All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 32.1
Mean Score:
- Watching3
- Completed104
- On-Hold41
- Dropped13
- Plan to Watch139
- Total Entries300
- Rewatched0
- Episodes1,920
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 13.6
Mean Score:
- Total Entries43
- Reread0
- Chapters1,464
- Volumes199
All Comments (1262) Comments
★ The tree isn’t the only one getting
LIT this year ;) Sleigh it buddy
*dabs* You’ve done well this year
so you’re definitely in Santa’s ★
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I'm so happy to hear from you again ohmygosh how are you, how have you been? I'm so sorry for the delayed response, I didn't realise I had a notification;;
There was so much eye candy @.@. It was beautiful. That's fair. You could totally do it though! Just try the song for like 30 minutes a day if you want. Progress might be slow and you'll have to struggle. But if you really put in the effort you'll definitely make progress and by the end you won't be surprised you can do it. Because you put in the work to get there. I practiced reading sheet music by just playing a bunch of songs that I liked. It was definitely difficult, but I kept playing because I wanted to create the sound that I envisioned in my head, but couldn't make with my hands. Eventually, I played so many songs that it came more and more naturally. Learning songs is pretty easy for me now. It's the polishing a song to the point of mastery part that still provides a ton of challenge for me. The way I practice is kind of weird. I play whenever I feel like without a strict schedule. Sometimes it's only 4 times a week and sometimes its every day. But when I do play it's often for hours at a time. I don't force myself to play though. Everyone practices differently though, so just find whatever works for you personally.
That's nuts. I imagine they were happy, haha. Character development is suuuper important to me too, so I can understand why you'd like the manga more because of that. I hate when interesting stuff like that gets cut in anime. It's always unfortunate, especially when they're important details like that D:
PS: Replying is pointless. Use PM if you want to.
Nothing really interesting has happened
And something interesting to tell?
Pfft, I know I'm awesome. My ego is definitely not showing Hopefully all the drama is settling down. What have you been doing in terms of hobbies and whatnot then? School going well? And rip Snowy. Hopefully he comes back like you did!
Here's my personal tier list for the Love Live girls, it is heavily outdated and only takes into account the game.
I recently finished the U's anime, and my thoughts have changed. In regards to the U's girls, Honoka and Maki should be in S tier, Rin should be in B tier, and Nozomi should be in C tier.
Just because Honoka is in my favorites... doesn't make her best girl. She's still a REALLY GOOD GIRL. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut...
It's weird but kinda cute. xD
Haha, yeah I guess you wouldn't. But you probably would have to start thinking about college in a year or two too right? Not too far off, lol
Oh how did the exams go? I hope, well. :D
I'm watching a few shows like Made In Abyss which is just amazing in world building btw. You should give it a try!
And a few others like Re Creators, Gamers and Youkai Apartment.
Oh, I have to start watching Sakura Quest too. IIRC, it's about the tourism industry right?
Well, yeah. Anime original endings almost always suck. But I'll probably watch it anyway and move on to the manga. xD
Life is good. New semester just started in college so not watching much anime lately, just a few airing shows.
Hmm, I wouldn't say anything interesting. Everything's going normally. Same old same old... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
How about you? How's life? Watching any airing shows this season?
Oh, I see you are reading ReLife. I only watched the anime. Loved it and I'm thinking about reading the manga. I know there's an ova series coming that's supposed to wrap up the story in an original ending but I'm not really sure I want that. :(