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Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e 2nd Season
Jan 10, 2024 9:42 AM
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Days: 68.8
Mean Score:
- Total Entries107
- Reread0
- Chapters5,132
- Volumes285
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Rougo ni Sonaete Isekai de 8-manmai no Kinka wo Tamemasu
Jan 6, 2018 6:32 AM
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fb ku dah ga aktif jg.. mmg masi pake fb?
manhwa rata2 shoujo ak, hampir rata2 ttg female lead isekai buat revenge git..
kyk I'll Be the Matriarch in This Life, marriage of convenience, remarried empress, unholy blood..
byk bgt sih rata2 yg di webtoon ak baca wkwk
manhwa kalo ml cowo paling ingat solo leveling krn dia plg booming kan?!
mmg lg baca apa skrg?
amin kmu jg sehat2 dan kerjaan lancar terusss...
Ngomong2 kitanya dah tua tp one piece blum tamat2 ya hadeh... Kmu nont atau baca one piece ga?
ga telat eh, ak malah kira ga bakal dibalas.. wkwk
jujur ak uda lupa semua soal anak2 mal ternasuk kmu.. maaf ya..
cuma entah kesambet apa, terpanggil bt buka mal lg..
hbis liat2 nostalgia, liat2 comment merasa ga enak kan, jd kubalas 1 1 comment kawan2 lama mal..
btw mmg masi ingat ak siapa?! ak jamin lupa jg kan wkwkw
ak jg dah jarang bgt nonton anime paling ikutin one piece sama nontn yg ad di netflix kalo ad waktu..
nah iya hrus pake mood skrg kalo nontn anime.. klo ga pas insom deh nah pas tuh moodny buat anime..
cuma kalo manga ttap suka, tp lebih sering baca2 manhwa sih lebih praktis soalnya kyk di webtoon web2 batoto dkk
wn webnovel? klo ak jrg novel.. kcuali kalo manhwany ada novel n saking ga sabaran tunggu manhwa ny rilis chapter, baru kubaca versi novelny wkwkw
kalo ad yg bgus recommend ya lg butuh jg asupan baru.. wkwk
kalo mobage main apa nih? em el? kalo em el jg main nih wkwk
kabarku sama baiknya wkwk
jd budak koporat kan kerja2..
ga kerasa sih dari 2014 ya skrg dah 2023 merasa tua wkwkwk
gmn kabarnya?? wua terakhir online bulan april ya.. moga balik online lg y.. wkwkwk
I am desperate to find the translations for Tensei shitara Ken deshita, would you happen to know where there are good translations for the WN from chapter 304 forward?
I would grately appreciate any help :)
Euphoria's writer's new work lol
Hopefully, it won't take too long, I want to get to the Grand Finale.
I'm pretty sure it's an enforced playing order. Just in case, I'll go through Rikka's before the Grand Finale to get it over with. I don't think I can bear reading through it though lol.
This is the walkthrough I'm using:
the video is Imouto sae irebaii lol.
I can say one thing, I love Mayuriiiii. I want to give her a hug ;A;.