Birthday: Aug 10, 2002
Member Favorites: 0

haru / vocal
Born:1986 December 15
Blood Type: O
Born Residents: Kawaguchi City, Saitama

KAZUYA / bass
Born: 1986 May 11, was born.
Bllod Type: A
Niigata Prefecture from Saitama Prefecture , Kawaguchi City residents.

HIDE /guitar
Born: 1986 December 29
Blood Type: O
Born Residents: Kawaguchi City, Saitama.
(The leader of the band universe.)

KEIICHI / drums
Born: June 06, 1986
Blood Type: A
Born Residents: Kawaguchi City, Saitama

YUSUKE / guitar
Born: June 06, 1986
Blood Type: A
Born Residents: Kawaguchi City, Saitama

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