A masterpiece is, by definition, an exceptionally good piece of work. They are therefore rare, unlike anime belonging to the following categories:
Moeshit - cute girls doing cute things (e.g Gay-On)
Haremshit - multiple girls/boys loving one boy/girl (e.g IS)
Shoujoshit/Fujoshit - maximum homolust (e.g T&B)
Shounenshit - 99% talking during fighting, 1% actual fighting, 15-episode-long fights complete with flashbacks and philosophical rants (e.g Naruturd, Blech, Wan Piss, Jojo's Boring Gayventure, Drag-on Bore ZZZZZzzzz, Gayren Laggay)
Babby's first grimdark = gore + nudity + rape - plot - characters (e.g Boreserk, Texhnolyze)
Mechashit - 12-year-old angsty teens piloting impractical robots (e.g NGE)
Comedy - unfunny shit (e.g Gintama, Cromartie)
Romance - boring relationship shit (e.g Bakemonogatari)
Mahou Shoujo - pussy MC, everyone dies then gets resurrected at the end (e.g Madoka)

All Comments (267) Comments
That aside, I would like to comment on your review of Naruto the anime. Even though I found Naruto to be better than 1, I have enjoyed reading through your review. For someone who supposedly hate Naruto, you seem to be more knowledgeable about the finer details of Naruto than most everybody on MAL. That is really commendable. Personally, I used to love Naruto (when I think no other anime/manga existed), and I still think Naruto is a great manga/anime. However, I eventually got tired of it and put the manga indefinitely on-hold till it's finished.
Having read your list, I gotta say, I agree with Kye7's comment, your 1's are 10's and your 10's are 1's.
Couldn't agree more regarding your Naruto review.
Shoot yourself
All of his 1's are 10's, and all of his 10's are 1's...