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Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen
Sep 5, 2019 2:16 PM
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OMG DUDE SAMEEEE. MY ATTENTION SPAN IS A FREAKING JOKE. I can't pay attention for more than 10 seconds xD My brain cells are freaking nonexistent man xDDD Like I be reading the same page freaking 5 times xDDD Being in school is KILLING me and my brain cells LMAO xDDD
Omfg the voice overs dude... I can't with them. They're either monotone and just bleh xDD I totally get what you mean. You rarely find good tutorials nowadays LMAO.
if you ever need any recs i have some pretty obscure stuff on my lists so feel free to ask! if you have discord and would want to add me that would make linking you any recommendations way easier
i watched all of them i think? if you want any individuals opinions just say the word :)
Especially if they forgot to lock the door and it's their fault in the first place...
I mean the girl doesn't have to be pervy, but at least chill enough to not rage about it.
Hmm I haven't watched the one about boys either, ditzy MCs are usually fun though. Especially in SoL shows :3
Oh god, it's been a while since I bingewatched something. In the first place I don't have the time to do that kind of stuff anymore and on the other hand I also prefer to watch a show over a longer period now so it has more of an impact.
Damn, I rarely rewatch anything and especially not such long shows xD
Atm I'm grinding through all the series I never ended up finishing so that I have a clear conscience when starting new shows, so I'm just collecting recommendations for my list so that I have plenty to catch up on once I'm done with my current shows; as for manga, I've never really explored it and I'm making it a habit to start reading, One Punch Man is literally the first manga I've ever decided to sit down and read... I'm really enjoying it, there's something quite different about a manga that one doesn't get from an anime, I'm not sure how to describe it tho :/
So yeh, just fire away and I'll add everything to my lists :D
I don't often browse the forums so I'll make an effort to check out some discussions on a daily basis, should be beneficial to more actively interact with the community.
The closer I get to my final year of High School, the more I'm beginning to resent wanting to leave school and begin my studies, I feel that I'm gonna really miss it once it's over :(
Oh by the way, you got any show/manga recommendations my man? Always looking to expand the list a bit, I've got A LOT of catching up to do -_-
Don't forget about dress-break, the best ability anyone ever displayed in any anime. Mostly I just love the characters though, the main girl is chill and doesn't freak out and slap the protagonist just because he sees her naked xD
Don't you mean pervy shows? Don't think edgy shows are meant for perverts haha
Nah, they are not really interested in what I watch, they only know that I like anime :3
Hmm I haven't heard about that one at all, what are the good parts of it?
Heard good and bad things about Violet Evergarden, at least the art and animation should be top-notch since it's from KyoAni. Wait, isn't Gintama like reaaaaaaally long? xD