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Ichigo321 Dec 25, 2015 1:09 PM
I noticed I never replied to your last comment, I'm sorry ;_;

Wow, that's so sudden, you changed your username too o.o will you updat your animes now?

Yeah sure you can give me your email :)
Ichigo321 Jul 16, 2015 4:00 AM
Hiiiiiiiiiii ^_^ long time no see, time sure pass fast :D how have you been?
It's funny someone I know decided to leave mal at all, and he stopped log for only 2 weeks and he is already missing to mal >.> I think I might log less or leave mal after I join army after 1 year.
You're welcome, I got more focused on improve myself in photoshop, ask tons of cards, being card maker in 9 clubs, and watch a bit bit of anime, and......math course man :D 2 weeks of hell xD

Oh nice, we both didn't watch a lot of anime :)

Thank you ^_^ I finished 11th grade, going to 12th grade now, yeah I feel old haha I will be senion in high school now, how old are you?

Thank you :X so what you understood from the story then? x)

Oh I see, the Karote in the manga is a very nice person, I made him like main chars in romance of shoujo hehehe>.> and Ichigo is more suit to my personality, so it should be me, you're already my friend ^_^
Why you liked Katsu less? >.>

And Katsu is not really a real person in mal :3 well I stopped talk to him and I didn't know him well but it was a cute romance I guess xD shounen ai ;P and don't say you want be bf with people so easily, I might tell this karote :3 (well heeee's super nice person anyway so he will probably just be happy nya nya <3)
I will continue my manga next year, in september :) still got many many pages to draw ^_^
I made more pages while you were gone btw :3
I will send all the pages so find it from where you stopped.

Manga on Karote and Katsu

Enjoy ^^

Some card I made and really liked :)

BerryParfait Jul 15, 2015 4:51 PM

This will be our very newsletter we are sending so sorry if it looks messy. We are one of the sister club's of Namine's Cafe to start off. Kawaii Express is a kawaii club that adores the kawaii characters. We provide everything that is kawaii. Our newsletter we are sending is to just remind you guys to not forget about us and to also share the many things that are happening in our club. Below you will find the different stuff that you can guys can take a look at or can participate in.

Here you will find all the weekly Kawaii Character's. It's great to have a list of who has been chosen for the week as it's easier to choose the next character. Think of this like a Hall of Fame.

We are having an increase of Card Editions at Kawaii Express now that there are new card makers working hard to provide kawaii cards. If you would like to see what card editions have passed then click below to find out.

---------> Follow here for Previous Card Editions.

---------> Here you can find the Upcoming Card Editions. The dates for their opening have yet to be decided but the club frequently for updates. We can tell you that card editions will be out more frequently now that the Express has staff to help around. If you would like to request a theme, then leave a comment in the club and we'll add it to our to do list.

-----------> Kawaii Express also is recruiting staff members. If you would like to be part of the staff then visit the Staff Recruitment thread. Follow the format then you'll receive a PM by one of my admins if you got accepted or not.
Note: For Card Makers and General Admins: Please state your experience or works(cards/badges). It's a plus, if not then we will teach you.

Kawaii Express will also host a Biweekly picture contest. Users post pictures depending on the theme given. The winner will get a prize which will be sent to their profile. Prize content has yet to be determined but we the staff are working on what to give. Cards, Kawaii Character of the Week? Be sure to participate.
-------> ~ Biweekly Picture Contest ~

[b]For those who use Photoshop you can visit the Creativity thread. Here you can talk about how you got an original image into your final image and also give tutorials to new members who are into Photoshop. Don't be shy, we want you to feel comfortable in our Express.
Show us Your Photoshop Skills.

Newsletters will be given out on a monthly basis. So be sure to follow up on any updates. Have a nice day, SweetKotomi.

LEVNIK Jun 4, 2015 3:44 AM

LEVNIK May 21, 2015 8:42 AM

Ichigo321 Mar 24, 2015 5:51 AM
it feels like we barely talk, you always come and dissapear ;_;
Hmm yeah? I think you eat dark chocolate because less calories and diet actually, it's this sour annoying one.
Oh I don't think I'm good in drawing too, but I practice on it a lot in school ^^
Hehe I think it was a good anime but there defeintaly animes that can be compared to it and defeat it :P

Oh I see, I used reply to people 2-4 months, so I won't complain, next time you talk to me I will be 17 years old already I guess xD

Take a look in this manga :) downalod and full screen for hd quality ^^

Who you think will be your ideal bf/gf/bestfriend? xD
Ichigo321 Mar 5, 2015 3:18 AM
Wait, valnetine chocolate from people that love you or just friends? xD
It's not good eat too much chocolate you will get stomachache :P
Haha that sounds so nice, I envy you for having such good friends and they know how make chocolate omg D: I couldn't make it even if I want and there is not cooking class here ;_;

Oh I see, I never really drew buildings haha, more like faces of people and short mangas :)
Well I have pretty much social anxiety too, have hard time making friends, I know on psychology many things, like the levels in growing up alone and with the social and about stress and the stress te social put on you and the will to become lover and more :)

Yeah that's true, compared to sao not much heppens there, it's about game too but they didn't really inside it, like different wolrd base on the game they knew, but many things have changed, it's more like the other games I saw and didn't really like, even after 10 eps it's not so interesting.

Oh I see, that's nice, your number didn't really increase so much, for me it feels like I need them a lot D:

Ichigo321 Feb 14, 2015 12:43 PM
Yeah I wondered what took you so long time xD and me in this time finished with all my old replies so can reply much faster :D even daily ^^
Oh I started it pretty good I guess, it's not much difference for me since we continue the year as usual, it's not new year for us anyway, but I think I make conversations with people more naturaly and I became more nice and well...I made a page of manga so it's good too :D
I started watch Log Horizon, got bored to death, then it became more interesting, and then I missed to Ranma 1/2 and decided to re-watch it, since it was in on hold anime anyway, and I wanted it to be completed, since I love it so much decided start from first ep and now I still watch it ^^
Maybe after Ranma 1/2 I will back to watch Log Horizon, don't know, everyone say it's better than sao but I didn't find it very interesting T.T

Hmm give me example of those boys? haha I don't like glasses in general, the hate of my life since age 4, so.......I won't like see it in anime that much too xD

Haha well you don't know, you don't see how I act in rl and my voice when change it ;P
Well I can teach you some things in psychology, small things, if you want, since I study in psychology class ^^
Oh nice, so you will deisgn houses?
Happy Valentines day for you too ^^ did you get any chocolate or gave one?:)

Hime-sama Feb 7, 2015 9:23 PM

Ichigo321 Jan 12, 2015 5:18 AM
I will stop reply with gifs for a while, too much problems on mal with see them and it's annoying .-.

Well I had some a short break now from exams, we got a big exam really in english, but I don't study since it's only random article or story with questions= easy :3
I had stomachache and headache so kinda worried, I really want to pass this exam on 100 score :X
Nah, maybe you will do it when get older I don't know, here it's only in 11th grade, not before or after it, so basically only 2 long trips.
Yeah we can explore it and learn new things and have lots of fun :D yeah you need travel more, but maybe not from school, well we will have another long trip of lik e7 days I guess to poland because world war II we kinda study about it this year and go next year to see how they killed jewishes and what those places looked like, but of course not everyone can come since it costs too expensibe, like 6,000 I guess -_-

Hahaha there is choice to make his eyes red actually ;P but I chose make his eyes in color of brown, and his hair a white but not really pure white, I made it a bright blond :3 he looks so cool >w<
I love guys with bangs and cool smile and face :3 his voice when fight is cool too xD

I guess those that addict to it probably watched at least over 100, each korean drama for me is like triple anime in time, so I can't believe people watched over 200 from it until they're really crazy XD

Happy New Year to you too, hope you had fun ^^
Ichigo321 Dec 26, 2014 1:34 PM
I'm in period of exams, short comments I try still reply and long comments I say I will reply later and just greet with merry chritmas, man I was sick for like a week in my vacation too, bad luck xD

Yeah I really enjoyed this trip, and I got another trip after it not from army of a week also, and I'm actually writing my diary on it yet and I didn't finish, it will be much longer since I put many details in it. First trip changed my view on the people around me, second trip changed the view of the people around me on me xD that's what I think the difference between the trips, oh well xD
Yeah those trips got the meaning of make you feel part of group and more connected, that's what so good in them, though sometimes it feels like everything back to be the same after the trip ._.
Haha well the first trip is to convince us go to army, and the second trip the country created for 11th grade students to explore the country so I think there other trips of 1 week in other countries no?:)
You could do pushups trust me, but if you made them correct that's I don't know, even me probably made them not correct since I could do many without problems and I know it's hard and tiring to do when you do it correct.

In my last comment I said cleric is the kind of guy I love, I meant in games usually there is he class of cleric which is a periest and look good, like a korean guy, at least in my game, and it's kinda my taste in guys because the bangs and everything xD
Yeah the first song is my fav, as you can see I put it even on my about me since it's just much better than the others, I really love all but this one was the best ^^
Yeah it's one of the best harems in my opinion, it was really cute for a reverse harem, I loved all the songs there and the plots, it can bring you to tears and I think as a reverse harem is was touching and nice, just loved it, and I love the actor that plays in the drama, the girl is from Heartstring that one I watched before and really liked :)

It's fine, if it was long I would probably keep it for later since it's pretty late and I want finish reply to many with merry christmas only for now and tomorrow study for my exam .-.
Merry christmas :) hope you have fun in this holiday ^^

Ichigo321 Nov 16, 2014 5:59 AM
Haha I know right? actually since it's so hard to spell words right I just used the words in english and made another melody LOL and it actually kinda fun since I had stomachache and this thing made me kind of forget about it ^^
*scroll down com to com* seems like I didn't tell you about my trip yet :O I tink I forgot in my last comment xD anyway here I put in spoiler, I sent to everyone already, since I wrote once, so you don't must reply to all of it, but the most important is read and not be lazy on all parts XD

Here some more songs with amv, if you look at the amv as spoiler you don't must watch them, but if you do then better on full screen :D

That's the kind of guys I love yeah xD bangs haha cleric korean guys <3 anyoooooo

You're Beautiful, reverse harem but it's really good

Btw cleric is a char in the game I play, it makes sound like anyoo and ne krocho, well people that watch dramas can understand it XD it's like "anyo" "anya" so cute haha
That's how they lookd, got crush on them :3 espcially the one with bang to side xD

I see, well me almost finish with all my comemnts :D (yata!)
And well I didn't watch anime for long time just because the dramas, then games xD now I will wait until get mood again :3

Lol...if you told me it's similar to Hyouka, only by that I can understand it's boring already, be sure I won't watch it xD

Oh man I know those kind of plots too good, the guy can heal himself and then meet the girl that changes his life, it's normal in anime, and then the rest is action action action with tons o monters/ creatures/ enemy...

Ichigo321 Nov 1, 2014 7:34 AM
Hehe well I never finished it so I don't know about the tinny romance in end, I don't want spoil myself, but I just know that until ep12 it goes to nowhere and really bored me, and I understood nothing from it even when re-watch it again and again, I lost a big time for try understand the moments there, I can't believe I will ever try watch it again...

Hmm it's about hearts that become weapons(?) xD and about a beautiful girl with awesome voice =w=

Clannad first season is not sad, well only 3 eps from the whole season, but the second season, well it's a different story already xD if you want to make a pool of tears go on it, if you're not in mood for cry, just don't watch the second season "After Story" xD

Oh I don't know this anime, is it good? I didn't watch any anime recently O.O I think for about a month maybe, I just watched dramas, and it was really good, Heartstring and You're beautiful, I enjoyed so much to watch them :D I took a break from anime and now I only watch dramas, they got awesome songs and voices and I love their stories ^^ the chars play great too :D I got some fav actors already :)
My fav song until now from Heartstring is in my about me, you should listen to it :D
Here a gif from this drama ^^

Ichigo321 Sep 22, 2014 8:46 PM
I see, but sometimes the old version is better since more stick to the orginal and not change too much, though in case like Kanon better watch the new animation since the old version is sucks and the art really bad.
Sailor Moon is such a long anime I wonder how people were able to watch so many eps .-. well maybe because it was good and they watched in tv, this anime never was my taste for some reason xD
Haha yeah you should xD it was very cute with all the pets but to be honest I barely remmeber anything from it, I watched it maybe when I was 6-8 years old ^_^;

Yeah but well, it wasn't like Kimi ni Todoke at all because there they focus on romance while there they focus on make friends, Kimi ni Todoke show you how meet friends that's true, Sawako is a shy girl that have hard time to get along with people and be with them, and Kazehaya help her but in the anime they focus much more on the romance between them, that's the main genre of the anime, the meet friends part is only bonus, in Ishuukan Friends it's so pure that even fall for her is almost impossible, it's all about pure friendship :)
I think they're similar in the way that they're so pure and show real love or frenship, pure and lovely ^^

Hahaha yeah I know right?? it was so awesome that I just listened to it all day T.T I even sang it so loud with him XD I think the only song that my perents listned to in those weeks were this ed, and so many versiones of it =w= I even had hard time to sit on the chair and type or do anything I just wanted to jump and run and move when hear it XD ok sounds crazy but he gave me such a good mode with his voice >.>

Hahaha niceee and first time someone talk about 2 animes that I watched already *_* well Rozen Maiden was great, I loved more the ova and the second season of it, I think it was really fun and it give me idea to make a manga on dolls some day, that's the reason I started love porcelain dolls :)
Hyouka got a good art, the chars were pretty nice but how say was kinda boring, I mean I never understood what the meaning of the problem they solve there to the anime and how it helps to the plot, the problems they solve were boring and it kinda made me suffer wait until the ep end, I suffered from understand some parts in it also, everything was so complicated T_T at the end I couldn't bear it anymore and after give it tons of chances I gave up and put on hold in p12 I think -.-

Clannad is a great anime but the second season will make you cry like a crazy, no matter if you're a guy or a girl you will cry trust me xD and the first season is more a slice of life and romance, you will love it :)
This gif is from Guilty Crown, this anime is good, I really love the plot of it and the chars, the art is good also and the songs awesome ^_^ each song there is awesome I love the song o the group that do it egoist :D

Ichigo321 Aug 25, 2014 11:03 AM
Hahaha not anymore, yeah we had in past when I was around 9-12 years old but they removed it already and now all the sucks anime there with Hebrew dub and it's not in channel only for anime like before T_T
If it was I could watch anime yet there and not on comp >.>
Well Sailor moon is pretty old anime so not surprising xD I think much older than Kaleido Star too :3
Reach to ep7 in which anime? and why not try to finish it now? I can help you find more eps :)
Wait new version or new season? why will be a new verison of it ^^;
I see >.> it's too long omg T.T how you planning to do it?? it will take you years but only for the voice of pikachu you should watch it again XD the anime is super cute really so long so only if you got patience and lots of free time in hand :X
Say you want start Pokemon from beginning is like say I want to re-watch all the eps of One Piece or Naruto, I actually tried Naruto but stopped the re-watch on comp in ep40 of first season already hahaha

Hahaha finally! XD I'm glad you finished it that's a very good anime :D a simple and enjoyable anime, you should try Usagi Drop too, it's simple and calm as well ^^
Yeah this anime is really innocent, I think even more than Kimi ni Todoke since the girl never got feeling for the guy and even when the guy a bit loved the girl he still wanted keep on friendship and wanted be with her a lot, it shows freindship ina very pure way :)
Hahahaha yeah that's true XD as I said the anime is pure, there is no kiss and even romance :3
The ed was the best *listening while keep type the comment* I really can't stop listen to it >.> it's in my playlist and I always listen to all the versiones of it, I really love it so much >_<

Such a good version of this song, his voice is awesome ^_^
The animation is special and cute, I loved it a lot, I'm planning make a card of this anime in future since it was very and one of my fav slice of life :)
Yeah well they might make speciales ore more eps in future if there is still chapters for it(?) I think the ending was cute but not super satisfied, I wouldn't expect to super awesome ending since the anime is cute and simple in general so it's enough for it.

Hahaha I see, so it's kinda a spoiler for you no? ^^; well I hope I didn't spoil then I was sure you watched it :X thank you a lot ^^ glad you liked it :D

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