Another Epilogue of Angel Beats To Be Released
Source: Scan of Dengeki G's
C part means
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i think that it's non-linear is a given, because otherwise tachibana couldn't have been there before otonashi. i don't think that it's looping, because then some things don't make a lot of sense. though what would non-linear, looping time look like anyway, *snicker*; that makes my brain hurt. i really like the concept of non-linear time though.
btw, calling this 'purgatory' is only a good idea if one can thoroughly divorce that concept from the catholic one, because the world of "angel beats" is too different from the catholic concept (i notice one of the reviewers complaining about that, but you can't apply christian assumptions to a japanese anime that's very clearly not about christian beliefs, so it's not fair to judge it because it doesn't portray those assumptions). what it really portrays is a buddhist view, that of upadana (clinging) and bhava (becoming) -- the members of the battleforce are clinging to memories of their previous lives because they feel regrets, and move on to the next life after they've reached a form of enlightenment. ok, this is really overkill for a discussion on this site, *grin*. i stop now.
i don't think i'll watch the other epilogue because i thought the ending was perfect for the show, and i don't want to see it spoiled. i LIKE that their meeting in their new lives wasn't elaborated on -- that's another story; it's enough to know they met again. my heart was really breaking for otonashi at the end before the credits.
Feb 2, 2011 7:52 AM by pleochroic
was kind of disappointed since i was hoping this would be a continuation of the last ep where otonashi meets kanade in their after-afterlife
apart from that it was a good watch
It is named "another epilogue", which means a different ending. There is no expansion. They didn't have to make anything clear. All it meant was you could of cut out the ending of episode 13 and slapped this in.
Jan 12, 2011 7:44 PM by Moe_
apart from that it was a good watch
Jan 5, 2011 6:54 AM by paksis_pragma
Still, it doesn't explain Otonashi's "spawn time"; he should have appeared long before any of the SSS members and especially long before Kanade, so why show up in the middle of it all? Either there's something more to this (hopefully clarified in the eventual sequel) or someone didn't think this concept through (sounds more likely given Angel Beats!' inherent nature at failing to deliver when it counts).
Jan 4, 2011 1:05 AM by KirikaYuiko
Dec 29, 2010 12:12 PM by hardnyasha
Seems they came out a couple of days apart from each other, so a few people are getting mixed up.
EDIT - Actually, looks like both came out on the same day. =P
Dec 25, 2010 11:40 PM by Paladin65536
...wait what? I'm starting to think what you saw and what I saw were two different things, where'd you watch it? What site?
(@MapoTofu or Kipcha)
I'd also like to know...
Dec 24, 2010 3:47 PM by Lupin123
This "another epilogue" was a(nother) total disappointment. I mean I was totally lost in the original ending, especially the last part of the 13th made me scratch my head, because I didn't get at all what was going on. But did this answer any of my questions? No, it just raised more, well thanks a lot! Ok, maybe I'm just too stupid to understand what was going on, so could anyone explain what happend in the orignal ending and what this new ending has to do with it?
Kinda reminds me of a very popular anime series from the mid 90's which had a confusing ending and therfore they made a second one in order to make things clear but it became even more convoluted...
Dec 24, 2010 7:57 AM by tempo_plus
Dec 24, 2010 12:53 AM by Sylpheed
Dec 23, 2010 8:46 PM by hikaricore
Dec 23, 2010 12:29 PM by Gar_Logan
(@MapoTofu or Kipcha)
Dec 22, 2010 9:57 PM by Paladin65536
So after watching the epilogue, it seems as though Otonashi could be the creator of the Angel System in Episode 10? (forgot which episode) which said the creator was waiting for someone and then turned himself into an NPC. So if that works out then the time frame of the anime is non linear or loops around.
Dec 22, 2010 7:33 PM by MapoTofu
Kinda sad that he's still pining away for Kanade though. You can tell he misses all of them a lot.
If they continue from this next season, I'm really looking forward to it!
Dec 22, 2010 1:33 PM by Kippercha
SSS's members on the board.
The Epilogue's good though.
Wait for AB! Visual Novel next year.
Dec 22, 2010 9:29 AM by luongphanhien
Dec 22, 2010 1:06 AM by Paladin65536
Dec 22, 2010 12:46 AM by Eternal_Shield
If CLANNAD's conclusion was bad, then by that same logic, Kanon's ending (either adaptation) was bad (and AIR's to an extent).
Oh and for anyone that hasn't seen it yet and is expecting development:
Dec 21, 2010 11:33 PM by KirikaYuiko
Dec 21, 2010 7:12 AM by Okikurumi
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