Your attitude: fresh and sweet
You are comforting, yet quirky. You are quietly hyper.
You always see both sides to everything.
You can bring people a much needed fresh perspective.
The greatest revenge is to accomplish what others said you couldnot do- MCA class of '09 class motto
"No, you don't get it, thats why I'm telling you. You think you get it, which isn't the same as actually getting it. Get it?" - Kakashi Hatake (Naruto)
"Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." - Douglas Adams
Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance?
Worst excuse for not turning in homework: I couldn't find anyone to copy it from.
The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.
"Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the world together
There is a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot.
This is a quantum car. I don't know where I am, but I'm going really fast.
It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives.
Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.
There are no stupid questions, just stupid people.
Life is like a library owned by the author.
In it are a few books which he wrote himself,
but most of them were written for him. - Harry Emerson Fosdick
I was hoping to send this to you all in a mass message but as they are still down, I'm sending you mass comments. After months of letting MAL and it's problems settle down, I decided to bring the club back to life. There are many threads that you can reply in, such as the two games (The Book Game and Hurt or Heal). The Currently Reading thread is still around. If you don't find a thread that catches your interest feel free to start a thread, I encourage you ;) Also there is a suggestion/feed back thread to express your ideas and thoughts you may have for the club. I will also be setting up an admin and officer recruiment thread here in the next few weeks. Keep on the look out for it.
Ohayo! It's been so long, far too long since we orginsed something... Our club died, but we're not going to give up! Right? That's why all of our admins worked hard to bring our club to life again! And here we are again! Coimg back in great style! XDDD But to keep club active we need your help! Please help us, by visiting and taking part in our activities! :3
member card delivery!:D
you have 3 days to save it & rehost.
hope you like the cards <3
• if there are any corrections or problems, dont hesitate to leave a message/ comment at my profile. :) •
member card delivery!:D
you have 3 days to save it & rehost.
hope you like the card <3
•if you missed to get/save this.
pls dont hesitate to ask me.•
The mystery is unveiled... the colors represented each protagonist of Durarara!!
Some people managed to guess correctly, some didn't.
In either case I hope you like the card, or at least don't hate it too much.
Don't forget to save & re-host, because I'll be deleting them in 1-2 weeks!
Card delivery from the Cardness Club~
Please remember that the number on your card is your ID# and you'll need it to request any more cards from the club.
Don't forget to save & re-host, because I'll be deleting them in 1-2 weeks!
All Comments (91) Comments
Thanks for taking time out to read this.
Ohayo! It's been so long, far too long since we orginsed something... Our club died, but we're not going to give up! Right? That's why all of our admins worked hard to bring our club to life again! And here we are again! Coimg back in great style! XDDD But to keep club active we need your help! Please help us, by visiting and taking part in our activities! :3
What's new? Everything! 8D
At the begining please, read these topics carefully:
Gol Admin/ Member
Rules and FAQ
Questions about the rules
Now, there're alot of games and contests you can participate in and gain lots of white coins!
Questions and Answers
True or False?
White Quiz
Guess Who?
Club's Layout Contest
Club's Main Pic Contest
How you can spend your white coins?
White Coins Shop
But before buying anything, please check your
Account Amount
We also re-opened claiming thread! Read all the rules carefully, cuz they've vhanged!
If you want to help us, please do cuz we really need it! :3
Admins/ Officers Recruit
Also don't forget about all threads like:
Credit Cards
Official Member Cards
Members Birthdays
Characters to add
White Haired boys birthdays
Wednesday Special Editions Nominations
There will be even more attractions! Just wait and see and you won't be dissapointed! XD
you have 3 days to save it & rehost.
hope you like the cards <3
• if there are any corrections or problems, dont hesitate to leave a message/ comment at my profile. :) •
you have 3 days to save it & rehost.
hope you like the cards <3
• if there are any corrections or problems, dont hesitate to leave a message/ comment at my profile. :) •
from (^_^)Moe Kare fanclub<3
you have 3 days to save it & rehost.
hope you like the cards <3
• if there are any corrections or problems, dont hesitate to leave a message/ comment at my profile. :) •
Don't forget to save & re-host, because I'll be deleting them in 1-2 weeks!
you have 3 days to save it & rehost.
hope you like the card <3
•if you missed to get/save this.
pls dont hesitate to ask me.•
Don't forget to save & re-host, because I'll be deleting them in 1-2 weeks!
Please remember that the number on your card is your ID# and you'll need it to request any more cards from the club.
Don't forget to save & re-host, because I'll be deleting them in 1-2 weeks!
And don't forget to save and re-host it!
and your banner is finished! (Yey~ xD)
Just click here and ctrl+F the "BANNER FOR WEAPONS" part and search your name ^^
If there are any concerns or errors, feel free to comment me.
And don't forget to rehost them as soon as possible^^
Good Day~