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Most Chapters Read In One Day Is 276, New Grappler Baki
Igai: The Play Dead/Alive = The Walking Dead Comic
The music i listen to when i read manga
“But there is one other thing more precious to a man beyond all else. Something one pursues for one’s own sake and not for that of any other. A dream. Some dream of ruling the world, dedicating their entire life to forging the perfect sword. While some can be pursued alone, some are like storms, blowing apart hundreds or thousands of other dreams as they go.” –Griffith
"Sparks: The light born in the clash when two swords meet. They serve me well. Throughout my life...the moments, and people who have defined me...they have all been sparks."–Guts
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(In no particular order)
2. Sign 2
3. Sim City
4. Gatsu (Guts theme)
5. Ash Crow