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Days: 44.1
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Days: 82.5
Mean Score:
- Reading35
- Completed182
- On-Hold30
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- Plan to Read118
- Total Entries368
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All Comments (30) Comments
As for 3.0+1.0, the way that I looked at its message was that "if you are in a dark place, you don't have to try to put in any actual effort to get away from it and you don't have to try to improve yourself as an individual, there will always be people out there who will reach out to you and will love you unconditionally no matter what, so just sit patiently and wait for a guardian angel to save you from yourself."
I guess that's a bit too cynical, but that's exactly how it came across to me. I don't think people should expect to be loved by others before learning to love themselves and bettering themselves first, I think that would be both selfish and naïve. No one should be forced to love someone who hates themselves. I say this from first hand experience as someone who used to be extremely depressed and hated himself in the past, I know exactly how insufferable that can be, and I would not want to be close to someone like that.
The ending scene on the beach is particularly ambiguous. Personally, I subscribe to the interpretation that Shinji was simply testing to see if his rejection of Human Instrumentality had actually worked and if people can hurt each other again, instead of still being trapped in some weird fake reality. When Asuka finally shows a sign of acceptance/understanding towards him, he breaks down crying again, but I think those are more tears of happiness and relief than anything, not to mention just needing an emotional release from all the pent-up suffering that he just went through.
As for the drastic tone change, that is definitely a translation of Anno's mental state during the production of the movie, along with just fitting the episodes leading up to the finale (20-24) much better. His depression was at its peak, and instead of giving the so-called "fans" some epic finale that hands all of the explanations to them on a silver platter and have Shinji saving the day with the power of friendship with the happily ever after generic anime ending that a lot of people wanted, he instead gives us something that is even more personal, experimental, and "arthousy" than the original ending. It's an extremely bold move that you would never see in any other mainstream anime production. I completely disagree with the notion that EoE was made to appease the people that complained about the original ending. In fact, I think it's much more of a middle finger to them, instead of trying to make the kind of people that sent him death threats happy. As you said it yourself, a lot of the stuff in the movie can be interpreted as a direct attack on those fans, and that only increases my respect for Anno.
But again, the depressing tone is all on a surface level. I feel like the bleakness and tragic events of EoE make Shinji's decision that much more impactful and meaningful. Despite going through so much suffering, he still chooses to face reality at the end. I don't really understand how you reached the conclusion that he's going through some "reclusion syndrome", I mean, I'm looking at the subtitles in the movie right now, and Shinji basically spells out that he's moving towards a more positive mentality, learning to face his demons, and accept the struggles of reality at the LCL ocean scene.
"No, this isn't right. I don't think this is what I want."
He then proceeds to have a long conversation with Rei and Kaworu about how he doesn't want to run away from his problems anymore and he doesn't mind if that means he'll feel fear and get hurt again.
"I'm always betrayed eventually. They abandon me. But I want to see them one more time... and I think what I felt was genuine."
I find it very hard to think your interpretation is what Anno was trying to go for. As Shinji himself states to Yui at the end, he still doesn't know where to find happiness. That will always be a constant struggle, and it's naïve to think he'll just immediately have solved all of his problems as soon as he gets out of Instrumentality. Like CriticalShock stated below, it's about taking that first step forward instead of expecting everything to be magically fixed (especially to someone as troubled as Shinji), yet another reason as to why I like this ending so much more.
This is also one of the reasons I didn't really like the new 3.0+1.0 movie, it's exaggeratedly positive, to a point of almost feeling childish. Everyone loves Shinji unconditionally and are always going out of their way to help him and save him from himself. He doesn't go through the lesson of learning to love himself before he can be loved by others. This mindset of relying on others to get away from a dark place is very toxic and unhealthy, but maybe my interpretation of the whole thing is just wrong, I don't know.
It's a much more mature message, and this bittersweet ending is a better fit for Eva in my opinion.
The fact that Shinji has materialized in his physical form means that Shinji has decided to face reality and reject instrumentality. This is almost explicitly said in EoE.
While not a happy ending it's far from sad and depressing.
Tanto la possibilità di vedere qualcosa c'è sempre, le serie non scappano da nessuna parte
Nonostante la situazione non sia delle migliori direi che comunque per adesso sto abbastanza bene grazie di avermelo chiesto, di la speranza è che il tutto finisca quanto prima ma per ora non possiamo fare altro che aspettare, invece tu al momento come la stai vivendo?
Posso capire la mancanza di tempo in alcuni periodi, visto che in ogni caso ti interessa queato tipo di opere allora spero che in futuro tu abbia il tempo di recuperarle (anche se vedere anime come nichijou non è una cosa così brutta)
Si in effetti ho in mente di recuperare Eva in futuro anche solo per il suo valore nell'industria, però io scelgo l'anime da vedere completamente in base a come mi sento in quel preciso momento pensando a cosa ho voglia di vedere quindi alcuni anime rimangono in lista d'attesa per parecchio tempo, però hai ragione nonostante questo arriverà il tempo per Eva
E il vedere la tua lista con Eva con 10 mi ricorda nuovamente come io debba ancora vederlo.
Mi fa piacere che anche tu sia d'accordo, ho trovato che questo sia il modo migliore di rappresentare questo voto e di dare il giusto onore alle opere che lo meritano, il 10 deve pur sempre rimanere qualcosa di speciale e che pochissime serie possono raggiungere (altrimenti il voto stesso perderebbe il suo significato); però penso che tutti almeno inconsciamente lo sappiano, ma è vero che molte persone non lo realizzano, almeno in teoria con il tempo dovrebbe essere un concetto che diventerà a loro più chiaro.
I wrote everything on the assumption that you are italian and I am pretty sure you are (for the comment you wrote, the Hic et Nunc and that in your review you said how you don't usually write in english) but sorry if for some reason I misunderstood you