In my opinion, a good anime (or any type of storytelling) is one that's emotionally moving and captures your heart. One that has the "magic", if you will. Emotional attachment is first and foremost thing I look for in storytelling. I'm a strong believer in that the producers did something right when time flies while watching, and makes you craving for the next episode. My reviews will attempt explain why an anime series succeeded or failed to be engrossing.
I rate with a scale of 6-10 for series I enjoyed and 1-5 for those I didn't. Usually I drop unenjoyable series before completion without ever rating them. Since I rarely encounter art or sound that are so bad it's "unpleasant", most of series will have a positive score in those sections.
I was a fansubber for live action Japanese movies and TV drama series, now working on anime series. A casual anime viewer since I was a kid, but trying to watch more now. I tend to like mainstream stuff, but always willing to try new things!
Please do not add me as friend unless you have 150+ anime entries, 60%+ compatibility with at least 50 shared, or we have fansubbed together. All other requests will be rejected.
All Comments (313) Comments
Great Bakemonogatari review
(i came from the bakuman review and i'm about to check the other reviews , also i hope that everyhting is going great with you as of the time i'm typing this comment)
might as well fill out a dating form at that point.