A Hunarian Fans klub Szeretné fellendíteni az életet a klubban ezért szavazást tart a legjobb Retro Anime lányokról.
128 Karakter küzd meg hogy elnyerje a szerintünk legjobb címet. Itt találod a versenyző hölgyek névsorát.
Amennyiben érdekel dolog tartsd szemmel a klubot és szavaz kedvenceidre és oszd meg véleményedet a versenyről vagy éppen szavazásról.
"I failed with the women if that puts you at ease... =P"
F*CK YEAH!!! I mean.... well, shit happens :O ;f.
Hmmm many ? As far as remember you also have some trams in Budapest either, so I guess it's really annoying when you have you room and bed near the window which is close to such tram tracks :f.
- They don't know how to party :
From what my Austrian native speaker says Germans like to party during Christmas ;P - quite contrary to what we have here in Poland (don't country New Year's Eve which is all-out-party almost everywhere )
- EVERYTHING(!!!!! no exception) is closed on Sundays
Here we ave open on Sundays :
- petrol/gas stations =P
- churches
and very rarely small groceries (where you can buy %%% xD). I guess cafeterias and pubs are normally open as it's their golden time of earning money at the Main Market Square.
- They don't know the meaning of hard work :
To my mind, working along the line "learn this for tomorrow" isn't the best example of long run time management ;O. It's more like improvisation, not so unfamiliar for me xD =P.
- - No really spicy stuff (they just can't stand spicy stuff)
It depends what do you mean by "spicy" as German food differs a lot from Hungarian cuisine xD.
Women and such ? have you betrayed hentai then xD ? Sex, studies, and ...computers ;P ?
I guess its name indicates that it isn't very loud town : Karls + ~calm xD.
Basic stuff you say , I guess it' good for you :]. What's you impression when your had to learn in German language instead of Hungarian or English ? any funny situations with inhabitants or room mates :P ? I currently struggle with my German course, but switching to quite fixed German grammar is a bit problematic, Especially when your native language allows almost every change of word orders and English gives only a bit less freedom in this field :O.
Long time, no talk :]. You promised me some relation form your stay in Germany, remember :P ? I guess you came back to your homeland Hungary for Christmas, didn't you ?
Oh my, what a rant xD
I think I get your point, but I can't help it, I'm just too lazy. If it's about my studies then I'm properly learning subjects I associate my future with, while slightly neglecting others :P
But anyways, I feel like I'm wasting time now . Nothing interesting never cares to happen and the routine is getting me tired.
And how can I get any motivation without having anyone to encourage me? ;D
Oh, the test. I skipped it ;x My friend will explain this to me and I will write it another day. But it apparently was quite easy .
I don't know what to write so I'll just say that I don't want to go to school tomorrow T_T I'm having a test and I'm going to mess it up and recently I don't feel like doing anything, I just want some break T_T
And I've been complaining so much lately that everyone can't stand me anymore xD
It's really nice to spend so much time abroad ^^ Hmm, I just hope you enjoy your stay :D How do you like it so far?
And I always seemed to have the misfortune of having only idiots in my previous classes. So I'm rather relieved now.
It's not that great, but fortunately not so bad either.
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Sok új és egyaránt régebbi, izgalmas témánk van!
Hagyj egy post-ot bennük!:D
Bannold a feletted lévőt!
Ki a kedvenc (magyar) szinkronszínészetek?:)
Folytasd a történetet!
Nézted vagy nem?
Megeszed vagy elégeted?
vagy kérj kártyákat!:D
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A Hunarian Fans klub Szeretné fellendíteni az életet a klubban ezért szavazást tart a legjobb Retro Anime lányokról.
128 Karakter küzd meg hogy elnyerje a szerintünk legjobb címet.
Itt találod a versenyző hölgyek névsorát.
Amennyiben érdekel dolog tartsd szemmel a klubot és szavaz kedvenceidre és oszd meg véleményedet a versenyről vagy éppen szavazásról.
Szeretettel várunk.
Aside from this how's like, women and so on ;P ?
F*CK YEAH!!! I mean.... well, shit happens :O ;f.
Hmmm many ? As far as remember you also have some trams in Budapest either, so I guess it's really annoying when you have you room and bed near the window which is close to such tram tracks :f.
- They don't know how to party :
From what my Austrian native speaker says Germans like to party during Christmas ;P - quite contrary to what we have here in Poland (don't country New Year's Eve which is all-out-party almost everywhere )
- EVERYTHING(!!!!! no exception) is closed on Sundays
Here we ave open on Sundays :
- petrol/gas stations =P
- churches
and very rarely small groceries (where you can buy %%% xD). I guess cafeterias and pubs are normally open as it's their golden time of earning money at the Main Market Square.
- They don't know the meaning of hard work :
To my mind, working along the line "learn this for tomorrow" isn't the best example of long run time management ;O. It's more like improvisation, not so unfamiliar for me xD =P.
- - No really spicy stuff (they just can't stand spicy stuff)
It depends what do you mean by "spicy" as German food differs a lot from Hungarian cuisine xD.
I guess its name indicates that it isn't very loud town : Karls + ~calm xD.
Basic stuff you say , I guess it' good for you :]. What's you impression when your had to learn in German language instead of Hungarian or English ? any funny situations with inhabitants or room mates :P ? I currently struggle with my German course, but switching to quite fixed German grammar is a bit problematic, Especially when your native language allows almost every change of word orders and English gives only a bit less freedom in this field :O.
I think I get your point, but I can't help it, I'm just too lazy. If it's about my studies then I'm properly learning subjects I associate my future with, while slightly neglecting others :P
But anyways, I feel like I'm wasting time now . Nothing interesting never cares to happen and the routine is getting me tired.
And how can I get any motivation without having anyone to encourage me? ;D
Oh, the test. I skipped it ;x My friend will explain this to me and I will write it another day. But it apparently was quite easy .
I don't know what to write so I'll just say that I don't want to go to school tomorrow T_T I'm having a test and I'm going to mess it up and recently I don't feel like doing anything, I just want some break T_T
And I've been complaining so much lately that everyone can't stand me anymore xD
And I always seemed to have the misfortune of having only idiots in my previous classes. So I'm rather relieved now.
It's not that great, but fortunately not so bad either.