Passionate Anime & Manga lover. Also an amateur shogi player, with a lot of love. I'm really into japanese culture since I was a kid and I have a lot of interest in japanese literature, philosofy, etc. I really like to study anime at some point, trying to understand it's archetypes, it's structure, and so, I think japanese fiction has a importan role to play in how fiction is going to work in the years to come. I also like to draw, I mostly do realistic drawings. Ajinomoto's the name, streets n' creeps the game.
I'm Mexican, non native english speaker, so, have patience with my english. Gracias.
Pesca la sífilis pequeño ingrato; que sin cien ni quince monedas al aire te salvarás de su gran propagación e inmundicia. Porque pecas y eres pecado, eres pescado, como gran trucha salvaje, que entre las hojas te escondes, cobarde, sin ruidos ni miedos te paras en seis patas para marfullar lo que alguna vez fuiste y no te respetas. Por eso péscala ya y jamás voltees atrás. Te amo, K. Johny.
I like to write nonsense bullshit in an instant just like the thing above. Translate it to english and's going to be fun. Saludos, marcianos.
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