Pretty fucking trashy weeb. Kidding, I just watch a fuckload of anime. I'm sure thats REALLY original, especially on this website...
I actually pretty much just play video games and consume the occasional trickle of anime these days.
I try to rate shows with a combination of my personal enjoyment of the show as well as how 'good' i think it is. for instance, a well done show that I really didn't enjoy might still get a 4 to a 6, where as a guilty pleasure that I can admit is flawed will probably get from like a 5 to a 7. I also try to keep my 'favorites' up to date with exactly that, my top 10 favorites.
Feel free to leave comments recommending series you think I might enjoy.
Older bio:
I made this account back in 2010, approximately 1 year after I started watching anime. I recently (2016) got back into this account and have been trying to add all the anime that I've seen since that time, or in other words, I've been trying to remember every anime I've ever watched. I named about 50 right off the bat... lets see if I can remember all if it! In all honesty though, there's probably a lot lost to the ages...
With that said if you ever see me add an entire anime at once, it's probably safe to assume i watched it a long time ago and just recently remembered it. As of 2018, pretty sure I've gotten all of it, or at the very least all that I'll ever be able to remember.
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