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Ore dake Level Up na Ken Season 2: Arise from the Shadow
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Okinawa de Suki ni Natta Ko ga Hougen Sugite Tsurasugiru
Okinawa de Suki ni Natta Ko ga Hougen Sugite Tsurasugiru
Mar 21, 7:02 PM
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Dr. Stone: Science Future
Dr. Stone: Science Future
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Llafos Feb 8, 2015 5:48 AM

Haine Nov 21, 2014 3:25 AM
Nah :( all of us are busy don't worry , I feel bad when I reply super mega late T_T

You won't regret watching believe me just prepare 1000 pack of tissues......I criii everytime I re watch HxH Q_____________Q , and thank God it doesn't have that much hate as other shounen , just people jealous it got more rank than their anime , a lot of trollers creating accounts to decrease HxH ranking by scoring 1/10 xD ......I will curse them :x

Well not planning to read the manga [I actually stopped months ago to avoid reading more and spoiling myself :x] , but seriously rest in peace my childhood ;u; my first manga was naruto D'x [anime was shaman king] , OP ...well.......will take me too long to decide when to watch it ...seriously too long and sometimes ..I get annoyed cause of the art >_>'' , I recommend bleach it's really good even the fillers , don't know why a lot of people hating it , but the last arc was a bit of disappointment :x

Lol , I still watch few of them enough time to catch up to all of them T_T might leave the 50-50 good until they end x_x my exams made me late by 1 month xDDD no wai gonna be able to catch up easily

lol I changed it again when I cameback from my hiatus , killua <3~


Orusai .. Shiiiiine!!!" To Masochist -san

Shizora Oct 30, 2014 9:38 PM
You are right, hopefully not, because you would have to wait long for your hair to grow. And that is a problem, isn't? xD
I will tell you, those you call friends care about you and help you overcome the rough life in the painful moments. Those that drop on you their prejudice and insensitivity shouldn't be considered. You need to worried about your soul, and not for the world soul. Then, what will you do, Gecky?
I watched it on your list, I supposed you were busy, don't worry. This season there are some good animes, some new seasons of good series and that is great. I'm fine, occupying of something that is required and moving on, to reach what I want, what I need. What I'm looking fervently. How about you?
Shizora Oct 24, 2014 10:13 AM
Your stress is really hard to dominate seems, are you trying with, sports, music, lecture, or therapy? You must fight to not get lost in the void. You shouldn't worry about your hair, you will look like an anime character. Do not worry, I hope everything turns out fine.
Jishimorin-ku Oct 7, 2014 6:06 PM
You're very welcome mate! and thanks for call it epic ^^

It was the previous day of yours, I mean October the 3rd ^^ and It's my fault for not putting that on my profile, so don't worry :P xD
Shizora Oct 7, 2014 8:52 AM
So good, hope your health is fine.
Yes, I'm fine. ^^ and you?
Haine Oct 7, 2014 1:25 AM
Finally yesterday started replying to 2-1months old comments xD Sorry about the late reply :x
Hahaha indeed , I just can't remember some people who sent me friend request since they never replied my comment " nice to meet you etc" xD
I can remember sometimes but since 2-1month passed @.@ I totally forgot honestly xD , Com-com helps but sometimes I forget to copy before submitting and sometimes MAL slacks and never reaches the other person T_T But if you commented in the profile itself you can go back previous page and find your comment
:/ I just hope it gets better tho xD but I'm really lazy to read guides , mostly clicked random buttons to learn effects etc xP

That's great have fun searching for a job Hahaha , I'll get to that grind one day after few years maybe x)

Nah I knew Togashi Mangaka will go in hiatus again x) usual thing for me for years now T_T'' , But I really cried when HxH ended .-.

To be honest I didn't enjoy it xD , I'll get to watching OP next summer hopefully ,But Ugh just waiting it to end , naruto manga ending which ofc the anime will follow it , bleach final arc , just OP left T_T

I'll try to make one soon if possible :/ cause this week I'm just hating touching Photoshop T_T I did a big card edition with a friend and .... x) I was just too tired Hahaha

I will stop watching everything this season xD usually I watch all the anime of the season , but only watching interesting titles :x might re watch the others next summer xD

Hahahaha the hate to toradora tho x'D , I liked it when I watched it first too but now it's really low I think lazy to check xPP but maybe 6/10

When I finish OP one day , will think of pokemon the super mega long anime ever X_x

Hahahaha I love to remove it randomly xD , and add my new DP next day , since MAL always takes long to make them appear T_T , I have to do this first xD Gintoki now but planning to remove texts xD

Orusai .. Shiiiiine!!!" To Masochist -san

P.S. Omg I didn't read read that PS when I got your comment , I hope you're doing well now , Don't worry comments can come anytime and I'm always the one late now x(
P.S.S. Omg you did see the news of yesterday right? manga ending in 5 weeks ;_;
Jishimorin-ku Oct 4, 2014 4:59 PM

Woah I wonder why I didn't post this before :D I hope you've enjoyed your day! Btw, we're almost with the same day of Birthday ^^
Haine Oct 4, 2014 11:18 AM
Shizora Oct 3, 2014 9:27 PM
Happy Birthday, Gecky! I wish this, your day, is full of wonders.
Haine Aug 22, 2014 7:37 AM
:O Good Luck in getting it

-.-'' blame random friend requests I'm getting lately xP I'm replying comment in com-com nowadays -.-''

It was bad -.-''

Think ? Isn't it better to go since you'll be wasting some years in nothing slacking at home :p

I remember yours from the number of times I visited your profile xP 4Oct

DC is good but sorry DC , I love HxH <3 <3 , Well they are different genres you can't compare them :p

:O Good job I'm still lazy to marathon it , right now marathon'ing bleach with a friend and watching other anime to delete them from my laptop >.>

If You want I can do one for you x'D , Just give my the pic >.>

Well like I said blame me >.>, Since I watch a lot per day and most of them weren't enjoyable for me + my rating is becoming meanier -.-'

Orusai .. Shiiiiine!!!" To Masochist -san
Haine Aug 16, 2014 7:09 AM
Sorry for the late reply Dx
UGH BUY A PC DX , I barely can reply all comments once per week now

xD That day when I was still starting card making ... woah :x Just looking in my cards makes me want to delete them xD

Again ... BRING A PC >.<

Lol , study baka college isn't there to slack xD , can't wait my university life >.>

It's 15Dec ....well.....the end of the year xD, I don't like that it's in the last month but great it's in winter <3

Yay <3 HxH couldn't be beaten by anything in my opinion , you'll enjoy it :3 , I made a lot of my friends watch it and they have it in favorite too now xd , How was OP ?

Ugh I didn't read the manga for months now since I want to enjoy the anime without spoiling myself , It was really great to see minato back this week episode <3

Yup the 2nd episode was really funny xD , and I changed my DP again lol The same character as my avatar/sig

Orusai .. Shiiiiine!!!" To Masochist -san

Woah barely 70.1% x_x might be my fault xD since I watch anime more than you per day >.>
Haine Aug 7, 2014 11:02 PM
Don't worry I'm having a really big number of conversations , A lot of people didn't even reply my comment for 4 months now xD and new conversations from no where starts @_@

Well now I have 18+ edition to name and deliver in 4 clubs ... Ugh

I dunno if you were invited but here : >.> Click

Haha looking forward now xD? , Nah I loved them right now I need another 2 months for the holiday ;-; shit

Thanks :) A lot of people congratulated me thinking it was my Birthday xD Haha

Don't worry I'm late too
The usual ending :
Orusai .. Shiiiiine!!!" To Masochist -san
Haine Jul 11, 2014 2:34 AM
I'm triple tasking here XD watching anime and replying and making cards lol , The number of comments increased again T_T

It's almost everyday now xD but today I promised one of my friend I won't do any XD.

S.D.C I haven't added the new cards in a public album yet , *Sigh* I have to xD

I feel he won't come but again I'm afraid he will T_T

PRETTY LONG ? Are you serious xD I consider it too short , I had 4 months holiday back in my old school :P and 40day between semesters XD

Orusai .. Shiiiiine!!!" To Masochist -san < The die time now again ,lol .
Haine Jul 7, 2014 5:09 AM
Nah I'm getting tons of comments per day

Sigh Looks like the Hiatus is canceled T-T Busy with the cards a lot now Sweigh
Ho :O Which club ? :P

Nah He didn't I'm praying right now he doesn't Because some sad event happened back at my mother's home he couldn't come It might be canceled still not sure.

Thanks :3 <3

Until 7th sep xD I even know that sigh the holiday gonna be so short >.< from today only 2 month left !!!!!!

Orusai .. Shiiiiine!!!" To Masochist -san < Here is this comment Die time xD Geckeyyy-Ojii-san ! xD
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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