Im a born-again Christian who loves anime.Im particularly in to shoujos lately.Some of my favs are Ouran:High School Host Club,Eureka 7 and Tsubasa:Resevoir Chronicles ^^
that was a cute show.. i love megumi she has a cute personality! and i love music! ^_^ when i watched it.. i accidently watched it out of order like season wise... i watched the 1st jumped to the 3rd by accident, and tried to go back to the 2nd, but it was hard already knowing the ending lol
hmm... anywhere is fine :) Or maybe I just want to travel.. Maybe experience the world.. lolz I've been to new york twice I believe... I saw the Niagra Falls in Canada.. went to Hawaii last summer and California the summer before that... I went to the Philippines.. that's where I'm from.. I'd like to go to Japan, but that's more on the unrealistic side lolz .. I dont know no one there... I'd be too lost. lolz
Nothing too much. Pretty pooped.. I just got off from Bento lolz It's a pan asian cafe. At first I thought the Bento boxes would look like the animes: Rice balls or sausges cut into squids, or other cute designs all squished in a box with a pink cloth tied on around it lolz but it's more like a fancy school tray with the basic rice, veggies, & meat. Of course lolz ..
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