Hello Fabulous member of RACE!! I'm really sorry to not be sending out individual messages to you all, but unfortunately I don't know all of you ... and im lazy x'D
BUT i made this Valentines Day Event in order to get the chance to tell people how much they mean to me :)
Every single person in RACE means so much to me, I'm so happy you joined the club even if you aren't active (though you should be :P)
It means so much that you've stuck with me even when the club died for a bit.
I never imagined that my club would get so big. When i first started it I was hoping to even get 10 people. 20 was beyond my wildest dreams xD Now I'm above 1600!! I opened it just because i had joined mal and seen cards and wanted to try.
I probably shouldn't have made the club as early as i did .... but now I am so glad that I did C: Thank you to everyone that has joined the club, it's been such a pleasure to me watching the club grow and seeing the new people join.
Especially thank you to the people that joined at the very beginning. I'm not giving you a special message because i dont have time but I know who you are and you mean the world to me <3
Thank you all for joining my family ^^ And I hope you'll stick with me for much longer ^^ You're all the best C:
And Happy Belated Valentines Day!!
Midnight Madness is Back!
It's the club's 3rd year and we are proud to announce that we finally have....Official Club Badges! And also some wonderful new Member Cards.
Look forward to some of our future editions and events:
June 4 (11:30am) Welcome Back! SE (12:30pm) Dangan Ronpa LE (1:30pm) Voice Actors LE (2:30pm) Fashion LE (7:00pm) Long-haired Males LE (8:00pm) Final Fantasy LE (9:30pm) Yandere LE (11:30pm) Tsundere LE
هو مشهد صح ..خلاص احجبه
حجب المشهد ما راح يأثر على القصة
خل الشاشة كلها سوداء ...كلها خمس او عشر ثواني وينتهي المشهد
اما بخصوص الحجب الاحترافي ..
ذاكر إني شاهد إحدى اعمال فريق منتدى محمد شريف
لا اذكر الانمي بضبط لكن اعتقد انه كان
Gakuen Alice
كان هناك ظهور صليب تحمله إحدى شخصيات المسلسل
بطريقة احترافية حجب هالصليب,
بصراحة طريقة حجبة كانت احترافية
All Comments (72) Comments
Hello Fabulous member of RACE!!
I'm really sorry to not be sending out individual messages to you all, but unfortunately I don't know all of you ... and im lazy x'D
BUT i made this Valentines Day Event in order to get the chance to tell people how much they mean to me :)
Every single person in RACE means so much to me, I'm so happy you joined the club even if you aren't active (though you should be :P)
It means so much that you've stuck with me even when the club died for a bit.
I never imagined that my club would get so big. When i first started it I was hoping to even get 10 people. 20 was beyond my wildest dreams xD Now I'm above 1600!! I opened it just because i had joined mal and seen cards and wanted to try.
I probably shouldn't have made the club as early as i did .... but now I am so glad that I did C: Thank you to everyone that has joined the club, it's been such a pleasure to me watching the club grow and seeing the new people join.
Especially thank you to the people that joined at the very beginning. I'm not giving you a special message because i dont have time but I know who you are and you mean the world to me <3
Thank you all for joining my family ^^ And I hope you'll stick with me for much longer ^^ You're all the best C:
And Happy Belated Valentines Day!!
Midnight Madness is Back!
It's the club's 3rd year and we are proud to announce that we finally have....Official Club Badges! And also some wonderful new Member Cards.
Look forward to some of our future editions and events:
There are many openings for staff right now! Join here!