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A_Painting Jul 7, 2020 8:12 AM

I have not been using this account for over a month and you still continue to stalk me with your accounts that always just so happen to link to your blog. Please realize this is utterly transparent. Your writing style across your accounts is the same. You even make alt accounts that are literally numbered:

The amount of hypocrisy in your comment, both in terms of rhetoric and content, is baffling. How you can present yourself as fighting for positivity when actively massvoting on reviews to drown out an individual you disagree with (even on a my Darwin's Game review, where suddenly four people received ~20 upvotes overnight, after the reviews had been stagnating at one vote per day) and stalking their profile with different alt accounts, acting as if you are a reader of your blog approaching me with good intentions, it is really beyond me. I wasn't going to make my knowledge of this public myself because I genuinely felt sorry for you, because I believed the truth that is readily apparent to anyone who finds more than one of your over a dozen alt accounts and more incriminatingly your hunt after user Soulelle for several years to be so pathetic that it should be left undisclosed. But this shit is enough. I have screenshots from at least 8 of your alt accounts, their comments to people, as well as the story surrounding Soulelle years ago backed up locally and on several image hosts, so don't even try to delete it all to cover your sorry ass.

Either approach me with your main account instead of acting like a reader of your backwater blog, or kindly fuck off.
Ryuseishun May 10, 2020 6:04 PM
I know this is late, but I have to wholeheartedly agree with your Koisuru Asteroid review. Ngl, I mentally checked out often watching most of the episodes because the presentation just felt so blunt and lacked genuine characterization. It sucks because CGDCGT anime have been growing redundant or superficial for the most part in the recent years.
RebelPanda May 3, 2020 8:56 AM
My pleasure, good writing should be celebrated, not silenced.

Attracting the occasional crazies who can't handle seeing their favorite anime criticized is inevitable, I'm afraid, but all press is good press :P
literaturenerd May 2, 2020 6:13 PM
I enjoyed your review of Asteroid! Keep up the good work! I’ve been writing reviews on this site for 6 years now and it’s always a pleasure to see someone put in some effort and actually good writing!
CodeBlazeFate Apr 30, 2020 6:09 AM
I'm starting to get the feeling that the artificial upvote surge in the top 4, overwhelmingly positive, Koisuru Asteroud reviews that threw your and GooberFish's negative reviews out might have something to do with that silly blogpost. Also, this line really got to me.

other prolific reviewers have praised A_Painting’s review as being “quick, intelligent, and very readable…succinctly [summarising] its issues; Like [A_Painting] said, its[sic] an amalgamation of genre trappings with little substance”. The self-congratulatory tone of MyAnimeList’s reviewer community is one of the reasons why I do not count reviews posted here being anything approaching useful. The up-vote system, which denotes how “helpful” reviews are, are similarly meaningless. Fortunately, MyAnimeList’s users are aware of the shortcomings of their system. One user notes that the disproportionately high “helpful” ratings of poorly-written reviews come from being the first to write something.

While yes, there are many poorly-written reviews that get popular and put at the top (especially when they are put above whatever I write for the dame show), the dude is abaolutely blind if they think we're just blindly going "good shit ya, wonderful" to someone who specifically asked for legitimate feedback and that we ourselves didn't offer exactly some.of the criticisms they did (except our tone was more constructive). MAL review culture is terrible regarding ratraces but this guy seems to wanna extend that notion to areas that have clearly been misread and misinterperted for the sake of making us look bad. I actually feel like responding, which I may or may not do later, but I get the feeling that might be what the person wants.
AndoCommando Apr 29, 2020 7:01 AM
I stumbled across your profile again and noticed a link to a blog post examining your review. I can't really comment on how accurate most of their claims are since I haven't watched the show, but it was an amusing read for sure. How do you feel about the response?
AndoCommando Apr 11, 2020 5:17 PM
You're welcome. My message was basically just saying that you seemed like a nice person on here and that I enjoyed reading your reviews :)
CodeBlazeFate Apr 11, 2020 4:33 PM
The funniest part is that the reviewer that tried to trash you has been gaining a lot of traction recently yet their content and demeanor are so much worse than yours, and you ended up tearing apart a piece of their content in return with way more detail than they could hope to ever do to yours, and without succumbing to the level of douchebaggery and pettiness they did when providing unsolicited "feedback".
RebelPanda Apr 11, 2020 2:01 PM
A boring review, in my opinion, has bland writing unvaried language/sentence structure, filler to extend word length, and repetition. Your reviews are the opposite: quick, intelligent, and very readable. So don't worry about that, lol!

Kudos to you for dealing with the troll down there professionally.
Dreadogastus_F Apr 10, 2020 8:47 PM
I was glancing at the reviews for Asteroid in Love. Something about your review piqued my interest. I roamed around your completed list for a while. "We agree on that. Look at all these older anime. I don't agree with that." Found a few titles that I added to my Plan to Watch List. (Like I needed anymore :) )
I chuckled at how you tore apart the grammar of a troll.
Nothing special to say. Wishing you good health here in the year of the plague.
RebelPanda Apr 10, 2020 2:56 PM
Sorry for the late response.

Just watched a bit of Koisuru and I think you succinctly summarized its issues; Like you said, its an amalgamation of genre trappings with little substance.

Well structured, good pacing, no fluff. Your opinions and statements are backed up with references to the content. I think even people who haven't seen the anime can make a judgment based on your review with all your clear comparisons to other, better, anime. I really enjoyed it. One thing I think you could try to experiment with is injecting some flavor. I love seeing relatability and a fun tone in reviews like you're conversing with us. If you would prefer a more professional style more power to you, I think you rock it.
CodeBlazeFate Apr 9, 2020 3:15 PM
Trust me, it probably won't, especially if a certain bout of infamous individuals on the site find you. It's not the most common occurrence unless you roam around in the forums which allow you to get treated to waves upon waves of idiocy and belligerence, but as a reviewer, you'll probably get a few more people shaking their fists at you every now and again. I'm surprised I don't get it more often compared to some of my friends like RebelPanda.
CodeBlazeFate Apr 9, 2020 9:10 AM
wew I see you already got into your first MAL drama or confrontation. Some people are just aggressive and unreasonable here, especially towards reviewers, even if they're reviewers themselves.
LordSozin Apr 9, 2020 8:19 AM
"Are all people on the site here like this?!"

No, only the easily triggered ones.
A_Painting Apr 9, 2020 12:02 AM
Upon further consideration I have blocked this individual. Being so pathetic as to need to lie about me having my PMs open or not is really just ridiculous. Are all people on the site here like this?!
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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