Hey, guys! Sorry for the very late delivery! Mass delivering because of busy schedule. If you're receiving this, you have at least one card in my albums.
Please find your cards in the links above, they are arranged alphabetically according to the names you provided, so I hope you won't have any problems finding them.
Do not hesitate to tell me if there's a problem. I am also very open to suggestions and comments. Thanks!
Hello :3 I'm From Satoshi Fukube Fanclub! Thanks for joining our club <3
Club has reached over 200 members!To celebrate this now open 200+ members LE
Now we are accepting newsletters delivery members! If you have free time & good will to help, please leave a message here >> Newsletter Stuff Needed.
Hello dear members ^^
Thank you for joining my club.
>Heplers Wanted!!!
Please visit and comment if you're interested.
thank you <3
have a great day :)
Hehes it's alright ^__^ . I understand since school is starting and people are busy with their own lives xD .
Dayumm! Work hard and I hope you do well on your exams ^__^ ! Hmm.. right now I'm watching Clannad. I like it. It's really funny and cute. My fav. character from there is.. probably the guy, Tomoya because he's out-going and it's funny how he teases his friends xD . I recommend you giving a watch~
Hello, I'm from Family of Addicts :) I just wanted to ask you about your member card request - Did you forget to request a card from Chibitan or you simply didn't want to? She just wants to know.
Sumimasen for the bother - have a nice day!
All Comments (73) Comments
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The Eighth Sin :: Guilty Crown LE
The Eighth Sin :: Durarara!! LE
The Everlasting Artistic Cards Organization :: Beach LE
Hey, guys! Sorry for the very late delivery! Mass delivering because of busy schedule. If you're receiving this, you have at least one card in my albums.
Please find your cards in the links above, they are arranged alphabetically according to the names you provided, so I hope you won't have any problems finding them.
Do not hesitate to tell me if there's a problem. I am also very open to suggestions and comments. Thanks!
Hello dear members
This letter won't be long.
Now we reached the 250+ members :D
~ 250+ members LE [OPEN]
~Newsletters [Help Needed]
~Member cards [OPEN]
~About Satoshi
Thank you for taking the time to read this..
Have a great week!
Hello dear members ^^
Thank you for joining my club.
>Heplers Wanted!!!
Please visit and comment if you're interested.
thank you <3
have a great day :)
Dayumm! Work hard and I hope you do well on your exams ^__^ ! Hmm.. right now I'm watching Clannad. I like it.
CTRL+F to find your name
Please save and rehost. Cards will be deleted in a week. If you have any problems feel free to leave a comment on my profile.
T.E.A.C.O.: Beach LE
Sorry for the late delivery >.<"
Sumimasen for the bother - have a nice day!