Given name: 伸
Family name: 吉田Birthday: Jun 21, 1966 Website: Member Favorites: 10
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Most Recent
Start Date
add Screenplay (ep 15, 21) ONA, 2006 39257200610060000017.08 |
7.08 39,257 Members |
add Screenplay (ep 68-69, 74, 77, 81, 83, 88, 92, 96) TV, Fall 2020 76555202010030000027.73 |
7.73 76,555 Members |
add Script (ep 7), Screenplay (ep 7, 10) TV, Winter 2019 83511201901100000036.14 |
6.14 83,511 Members |
TV, Fall 2020 65177202010030000046.81 |
6.81 65,177 Members |
TV, Fall 2023 12040202310070000056.85 |
6.85 12,040 Members |
add Screenplay (ep 1-2, 5, 7-8, 12, 17-18, 20-21, 24), Series Composition ONA, 2018 47457201804130000067.48 |
7.48 47,457 Members |
add Script (eps 3-6), Series Composition OVA, 2005 65616200503250000077.36 |
7.36 65,616 Members |
add Script (eps 187-191, 213-215), Screenplay (ep 187-191, 213-215) TV, Fall 2002 2961809200210030000088.00 |
8.00 2,961,809 Members |
add Screenplay (ep 93-95, 98-100, 104, 108, 115, 117-118, 129-130, 135, 139, 143, 145, 148, 154-155, 158, 162, 164-165, 169, 172, 176-178, 193, 200, 206, 210, 215-216), Series Composition (ep 459–468) TV, Winter 2007 2593860200702150000098.28 |
8.28 2,593,860 Members |
add Script (Episode 1-4, 6-7), Series Composition TV, Summer 2011 80242201107030000106.58 |
6.58 80,242 Members |
add Script (eps 1-4, 7-10, 12, 14, 16-17, 22-24), Series Composition TV, Spring 2005 119311200504080000117.29 |
7.29 119,311 Members |
add Script (eps 5-9-10-14-18) TV, Spring 2003 266479200304170000127.76 |
7.76 266,479 Members |
add Script, Screenplay (ep 9, 11) TV, Fall 1999 101592199910130000137.53 |
7.53 101,592 Members |
add Script (eps 6, 9, 19) TV, Summer 2002 121681200207030000147.24 |
7.24 121,681 Members |
add Screenplay (ep 9-10, 20-21, 25-26, 30, 36-39, 47, 51-53, 56-57, 65-66, 79-80, 82, 96, 98-99, 103, 106-107, 110, 116-117, 121, 128-130, 137-138, 151, 154), Series Composition (Eps 27-154) TV, Spring 2008 147695200804020000157.46 |
7.46 147,695 Members |
add Screenplay (ep 4-5, 11-12, 17-18, 26-27, 29-32, 43-45, 54-57, 63-64, 68-69, 79, 86-92, 95, 102-103, 108-109, 114-118, 123, 131-132, 145-147, 156-159, 163-164, 168), Series Composition (ep 145-184, 199-224) TV, Spring 2000 411599200004180000167.50 |
7.50 411,599 Members |
add Screenplay (ep 5-6, 12, 18-19, 24-26, 35, 39, 45-46, 48-49, 57-59, 67-68, 75-76, 82, 87-88, 97-98, 106-107, 113-114, 117-119, 128-130, 141-143, 157-160, 165-166, ), Series Composition (Eps 157-180) TV, Fall 2004 225551200410060000177.21 |
7.21 225,551 Members |
Movie, 2010 50980201001230000187.14 |
7.14 50,980 Members |
add Screenplay (ep 1-3, 8-13, 18-21, 35, 43-47, 50, 55, 59, 68, 71-73, 83-84, 86-87, 96-98, 102, 104-105, 108-109, 112, 117-120), Series Composition TV, Spring 2017 49359201705100000196.70 |
6.70 49,359 Members |
add Screenplay (ep 1-4, 7-8, 10, 13-14, 19, 22-26, 31, 33-34, 42-43, 47-49, 55-56, 65-67, 69-71), Series Composition TV, Spring 2011 81781201104110000206.43 |
6.43 81,781 Members |
add Screenplay (ep 1-2, 8, 16, 26-27, 35-36, 43, 45-48, 53, 56-57, 60-62, 65, 68-73), Series Composition TV, Fall 2012 43061201210070000216.91 |
6.91 43,061 Members |
OVA, 2001 10607200102210000226.85 |
6.85 10,607 Members |
add Script, Screenplay (ep 1, 3-6, 13, 16, 20, 24-26), Series Composition TV, Spring 2001 13369200104070000236.92 |
6.92 13,369 Members |
Most Recent
Start Date
Manga, 2015 2907201508210000016.92 |
6.92 2,907 Members |
Manga, 2022 807202204210000026.87 |
6.87 807 Members |
Manga, 2010 3307201012210000036.87 |
6.87 3,307 Members |
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