Naruto is out of the question, as I dislike most battle shounen anime. Just not my cup of tea. LOL. Code Geass I will eventually re-watch with superior subs to what I oroginally watched.
I have been waiting 4 or more years as a policy. That way, many titles are nearly fresh as I forget details. There are some problems even with that. Case it point, Chihayafuru. Once watched, one knows the outcome. And outcome is what Chihayafuru is about. The ride is sure fun, though. Still, in 4 years I will remember what happened and that will lessen it's impact somewhat. But, I love that story and I will enjoy it again one day. Since season 3 is a couple years away, it might be 2020 before I re-watch the entire story.
You mention the state of anime nowadays. I agree. In fact, new anime is nothing like what was coming out even 3 years ago. Today's anime is inane, stupid, plotless and relies on boobs, harems, fancy action and contains almost no plot. I forsee only 1-3 titles a year I will even bother with from now on. Thank god I have a massive PTW and a large collection of highly rated (by me) anime to watch many times in my life.
Welcome to MAL. Like Akai_Tenshi, I have read your Evangelion review. It is good. I do like the ending of your review as you warn others of the issue with nagging. I found this series to be a very good anime, particularly when I was just starting out seriously watching anime. In fact, Eva is 1 of 2 benchmark anime for me, the other being FLCL. Over the years and with many viewings of this series I have come ro see it in somewhat less high regard. That does not mean I hate it at all. What has happened is the old saying"Familiarity breads contempt". Shinji just got on my nerves too much. LOL. But since 90% of anime male leads are whining wimps, like Shinji, I find all characters like that bring down my enjoyment of a title. I will be re-watching Eva again, and soon, too. Thanks for your review.
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I have been waiting 4 or more years as a policy. That way, many titles are nearly fresh as I forget details. There are some problems even with that. Case it point, Chihayafuru. Once watched, one knows the outcome. And outcome is what Chihayafuru is about. The ride is sure fun, though. Still, in 4 years I will remember what happened and that will lessen it's impact somewhat. But, I love that story and I will enjoy it again one day. Since season 3 is a couple years away, it might be 2020 before I re-watch the entire story.
You mention the state of anime nowadays. I agree. In fact, new anime is nothing like what was coming out even 3 years ago. Today's anime is inane, stupid, plotless and relies on boobs, harems, fancy action and contains almost no plot. I forsee only 1-3 titles a year I will even bother with from now on. Thank god I have a massive PTW and a large collection of highly rated (by me) anime to watch many times in my life.
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