I've heard of the ravages of time and I've been meaning to check it out for years. I probably will do so sometime soon, although since it's quite a long read it may take some time to get the motivation to start it. What makes it so impressive for you? I have a lot of friends who think very highly of it, so I'm sure that I will enjoy it when I do read it! Although I must admit, that's very high praise to call it the greatest work of fiction of all time! It will be very difficult to surpass my favourite work, ojamajo doremi though. It's been my sole favourite for 5 years, and nothing that I've seen has really evoked such an intense emotional connection as doremi for me, so it definitely sets the bar high for the ravages of time!
Anyway thanks for accepting the request! All the best
Hey! I'm nobody really, I just found your taste interesting and I enjoy having conversations with like minded people on this site! I hope you don't mind the friend request, but you're welcome to decline!
Saw it a couple years ago. It's also great and still holds up. One of the best endings to a TV show I've seen.
I really want to check out the other series he created, The Romanoffs. It didn't get picked up for more than 1 season, but just having Matthew Weiner's name attached is enough to pique my interest.
I think it's a pretty incredible way of towing the line between the levels of optimism and hope with the inherent cynicism of the series. Don drops everything after realizing how shallow and empty his life is of fulfillment. By the end, he does find happiness, even if only temporary, and goes on to share it with the world. On the other hand, by finding his inspiration, Don Draper exploits the counterculture movements of the time with one of the most successful advertisements in American history. Both readings are valid and stem from different lines of thought; one centered around the protagonist, the other more based in sociology. The way it managed to keep both perspectives in check for so long is very impressive - it's one of the reasons I've referred to Mad Men as the closest thing television has to a "Great American Novel".
I stopped after S2. Not a bad show or anything. It's just hard to keep with it when I'm not particularly invested after several episodes and would rather try other things.
Hey man, glad to hear you've started watching one of my faves.
My favourite season would've been either 3 or 4. I found those to have some of the most interesting developments with the cast and rarely (if at all) feeling like it should've been shorter or cut some material. However, the best moments/scenes I remember from the show tended to happen between the last few seasons.
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🔷🔷🔷✨ Hello Do42! :3 ✨🔷🔷🔷
🔷🔷🔷✨ How are you today? :3 ✨🔷🔷🔷
🔷🔷🔷✨ Hope you are enjoying your life. ;3 ✨🔷🔷🔷
✨ @Ado42
Anyway thanks for accepting the request! All the best
All the best
I really want to check out the other series he created, The Romanoffs. It didn't get picked up for more than 1 season, but just having Matthew Weiner's name attached is enough to pique my interest.
Matthew Weiner was on one when he made this.
My favourite season would've been either 3 or 4. I found those to have some of the most interesting developments with the cast and rarely (if at all) feeling like it should've been shorter or cut some material. However, the best moments/scenes I remember from the show tended to happen between the last few seasons.