All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 271.4
Mean Score:
- Watching44
- Completed803
- On-Hold25
- Dropped138
- Plan to Watch187
- Total Entries1,197
- Rewatched3
- Episodes16,857
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 153.5
Mean Score:
- Total Entries307
- Reread0
- Chapters27,380
- Volumes300
All Comments (2) Comments
Colorful Cards:
Bunkasai Signatures:
If anyone needs help with installing signatures and adding a link to the image (you can link it to a page with your Bunkasai collection!), I have a recorded guide here. More designing info and help in our club stickies.
Thanks for participating in the Bunkasai, you helped make it a big success 🙏
So you're watching Gintama that's great.
Well let me give you an advice.
Just for the information.
The first Episodes and the following first Episodes can be quite average.
I know that it can be for many people. So maybe for you as well.
But it will improve a lot afterwards.
So I hope you will keep on watching Gintama.