I apologize to people trying to contact me and/or friend me, I'm on a social hiatus at the moment. But please don't let that deter you from contacting me! It might take me a while to get back to you, but I will get around to you.
I'm a person of many fandoms and complete randomness at times--actually, probably most of the time XD I really love anime & manga, otome & yaoi things, music; the romance, action, and fantasy genre (even outside the otaku world); video games, and I especially love to laugh and make other people laugh or I at least like to attempt at it :D
I'm really laid-back and friendly (or I like to think I am (⌒_⌒) ), so feel free to message me or friend me! Although I probably won't strike up a conversation with you, chances are I do wanna talk to you! It's just me being socially awkward and... well, me. Lol. Even though I'm shy I love to chat (as weird as that is, haha) and make new friends, so please feel free to say hi anytime :)
Also sorry if I don't reply quickly. I have my procrastination skill close to maxed out. But fear not! I will reply!... Eventually... (⌒_⌒u)
And before I get done with my main blurb~ A song for my fellow music lovers :3 Enjoy~
(I try to update this every once in a while...)
"貴方の側に (Anata no Soba ni)" by Riria
from "My Happy Marriage" I love this song so much <3
Now, for those curious people out there who are interested in more, I present you with~ Random stuff! And when I say random stuff, I mean random stuff. It's complete and utter chaos below this. You've been warned XD
If anybody's wondering how I rate~ my ratings are based on my personal enjoyment.
Simple as that.
~A list of web comics I'm into that aren't on MAL ♥~ ~And a list of visual novels I'm playing/played.~
And if you're still reading this, here's an awesome AMV made by Vivifx, she makes great AMV's! If you like awesome AMV's, and you haven't heard of her, then what are you waiting for! You should check out her channel ^_^
You don't even need to have seen Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun to enjoy it. On top of being awesome it's also funny~ :D
This song speaks to me on an emotional level.
I swear I was the muse for this song XD ... T_T
And another ...
Now hold up a sec! I know what you're thinking! But hear me out first.
It's NOT a yaoi AMV. Yep, you read that right. Yes, the thumbnail shows a yaoi pairing, and yes it features a lot of yaoi ships, as well as straight ones, but it's just poking fun at ships. So unless you are extremely homophobic, give this AMV a try. It's really funny~
This is pretty much how I feel about my ships XD
And finally, some awesome quotes to leave you with~ “Even if things are painful and tough, people should appreciate what it means to be alive.” ~Yato from Noragami
♡ HI, it's been a while. Our club has been on hiatus for over 2 years, mostly due to COVID and adjusting to life since then. I'm pleased to bring news about us opening a discord server and migrating everything we had from the club to the server. I hope to make it more interactable with this and build a small community again. In case this all seems unfamiliar, the main purpose of our small community was to gather and chat about Boys Love (the genre) and give each other recommendations, have lists of different types of BL and now we've expanded into Manhwa & Manhua. To join the server, feel free to click on the banner or below where it says "SERVER LINK". The link expires in 7 days, if you need a new one feel free to DM me! I hope to see you there! ♡
sorry for the intrusion , feel free to ignore this message if you're not
interested in a genshin discord server (another , i know xD)
i'm trying to put together a genshin oriented discord server where people who
love genshin can hangout and participate in other activities as well ~ hopefully (game nights , movie nights etc)
the server is pretty much still under construction (we are one day old xD) and we are still figuring out rules , roles and all that good xD let me know if you would like to help out or join as a member! ^^
All Comments (142) Comments
sorry for the intrusion , feel free to ignore this message if you're not
interested in a genshin discord server (another , i know xD)
i'm trying to put together a genshin oriented discord server where people who
love genshin can hangout and participate in other activities as well ~ hopefully (game nights , movie nights etc)
the server is pretty much still under construction (we are one day old xD) and we are still figuring out rules , roles and all that good xD let me know if you would like to help out or join as a member! ^^