All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 178.0
Mean Score:
- Watching1
- Completed412
- On-Hold41
- Dropped57
- Plan to Watch166
- Total Entries677
- Rewatched53
- Episodes10,778
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 32.7
Mean Score:
- Total Entries138
- Reread8
- Chapters4,038
- Volumes415
All Comments (6962) Comments
Just checked ke mee 3 Saal se left on read tha :(( lol.
(It's been 3 years since our last chat lol, kya fata fat saal gye lol)
Long time no see.
I don't use MAL much often through the browser. And I mostly use PocketMAL for updating my list.
Wanna connect through Whatsapp/LinkedIn? That's where I am currently active. Just DM me if you want to.
But come on, the corpse party OVA is basically just garbage.
I can't go into details but it's mostly regarding commerce.
For the time being I'm studying, job will come a bit later.