Given name: 正太郎
Family name: 得能Alternate names: ショウタロウ Birthday: Feb 15, 1985 Website: Member Favorites: 92 More: Current residence: Tokyo, Japan
Blood type: O Zodiac: Aquarius He worked at the development company Tri-Ace on games like Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria and Star Ocean: The Last Hope between 2006 and 2008 as a character designer, until he changed careers and became a mangaka and an illustrator for light novels. Twitter: @tokutaro Tumblr: @tokutaro28 pixiv: #1203800 |
NewsWinners of the Newtype Anime Awards 2017 Oct 7, 2017 12:45 PM by Sakana-san | Discuss (111 comments) |