Hi! My name's Mercy && I'm 18 yrs old! I love shojo && shonen anime && manga.

I'm a really nice, sweet, && caring person although I may come off as evasive && quiet when you first get to know me. It's just because I'm shy. My family && friends say that I'm: funny, blunt, honest, outgoing, smart, quiet, artistic, creative && energetic.]
::: My Favorite Characters && Anime Are:::
just to name a few! :3
****Here are some of the clubs I belong to!****


All Comments (22) Comments
Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpuchou :: Fanclub
Greetings! This is an update to announce that the Tokyo Majin club has finally reached 150+ members! Thank you everyone for joining!! And to celebrate I've made a Limited Edition Member Card. The card will be available for one week only, so hurry and request yours now.
We also have some new standard Member Card graphics to choose from, thanks to the wonderful EnkoKasumi. So if you haven't gotten your own Card yet, don't forgot to check those out and pick one up! You may also Claim a Character - there's still most of the cast up for grabs. :D
And remember guys, the club needs its members to stay active - this means YOU. Please feel free to introduce yourself in the Comments, or start a new discussion. Have an opinion and want to add your voice to our already ongoing threads? Check out the 17 Topics in our Forum.
Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho: Tou is a highly underappreciated anime, so please show your support by keeping our fanclub alive. Thank you! :D
Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpuchou :: Fanclub
Hello to all! Just a note from your friendly admin to let everyone know that the TMGK::FC is alive, but it needs your support in order to stay that way. I've tried hard to keep it interesting and interactive, so please stop by and add your voice too; feel free to introduce yourself in the Comments! :)
The club not only offers Member Cards, but also there are two recently added Polls:
Who makes the cutest couple?
Who do you think is the best fighter?
Wanna chat? Forum Discussions:
Aoi pairing preference? (thank you, aoikita!)
Tokyo Majin fanworks (share your fanfic/fanart/cosplay/AMV)
Seiyuu vs. dubbed
Favorite character?
ACID ♫♪ (download music)
Questions, theories and facts
Manga discussions
Of course the club is open to all its members, and your welcome and encouraged to add new forum posts, polls, pictures, etc all. If you have any opinions or ideas on how to improve the club, please feel free to post in the Comments!
Lastly, Community Goal: 100 Members
We are so close to having a member count of 100 - we only need three more fans to join now! *_* I know there's got to be more than that on MAL, so come on folks; join me in sending out invites, or ask your friends. This is an awesome series and deserves more love!! (Plus thank you and welcome to all our newest members!)
I appreciate your time! Thanks! :D
Click Here
About the drawings, I guess they are OK.
i know right??
adding something new gives me a feel of accomplishment =D
WHOA! ~~
81% <3
yay! *thumbs up*
lol that's why i liked black lagoon. It doesn't give you time to get bored since you can't hardly go for 5 minutes without a dude and a murder.
BECK is good you say.. i'll add that to my list :)
I also watched Naruto Bonds a couple days ago, and i was also a bit let down since from what i had seen about it before i saw it, it (hmm.. of my last 6 words half of them were 'it') looked like it'd be rather sweet.
anyway, i hope you enjoy more of Black Lagoon : D
i like all kinds of anime except yaoi...as long as it keeps me entertained i will watch it.
so what kind of anime do you like?
my all-time favorite is Lucky Star...but other notables are Death Note, Higurashi no Naku Koro ni, ef - a tale of memories, ef - a tale of melodies, Toradora!, Shuffle!, Baccano!, Kanon (2006) and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann...basically anything i rated a 9 or 10
do you have any favorites?
so how r u liking MAL so far? =3
Oh, yeah i dig Black Lagoon also. Definitely a great show imho.
lol i'd get busy if you've got 20 billion that you still plan to watch. : P what anime are you into?
so how long have you been watching anime?
it is nice to talk to a talkative person :D