Producer of Noitamina Apologizes For Poor Rating of Saraiya Goyou
Generally, rating of an anime program aired after midnight doesn't matter to its producer since the business model mostly relies on the DVD sales. However, keeping high rating is crucial for Noitamina to maintain the timeslot because they aim to attract the general viewers, who rarely purchase anime DVDs
Sources: Yamamoto's tweet, Mainichi, Web Anime Style
related topic: Noitamina Suffers From the Discrepancy between Rating and DVD Sales
20 of 72 Comments Recent Comments
Apr 27, 2011 12:39 AM by sakurai93
*sniff sniff*
Mar 13, 2011 5:43 PM by eyerok
looks like it's too intellectual and not very fun.
Doesn't interest female viewers
reasons are all kind of related
What are you saying here?
In any case, I'm surprised that Moyashimon got higher ratings than something like Higashi no Eden, but I suspect the audience that watches that time slot would have liked a zany college humour anime rather than a series about political intrigue.
Sorry to bring this up again, but I agree with thehominator, I'm female and I loved this anime, the art, the mostly dark ambientation, the characters, the story and of course the social critique.
Feb 1, 2011 7:42 AM by Yakarin
It's pointless to complain about the state of the anime industry, because no one in the industry really cares. If you want to make a difference, get your friends to watch the shows on Hulu (they keep track of how many people are watching) or go buy the DVDs of shows you really like if they're released in your country.
Jun 24, 2010 5:51 PM by removed-user
Doesn't interest female viewers, apparently it's a seinen about Samurai.
Please don't stereotype girls. There are those of us who are interested in shows like these.
Jun 17, 2010 11:16 PM by starrysky
Look at Kaiji, One Outs, Kaiba, even shows like Michiko to Hatchin and to a lesser extent Detroit Metal City. (At the least the latter roughly broke even)
The things that make money are softcore porn shows with 12 year old-looking girls AND/OR adaptations of popular visual novels AND/OR simplistic shoujo AND/OR slice of life high school romcoms AND/OR the less macho, more cartoony shounen.
With a few exceptions, that pretty much covers everything that has done well in the last 2-3 years.
So essentially, producers are stuck between a rock and a hard place. They can either make pandering crap which still has no guarantee of making money because of how similar all these shows are, or make a potentially great show that will lose them money.
The conclusion being that working in the anime industry is not worth it. Small wonder guys like Watanabe, Kon, and Kawajiri have been inactive.
May 11, 2010 11:11 PM by YoungVagabond
TL:DR. I think it's not the fans or the producers of the show that are to blame so much as the obnoxiously one track mind of the anime industry.
I agree with most of your comment but what is the anime industry made of if not of its fans and producers/studios?
Maybe it is best if we dump the guilt on luck...
May 11, 2010 7:08 PM by mirichan00
TL:DR. I think it's not the fans or the producers of the show that are to blame so much as the obnoxiously one track mind of the anime industry.
May 11, 2010 5:12 PM by Otakuisine
Commercial failure and quality may not always go together. That was just the point I was trying to make. So yeah, call me a fool.
Yes, making a quality product may not always insure success, but the reason I called you a fool is because you were saying that it's the viewers' fault that the show is getting bad ratings. All I'm saying is that the viewer is never to blame for the ratings, it's always the product. If you want to make a highly artistic experimental anime, that's fine. Good on you, but don't complain when you don't make any money off it. As a director, you should know the marker well enough to know what could generate a profit and what could not. This guy seems to have known he was going against that, but didn't care, so he gets no sympathy from me, now that his show bombed.
May 10, 2010 5:13 AM by DmonHiro
You are a fool. The purpose of anime is to make money. If your anime can't make money, then you have failed. He was even warned by his team about this, but he ignored them. In business, you can never EVER blame the consumers if your product does not sell. No producer will ever be proud about not making money (unless it's the ef anime, but that one did sell a lot, just that they overshot their budget).
tl;dr: if an anime doesn't sell/get rating, it is a commercial failure. That is fact.
No need to offend or to state the obvious. Though, it only took me a single view at your list to understand your comment.
Commercial failure and quality may not always go together. That was just the point I was trying to make. So yeah, call me a fool.
May 10, 2010 2:13 AM by mirichan00
The producer needs to know that the problem is not Saraiya Goyou or all the previous Noitamina anime. The problem is the people and their bad taste. Saraiya Goyou is a great anime. It's not the staff's fault that it can't mingle with all the moe-bishie-emo crap that is spreading among the industry.
This news is ridiculous. The producer should be more proud.
You are a fool. The purpose of anime is to make money. If your anime can't make money, then you have failed. He was even warned by his team about this, but he ignored them. In business, you can never EVER blame the consumers if your product does not sell. No producer will ever be proud about not making money (unless it's the ef anime, but that one did sell a lot, just that they overshot their budget).
tl;dr: if an anime doesn't sell/get rating, it is a commercial failure. That is fact.
May 10, 2010 12:44 AM by DmonHiro
This news is ridiculous. The producer should be more proud.
May 9, 2010 1:09 PM by mirichan00
May 9, 2010 12:47 PM by Soundtrack
May 9, 2010 9:02 AM by Dunkjoe
The good thing about anime is it usually doesn't get cancelled midseason because they're usually pretty short. Although it would suck if noitamina got pulled. I think their shows are the only good ones this season (Senkou no Night Raid on Anime no Chikara is not that good).
Apr 29, 2010 4:27 PM by removed-user
Apr 27, 2010 3:24 AM by crowtree
I just hope they don't ditch the whole concept of giving 'strange' shows a chance with noitamina
Apr 23, 2010 3:39 PM by seizonsha
Apr 23, 2010 8:19 AM by omo
Yesterday's ratings, from 2ch:
1.6% - 24:45-25:45 - Fuji TV - noitaminA - Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei - Saraiya Goyou
Yeah, pretty low, but not unexpected.
Apr 23, 2010 7:06 AM by DmonHiro
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