MC to not be butthurt about a small argument. while i do agree that for its genre it does meet the storyline but i really hated the characters
NipponjinKazuya Dec 27, 2015 10:47 AM
i have odd taste and i get plenty of hate from it but i needed to vent in a nonconsequntial environment so i came to the internet
NipponjinKazuya Dec 27, 2015 10:46 AM
i really just havent gotten around to it. i hate it others like it. what's the big deal? im stating an opinion that i formed by watching it and if you disagree that cool. i really dont care
foreturiga Sep 15, 2015 11:49 AM
Novel kalau sudah dilisensi matang ada yg translate. Spice wolf sih cuma Karena banyak peminat nya aja makanya tetap diterjemahkan. Lihat email utk list ln
foreturiga Aug 25, 2015 7:31 PM
biaya hidupnya yg tinggi, utk tbc sih sudah membaik, setidaknya cuma minum obat. tapi kakinya butuh latihan.
foreturiga Aug 25, 2015 7:17 PM
treatmentnya masih jalan. aku masih belum tahu kapan balik tapi mungkin kalau sudah sembuh dan ada duitnya masih mungkin langsung balik. tapi kalau melihat euro mungkin harus ditunda
Kynov Dec 18, 2014 6:18 PM

Hello there IALC Member! Newsletter kali ini kita akan menyampaiakan beberapa event yang berlangsung di IALC untuk akhir tahun.

Pertama-tama adalah Voting Anime Fall 2014 terbaik! Karena fall sudah memasuki akhir dan beberapa seriesnya sudah berakhir maka kita adakan kembali event voting musiman! Silahkan berpartisipasi

Lalu berikutnya kita mengadakan Nominasi Anime of the Year 2014! Nominasikan anime anime 2014 pilihanmu untuk masuk voting di awal tahun 2015 nanti! Silahkan kunjungi threadnya

And lastly, we got gathering IALC end of the year di Bandung! bagi yang ingin bergabung untuk akhir tahunan bareng kita pada tanggal 28 bisa ikut ramaikan akhir tahun ini! Threadnya bisa cek disini :
Regional jawa barat dan sekitarnya sangat dianjurkan untuk datang!

Nah sekian newsletter ini semoga kamu bisa ikut partisipasi di event akhir tahunan ini! See you there!

nekoyaki Oct 3, 2014 9:07 AM

=IALC Newsletter=
Halo halo semua member IALC, mohon maaf menggangu jika menganggu tapi kami ingin coba sampaikan beberapa hal yang berlangsung di IALC saat ini

Pertama adalah Voting Best Summer 2014 Anime sedang kita selanggarakan, bagi teman teman yang sudah menonton dan ingin mendukung anime favorit di musim itu silahkan datang dan vote~.
Berikut link threadnya, IALC Vote Anime Summer 2014 Terbaik

Lalu selanjutnya adalah Grup LINE IALC! beberapa waktu yang lalu kita coba buat untuk mempermudah komunikasi antar member dan ini berhasil, ayo bergabung di grup LINE kita bagi yang memiliki smartphone ataupun android user di PC.
Dan ini link threadnya, IALC LINE Group

Sekian saja newsletter untuk saat ini, semoga teman teman dapat ikut berpartisipasi di kegiatan yang sedang kita adakan ini.
Jika ada pertanyaan jangan sungkan untuk bertanya di club ataupun lewat kami admin dan officer. :3
foreturiga Dec 22, 2012 4:56 AM
tvtropes cari aja Winter 2013 Anime
kimi ni todoke udah kumasukin list. mungkin liburan baru kuhabisin listnya
foreturiga Dec 9, 2012 9:48 PM
basicnya sih cuma 3d modeling, hampir sama dengan blender. tapi fokusnya memang untuk music video. dan kelebihannya cuma banyak database dari vocaloid community.
Aoya Nov 1, 2012 2:35 AM

patkaiclan Oct 24, 2012 4:20 PM
angel beats? ttg band2 gitu? segeralah gw tonton skrg wkwk
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