Given name: ケイ
Family name: 相川Alternate names: 藍川 珪, Birthday: Jul 19 Website: Member Favorites: 5 More: Blood type: O
Birth place: Chiba Prefecture, Japan. Eligibility: Eiken Level Pre-2 Hobbies: Games in general, Mahjong, Golf, Writing. Aikawa Kei (あいかわ けい, 相川 ケイ), began her career as the voice actress of Atelier Peach. She will voice H-Game from 2003 till 2020. In 2011 she will start to voice the first Anime Hentai: Cosplay Roshutsu Kenkyuukai (OVA, 2011), from 2016 she will voice Anime Hentai: Otokonoko ♂ Delivery (OVA, 2016), Energy Kyouka ! ! (OVA, 2016) and Boku to Misaki-sensei (OVA, 2017). In the 2020 she will leave Atelier Peach to join Leopard Steel; with the transition to the new company she will change her name from “藍 川 珪” (Aikawa Kei) to “相 川 ケ イ” (Aikawa Kei). In 2020, she will voice in Anime: Fugou Keiji: Balance: Unlimited (TV, 2020) as the erotic voice of Supporting in episode 1. Social Profiles: Ameblo: Aikawa-k (Internet Archive) Twitter: @aiaikawa0719 Professional profiles: Artist profiles Atelier Peach: Aikawa (Internet Archive) Artist profiles Leopard Steel: Aikawa Kei Other information: Wikipedia (Japanese language): 藍川珪 AniDB: Aikawa Kei VnDB: Aikawa Ke Bangumi: 藍川珪 |
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