All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 197.1
Mean Score:
- Watching47
- Completed325
- On-Hold7
- Dropped15
- Plan to Watch245
- Total Entries639
- Rewatched21
- Episodes13,168
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 39.0
Mean Score:
- Total Entries185
- Reread3
- Chapters5,842
- Volumes659
All Comments (143) Comments
You are from Odisha 😀
Btw I am from Bihar
Please don't reply late this time!👀
Nice to meet you 🙂
It's good to see someone of my country especially south side 😁.
I don't know what are you taking about? 🤔
But, if it's the heading then I don't know how to write that😅.
Let's be friends on this platform 😉.
Is Srilanka was still a thing ? still exist? nigga you have food ? or you are an afrikan now ???
u still alive??? Go to UK or Canada macha, they love ur curry street poopar stuff and being gaey or sum shit there.
U ded?