Currently,im taking a break from anime and investing my free time in mangas,short-story and novels.
I am fine with any genre as long as the show has a solid structure,a good build up,proper transitions,perfect timing of minor to major events,a deep and thought provoking story which indulges you,original and creative,proper usage of the cast.The events should be meaningful and not out of place.The characters shouldn't be bystanders. Every character should be created for a purpose.They should contribute to the progression of the story rather than doing nothing and wasting dialogues.It doesn't take a huge cast to create a show.A good and efficient creator can come up with a better show using a far less number of casts just by using them creatively,purposefully and efficiently.Its usually this quality that separates a great show from a good show.
Animation and Soundtrack s shouldn't be included as the main criteria s when judging a show.Their purpose is to just add feels to the show.Thats that.Nothing more.You can add top class animation and sountrack to Mars of Destruction, but it will still remain Mars of Destruction.You can add average animation and soundtrack to FMAB and it will still remain FMAB.In a nutshell, Efficiency is a must,beauty is optional.Proper execution of the resources at your disposal is the sign of a good show.
I don't have a problem with the pacing of a show.The thing that matters is how efficient each episodes/chapters are.A great show gives attention to both story progression and character development at the same time,thus making the show flow smoothly.Spending some episodes/Chapters to solely develop your characters is also forgivable.Wasting episodes/chapters neither developing your characters nor progressing the story is a sign of a poor show.
A show should also not be judged by its conclusion. It really doesnt matter at all if the ending is 'happy" or "sad".It doesnt matter if the protagonist won or died.What matters is how the show has reached its conclusion.(The Dark Knights ending is perfect example of a solid ending).
A deep story,creativity,the ability to surprise u,Solid structure,lack of plot holes,plot armours,lack of dx machinas,maintaing a good rythm,synchronization of every events taking place,a solid ending are the hallmarks of a great show.
Whew.As for me,my fav genres are:psychological, mystery,thriller,suspense,adventure, satirical comedy and parody.I also dont mind romance,SoL,sports,action,drama,historical if the stories are good.
This is how i normally rate anime/movies/series/etc:
8-10:These are highly entertaing and at the same time,maintains a solid structure.Its usually the quality of build ups,transitions,timing,creativity in handling the cast that separetes 8,9 and 10.
7:Structure and the fundamentals arent as solid but has good entertainment value.
5-6:has many plotholes,cover ups but can be enjojable to some.
4-1:Structure is nonexistent.It doesnt even entertain.It gets worse as the rating decreases.3-1 are a complete waste of money and insult to the audiences.
I would recommend u to watch 6-10s.
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anyway in BD system I will be first year of HSC
Really liked your Anime ratings...amar sathe onek mil ase :)
I think You're a petty shitty person, and you're insecure, and you're taking it out on me! Seek help! OwO