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Sakarii Dec 25, 2021 11:55 PM
Merry Christmas! /late
Sakarii Sep 24, 2021 2:25 PM
Same. It's like my mind goes "well, that done" and now isn't interested in doing it again. orz Yes! Me too. xD I like to call it "fully waking up" despite the fact I'm just chilling with my phone in bed. xDD

I haven't, I actually misread it as "Pretty Cure". xD Let me go look....
>I have it in my PtW list
Well, apparently I have and just forgotten! XD Have you checked it out? It legit seems like Pretty Cure but with idols. xD
Sakarii Sep 24, 2021 2:25 PM
Mine is too.... I’m not THAT old. *angry pout* It still sounds very boyish to me, I don’t hear any female in the older voice. Some seiyuu have such amazing ranges~ Well that statement aged poorly. ;P xD

I’d very interested in a Journeys review from you~

(Still here! Ain't dead yet!)

Welcome as always~ I love sharing them! ♥ Will do! (SO CLOSE! *0*)
Sakarii Sep 24, 2021 2:24 PM
(Yeah the voice isn’t nice on the eardrums. xD) Interesting. I didn't fully realize it's something mandated and they had different styles they could have used instead... I’m a stickler for art style so I probably‘ll never be able to past it so hopefully they MOVE ON so prettier art can come out. Also, you use Instagram? xD

I haven't checked; were you right? :D Huh, you’re right. I think the bubble is the same reasons why every media company is leaning so heavily on remaking/rebooting: it's nostalgic and they know it works. Suits probably know the economy is in a bad spot and don’t want to take risks and so limiting everything to what makes an easy buck with the least amount of risk. People are also saying that most creators aren’t creative anymore and for the West, I see that as true. So we got two major issues and the ones that want to break free are stuck. :x

So glad you liked it! :DD If you find anything that you’d think may interest me, feel free to send it my way. I trust your taste. ;D
Sakarii Sep 24, 2021 2:23 PM
Rivaled only by a parents’ love. xD (Ooooo. There’s a lot of Pokemon rom hacks I need to try, I see... Too bad I’m not in the gaming mood. *pouts*) Exactly! Win-win if not for those pesky shareholders and greedy suits.
I KNOW RIGHT. Makes me so mad; more so that the anime also lied to me. XD I have no idea, tbh. A lot of the choices are just bizarre; I've only just learned why some Pokemon suck. xD Thought I’d give it another try but it’s ewww. xD IT IS, UGH. More so when you can’t get pokerus or it’s too early for items. I read its better to EV train later on in levels than early on, so I guess I’ll do that. But it IS, I hate it. xD

If on Twitter, a lot of them, I bet. Sometimes ignorance is bliss; though knowing how stupid westerners are probably gives them a nice laugh! (Learning language in school is a waste of time anyway, so don’t feel bad. I retained zero of the French. XD)

>:D That’s right. It’ll only help when you need it. my interest is piped. Maybe you’ll able to voice young boys in anime. XD
Sakarii Sep 24, 2021 2:23 PM
You say that now, but let's see after you start watching it. xD Huh, I never knew that tidbit! And you are~ *hugs*
What can I say? I'm predictable like that. ;D
100% agreed. At least we can handle those types. xD

You’ve watching all the OG anime for all these reboots, eh? OH. I have heard of that! XD Another one of those shows I knew existed but never watched/read.

(Indeed. ;0;) IKR?! I don’t need the sugar but oh do I want frizzy sugary goodness.
Sakarii Sep 24, 2021 2:23 PM
Agreed, agreed. Can't wait to see it subbed. (*pats self on back* Can I call it or what? xP XD)

Everyone related to Team Satoshi is poor. XD Yeah, they could have gone with all the different shades for a good while along with gems.

Just let it me know; I HATE the trend of “let’s name this new season after the first one but with the year after it!” It feels almost insulting like they’re trying to replace the new with the old. I don’t like it. But that doesn't explain him missing from XY's kid flashback. I think they legit forgot he existed and when it came time for cameos they went searching for characterss. xD inb4 hiroshi cameo

Oh, I know. XD Have you heard the dub recently? Ash is savage in the earlier seasons and I honestly love it. Satoshi is nice by our standards. xD (Maybe he’s Japanese rude, heh.) It's one of the pluses 4Kids (writers) brought to the Pokemon anime.

True, true. The Journeys design is better than SM's for sure. They went too childish there, so now he's a little less. I've seen some of his movie designs and they aren't bad either. I LOVE the gloves he has in the 2nd and 3rd movies. Change that blue to red, and oh yeah. ;D Probably because they know their adult audience has regressed to children. :P
Sakarii Sep 24, 2021 2:22 PM
.....*edits* YOU SAW NOTHING.
Ooooh? Maybe I need to get the game on my 3ds and play it then~ Hmm, yeah, that does sound about right. I guess because he can’t rehash the original storyline and has to add the 3rd hero and make them super important like the other two/three which makes their stories feel weaker and their characters a bit too “special”. This’d be one case where being behind would work in his favor as it’d give time for the 3rd game to come, for him to see what’s new and incorporate all that with the main storyline. In B2W2’s case, being a newer game rather than a complete BW most likely helped matters.

Okays~ (I know right? But that passion is for the games. :<)
I wonder came first, the audience renewing because of the recycling material or the recycling material because of the constant shift in audience. And I wonder if it's because some IDIOT suit/producer ruining Johto.

I pray every day. ;o;

Yeah. Money. Kids’ll tune in every day and that’s all that matters: the ratings, sadly. Ouch. And considering how bland Naruto gets, that’s pretty bland. XD Glad I got off that train, that sounds like its own hell...

LOL OF COURSE. It’s always CGI, nasty ugly out of place CGI. Ugh, I don’t know how people can take it in 2D anime, it’s so bad! People’s bland acceptance when it comes to that is one of the reasons 2D animation has gotten bad. >0>

Damn! Nice going! I hope they deliver! For the fans’ sake, if nothing else.
Oof, that's quite an insult. xD And PokeSpe couldn't make it better? Damn. *is kinda interested now* Hmm, I suppose it's different, but I don't feel like it's different enough to make a difference. I guess it's that all those are slight details don't really affect the region at large and thus me, the player. (Btw, GSC's Kanto is 3 years; it's 2 in PokeSpe due to the Yellow arc, iirc. xD) You can say that again. Peeps really be forgetting that companies aren’t their friends nor their identity.

(I legit thought 'GILF' was grandmas for a moment there. xD But yes, yes they are. XD That and I wouldn't be surprised he wanted the dad plotline to be The End rather than a footnote.) At least he's better off than someone like Kenji, who has no one. xDD But... huh. Both Satoshi and Shigeru, we've only seen one member despite there existing a vague-ish family backstory for them. And he didn't even ask for them! They just came to him and decided they were family. xDD Oh geez, over a decade ago? XD Before Twitter went mainstream and around Tumblr being popular before it got infamous. Like when Pt wasn’t in english yet. That LONG ago. By the time Pt came here, I was off Serebii and on LJ for HGSS. Yeeeah, try lurking first and seeing what's up. xD I mighty curious to see how much new blood there is vs seeing anyone you used to see.

(Ooo, yeah. Naruto was HS for me. /old goat So by then, I've seen loads of anime that either didn't air on TV or aired on channels I never knew existed. xD I had the benefit of VHS rentals. :3 YYH's was mine. :D I didn't even know Naruto had those because by the time it got dubbed, I'd lost interest. xDD; That isn't to say that it hasn't influential; its thanks to Naruto I learned about torrenting and thus free from the shackles of publishers and TV. :D)
Sakarii Sep 24, 2021 2:21 PM
Dang! I bet he was regretting being taken out. XD

Oh? Liking the OST?
LOL That's really really bad. XD I didn't think Crunchy could improve subs to that extent... Maybe? Does Viz have that much power? Ouch! Everyone having to redo Troll!ei's subs is just so funny to me. xDD

GASP. NO. I mean, it’s not great but it wasn’t bad. The best thing about S2 is that you’ll get to see the opposite of Ciel and Sebastian. The former, morally and the duo’s relationship. I do suggest checking it out on that basis alone. Looks like we both can’t remember jack crap about this show. XDD Red Lady peaked the show and Zombie Titanic was just too crazy NOT to remember.

Oh, I don't know. But a digital release would be easier. I can agree there. Some may be lost causes, but for the smaller ones without zombie buyers to make up the difference, there's hope. You'd think that'd be the standard... How else would an editor know what or what not to cut?? I know right? I'm a bit shocked too considering how I am... xD

Glad you liked them~ :D
Awww, that sounds like it would've been good! *nods sadly* And it’s only getting worse, with videos being taken down within months. You literally have to download the vids after you watched them if you like it lest it’ll be gone the next time you wanna see it again. It’s frustrating. (Probably one of the adocalypse where YT started to get more and more stricter. Dunno the true reason why, I just noticed that a lot of vids from that timeframe got removed.)

Yup, yup. Me to a T. xDD Just 3? Sounds optimistic. XD I feel like it’d have to be 3 separate instants before it stuck, at least for my swiss cheese brain.
Sakarii Jun 20, 2021 8:57 AM
Yup! Now for the hard Ts: translation and typesetting. xDD I wish I could say the same, but I suck hard at maintaining a routine. xD I can't even get to bed at the same time every day, LOL. But I'm super glad it's working out for you~

.........The more I hear, the more I believe companies should never get large.
Sakarii Jun 19, 2021 5:02 PM
Very true. We'll take the subbing industry by storm! xD Thanks~ (Go ahead! xD) Yup yup, just don't let me stop or it's all over for who knows how long. xD;

Yeah, the corruption weeds them out fast. Any good executive would need to go on a firing spree and fast if they don't want to be burned out. D:
Sakarii Jun 18, 2021 4:37 AM
Me either. Too much of a perfectionist. orz xD; No worries, it happens fairly regular, I just now have a cute little name for it. xDD *nods* So true; getting started is always the hardest part for me.

All that nepotism. In some ways, I wish executives didn't make a lot of money because then their positions would be held by those that cared rather than those that just want money or want to subvert and take away all fun from us. Most of those who enjoyed what we do, sadly never make it that far. Just imagine folks like us at the helm! o3o
Sakarii Jun 17, 2021 6:03 AM
...Yeeeah, it definitely sounds like the barest minimum they could get away with. xD Let's not be like that. XD I'm so behind I'm scared to see how much. xD That month of depression hibernation has me lost on what to do first. orz xD;

Get them a break. They're suits, they don't understand human emotions beyond greed and power, let alone the concept fans. ;P xD
Sakarii Jun 16, 2021 9:53 AM
;^; I know. xP

Should compare to see which one you like. ;D Just in case. xD Ooooo, okay, I'll make a note to check it out! *is so behind*

*pats shoulder* It's okay. xD Same, same~ Turns out people just wanted uncut DC. Imagine that. >o>
Sakarii Jun 9, 2021 8:15 AM
Okays. xD But fair warning, I got loads more coming. o3o XP

Sweet! Finally an uncut Shaman King!

And you totally confused me since I read that as "the 4th movie". xDD Sadly, it's another movie I didn't care for. But, it seems like their DC releases are doing well which is GREAT. That gives me hope for the future. *continues to patiently wait for the Kaitou Kid movies or the best movie, Countdown to Heaven*
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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