Morohoshi, Sumire

Morohoshi, Sumire

Given name: すみれ
Family name: 諸星
Birthday: Apr 23, 1999
Member Favorites: 1,005
Blood type: A
Birth place: Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan

Sumire Morohoshi joined the Himawari Theatre Group at the age of 3 after seeing the character Yubaba in Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi. She made her seiyuu debut at the age of 7 in Red Garden as the voice of Carrie Sheedy.

Morohoshi has also starred in a number of television dramas. She voiced young Anna in the Japanese-language dub of the 2013 Walt Disney Pictures film Frozen.

Twitter: @smileysuu
Profile: Himawari
Flying Dog
YouTube: @morohoshi_su-channel

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