Noitamina Editor To Shave His Head As a Penalty For the Poor Rating

Yamamoto's tweet
However, his head has already been almost bald (see the picture below), so he said he is going to shave his head thoroughly.
Picture of Yamamoto in 2009
Yamamoto said he has been warned by the staff of the production studios so many times that Noitamina is going in a wrong direction. But he didn't give up his belief. He intentionally creates a small disagreement between the trend among the audience and the production staff's mindset. He believes it'll produce an unexpected outcome.
Yamamoto's tweet 2, tweet3
20 of 78 Comments Recent Comments
Jul 5, 2010 2:41 PM by DogPaw
Jun 27, 2010 12:28 AM by DmonHiro
I am totally aware that these shows aren't aimed for the core otaku audience, but there once was a time when fanservice was mostly much more subtle and directors couldn't even imagine a show without a plot, point or action. And I'm talking about "otaku shows" made in somewhere around first years of 21st centry and before.
Now all of a sudden it's nearly impossible to make a decent show with good plot and make it sell without mutilating it into character-driven pantsuflashing harem shitfest.
Yes, I'm sure this topic has been talked to death for several times already but goddamn, I just have to vent my rage over this occasionally. Honestly, I've seen better hentai plots than the stuff over half of this years series have.
Jun 25, 2010 1:11 PM by Orangevision
Jun 15, 2010 2:12 AM by Yumei_Noir
Yeah, except the people that the ratings are based understand the language and don't have subtitles...
From what I read, it seems that the Japanese are also having trouble keeping up with that show. They talk to fast for them to understand everything, so yes, the Japanese could use some closed captions for that particular anime.
I don't know what you read, but that's an absolutely silly thought. The dialog is fast for anime, but at most slightly faster and at worst slower and more clear than plenty of real-life conversation that is perfectly easy to understand.
I think you could find plenty of flaws with the show depending upon preference, but fast audio is not one of them if you understand the language.
Jun 12, 2010 8:02 PM by hikky
Jun 12, 2010 1:44 PM by Duzell
noitaminA is aimed at a completely different audience, so male otaku don't applied. This is the audience (women between 20 and 30 years of age) that likes watching anime like Hataraki Man, Moyashimon, Honey & Clover, or Nodame Cantabile.
They're the ones who've rejected these shows.
Anyway, Fuji's mistake was believing that they had such a loyal following that they could dictate what the audience wanted to see and not the other way around (and as the producer admits, even the production studios warned him many times). They diluted the content and ended up turning off the masses with "strange" shows they weren't interested in trying.
Well take note: The point is that the production studios have warned him many times... and lol, failed at their target audience... that's really the worst.
Btw guys, what is more important is what happens in Japan, whether their culture can take the shows, more than our own individual preferences. This, as a clear indication from the dwindling anime industry.
But IMO, both of these aren't really that interesting... I put them on hold after a few eps and now am struggling to put them back on watching list. Esp. HoFL, I do not enjoy watching a guy with dead fish eyes being a main character and leeching off a band of a kidnappers, while behaving as if nothing is wrong. Finished 2, and is on hold.
Jun 9, 2010 3:49 AM by Dunkjoe
Jun 1, 2010 1:56 PM by Dvvarf
Yojouhan Sihwa Taikei - masterpiece, yeah I'm saying it after 2 eps
Sariya Goyou - amazingly good anime
The only two watchable animes this season (putting Rainbow aside) that are actually exceptionally good and they don't get views. Yep, the fat Japanese otaku that watch every other shitty anime this season are destroying whats good in the industry.
In time no one will ever animate something other than fanservice crap, because nothing else will bring them money...
noitaminA is aimed at a completely different audience, so male otaku don't applied. This is the audience (women between 20 and 30 years of age) that likes watching anime like Hataraki Man, Moyashimon, Honey & Clover, or Nodame Cantabile.
Jesus. I know House of Five Leaves is an excellent anime and it's definitely my favourite of the season thus far [overtakes Angel Beats], but that's clearly bad decision-making. HoFL, thus far, is not aimed purely at the female audience and absolutely failed there. Surely it needed a different timeslot and a different audience to work with.
I remember a 2ch topic [by SanCom] and HoFL is one of the lowest rated anime. Not surprising that K-ON! took the lead [Jesus, I hate that anime with a passion, I want it to die]
May 24, 2010 7:58 AM by SolitaryYates
Yeah, except the people that the ratings are based understand the language and don't have subtitles...
From what I read, it seems that the Japanese are also having trouble keeping up with that show. They talk to fast for them to understand everything, so yes, the Japanese could use some closed captions for that particular anime.
May 14, 2010 2:46 PM by DmonHiro
I agree both of them are very good.But i can see why Yojouhan Sihwa Taikei has a low rating. Not everyone can read fast so they don't know what's going on in the anime.
Yeah, except the people that the ratings are based understand the language and don't have subtitles...
May 14, 2010 10:19 AM by removed-user
May 8, 2010 7:51 AM by Gonee
Yojouhan Sihwa Taikei - masterpiece, yeah I'm saying it after 2 eps
Sariya Goyou - amazingly good anime
I agree both of them are very good.But i can see why Yojouhan Sihwa Taikei has a low rating. Not everyone can read fast so they don't know what's going on in the anime.
May 8, 2010 7:11 AM by V0ltekka
Yojouhan Sihwa Taikei - masterpiece, yeah I'm saying it after 2 eps
Sariya Goyou - amazingly good anime
The only two watchable animes this season (putting Rainbow aside) that are actually exceptionally good and they don't get views. Yep, the fat Japanese otaku that watch every other shitty anime this season are destroying whats good in the industry.
In time no one will ever animate something other than fanservice crap, because nothing else will bring them money...
noitaminA is aimed at a completely different audience, so male otaku don't applied. This is the audience (women between 20 and 30 years of age) that likes watching anime like Hataraki Man, Moyashimon, Honey & Clover, or Nodame Cantabile.
They're the ones who've rejected these shows.
Anyway, Fuji's mistake was believing that they had such a loyal following that they could dictate what the audience wanted to see and not the other way around (and as the producer admits, even the production studios warned him many times). They diluted the content and ended up turning off the masses with "strange" shows they weren't interested in trying.
May 7, 2010 9:43 PM by TJR
Yojouhan Sihwa Taikei - masterpiece, yeah I'm saying it after 2 eps
Sariya Goyou - amazingly good anime
RIGHT ON!!!! two of the best shows this season I'm honestly surprised at how a show like this could have bad ratings *shrugs*.
Forgot to mention arakwa and Working!
I'm watching K-on!! B gata H Kei and Angel Beats too, (and I'm about to drop senko no night raid since the first ep was rubbish and if the second one is similar, which it most probably will be I'm just getting rid of it).
May 7, 2010 4:46 PM by apatch3
must see
May 7, 2010 1:42 PM by smokes
Sariya Goyou - amazingly good anime
The only two watchable animes this season (putting Rainbow aside) that are actually exceptionally good and they don't get views. Yep, the fat Japanese otaku that watch every other shitty anime this season are destroying whats good in the industry.
In time no one will ever animate something other than fanservice crap, because nothing else will bring them money...
May 3, 2010 1:04 PM by Wind_Falcon
Though I can see why they weren't doing well. They were initially a turn off for me. I only checked them out because I was bored.
May 3, 2010 11:20 AM by controlmajortom
May 3, 2010 5:10 AM by Mr_Gutts
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but that show is great, so far one my favorites of this year, I wonder what show is beating saraiya goyou in terms of raiting?
Almost every show, actually.
Jul 6, 2010 7:25 AM by DmonHiro