FUNimation Acquires Baka Test & Dance in the Vampire Bund
Source: Funimation blog
20 of 169 Comments Recent Comments
but I'm starting to have doubt buying this because I refuse to buy any anime that is censored.
They already announced that it's going to be uncensored.
Apr 16, 2011 6:56 AM by Kippy
As for Baka to Test, I'll hold off until I can watch a dubbed episode on their site(since they usually upload the first episode).
Apr 16, 2011 1:08 AM by tangytangerine
They better release an uncut version. I don't see the point in releasing a censored version when it never aired in America. I don't even think it even aired on FUNimation's TV channel yet.
Looks like this anime is gonna be "on-hold" on my future anime DVD list.
Apr 15, 2011 11:38 PM by animelly
I'll be happy to buy the Baka dvd's if they get a UK release, as for Bund, no way am i buying anything that is censored.
Apr 27, 2010 5:23 PM by motomoto
Mar 28, 2010 3:52 PM by -Naami-
companies like funimation are the plague of the anime society: again an american firm trolling over japanese media... nothing new there>.<
it could have been another nations company as well, but this is just one fine example of censorship: USA only streaming, and americanizing anime
I hope they sailor moon this anime as well....
-the day funimation owns Geneon entertaiment japan is the day anime dies
*facepalm* when ignorance rears it's shiny head
Mar 18, 2010 7:07 PM by Lordcrab86
One cut anime and all those years of good non-cut anime are forgotten.
So you know what , they could have easily cut Fullmetal Alchemist and got it on Toonami but they didn;'t. When was the last time Funi released a cut DVD before Dance in the Vampire Bund, huh, tell me Drunk Samurai. You say all their releases are shit so you must have followed every release.
Yes, cutting anime is wrong, but it isn't like they do this to every series ever like you say.
And dang it 99% of all anime DVDs have subtitles.
We were talking about Geneon not Funimation. Though if Funimation does keep it edited then I support a full boycott of everything they do just because censorship is bullshit.
No we were talking about how/why Funi has stopped some productions.
ADV/Sentai is actually getting back up on their feet pretty well nowadays.
Mar 18, 2010 3:34 PM by Rogna
One cut anime and all those years of good non-cut anime are forgotten.
So you know what , they could have easily cut Fullmetal Alchemist and got it on Toonami but they didn;'t. When was the last time Funi released a cut DVD before Dance in the Vampire Bund, huh, tell me Drunk Samurai. You say all their releases are shit so you must have followed every release.
Yes, cutting anime is wrong, but it isn't like they do this to every series ever like you say.
And dang it 99% of all anime DVDs have subtitles.
We were talking about Geneon not Funimation. Though if Funimation does keep it edited then I support a full boycott of everything they do just because censorship is bullshit.
Mar 18, 2010 3:04 PM by Drunk_Samurai
So you know what , they could have easily cut Fullmetal Alchemist and got it on Toonami but they didn;'t. When was the last time Funi released a cut DVD before Dance in the Vampire Bund, huh, tell me Drunk Samurai. You say all their releases are shit so you must have followed every release.
Yes, cutting anime is wrong, but it isn't like they do this to every series ever like you say.
And dang it 99% of all anime DVDs have subtitles.
Mar 18, 2010 9:12 AM by mitamaking
Not everyone buys anime DVDs for the dubs. It's true that that can be a large factor (since really that's what your paying for given you can get the sub online for free), but there are people who will buy them simply to support the industry. I think the Higurashi dub is awful but I bought the individual DVDs and I intend to double dip on the second or third release as well depending on which one winds up with the better packaging.
Anyway, I think this is great news, I love BakaTest and if they get that out on DVD then I'll be all over that.
Why would anybody buy something just to support something? That's terrible. If I buy anything I only buy stuff I really love. That applies to games only pretty much.
Because it profits the company whenever you buy their products (If you buy a lemonade from a stand that producer gets your cash therefore you just supported their finance.
Simple as that.
So you buy shit so companies can produce even more pieces of shit?
Yeah in a nutshell.
If a product doesn't get good sales it's either
A. Priced down (Like Funi did with Burst Angel, and Big Windup!)
B. The company stops production/distribution on the title altogether (Like Funi did with Kodocha)
You must like to waste money if you enjoy buying pieces of shit.
Mar 17, 2010 2:30 PM by Drunk_Samurai
Not everyone buys anime DVDs for the dubs. It's true that that can be a large factor (since really that's what your paying for given you can get the sub online for free), but there are people who will buy them simply to support the industry. I think the Higurashi dub is awful but I bought the individual DVDs and I intend to double dip on the second or third release as well depending on which one winds up with the better packaging.
Anyway, I think this is great news, I love BakaTest and if they get that out on DVD then I'll be all over that.
Why would anybody buy something just to support something? That's terrible. If I buy anything I only buy stuff I really love. That applies to games only pretty much.
Because it profits the company whenever you buy their products (If you buy a lemonade from a stand that producer gets your cash therefore you just supported their finance.
Simple as that.
So you buy shit so companies can produce even more pieces of shit?
Yeah in a nutshell.
If a product doesn't get good sales it's either
A. Priced down (Like Funi did with Burst Angel, and Big Windup!)
B. The company stops production/distribution on the title altogether (Like Funi did with Kodocha)
Mar 15, 2010 5:52 PM by Rogna
Not everyone buys anime DVDs for the dubs. It's true that that can be a large factor (since really that's what your paying for given you can get the sub online for free), but there are people who will buy them simply to support the industry. I think the Higurashi dub is awful but I bought the individual DVDs and I intend to double dip on the second or third release as well depending on which one winds up with the better packaging.
Anyway, I think this is great news, I love BakaTest and if they get that out on DVD then I'll be all over that.
Why would anybody buy something just to support something? That's terrible. If I buy anything I only buy stuff I really love. That applies to games only pretty much.
Because it profits the company whenever you buy their products (If you buy a lemonade from a stand that producer gets your cash therefore you just supported their finance.
Simple as that.
So you buy shit so companies can produce even more pieces of shit?
Mar 14, 2010 8:42 PM by Drunk_Samurai
Not everyone buys anime DVDs for the dubs. It's true that that can be a large factor (since really that's what your paying for given you can get the sub online for free), but there are people who will buy them simply to support the industry. I think the Higurashi dub is awful but I bought the individual DVDs and I intend to double dip on the second or third release as well depending on which one winds up with the better packaging.
Anyway, I think this is great news, I love BakaTest and if they get that out on DVD then I'll be all over that.
Why would anybody buy something just to support something? That's terrible. If I buy anything I only buy stuff I really love. That applies to games only pretty much.
Because it profits the company whenever you buy their products (If you buy a lemonade from a stand that producer gets your cash therefore you just supported their finance.
Simple as that.
Just because you buy one DVD doesn't mean it will have even a miniscule impact on the company. I'll just let the faithful people and the idiots spend money on DVD's while I get it for free. Unless you're a huge fan, there's really no point in purchasing them.
Mar 14, 2010 7:31 PM by MrOnsen
Not everyone buys anime DVDs for the dubs. It's true that that can be a large factor (since really that's what your paying for given you can get the sub online for free), but there are people who will buy them simply to support the industry. I think the Higurashi dub is awful but I bought the individual DVDs and I intend to double dip on the second or third release as well depending on which one winds up with the better packaging.
Anyway, I think this is great news, I love BakaTest and if they get that out on DVD then I'll be all over that.
Why would anybody buy something just to support something? That's terrible. If I buy anything I only buy stuff I really love. That applies to games only pretty much.
Because it profits the company whenever you buy their products (If you buy a lemonade from a stand that producer gets your cash therefore you just supported their finance.
Simple as that.
Mar 14, 2010 7:26 PM by Rogna
Not everyone buys anime DVDs for the dubs. It's true that that can be a large factor (since really that's what your paying for given you can get the sub online for free), but there are people who will buy them simply to support the industry. I think the Higurashi dub is awful but I bought the individual DVDs and I intend to double dip on the second or third release as well depending on which one winds up with the better packaging.
Anyway, I think this is great news, I love BakaTest and if they get that out on DVD then I'll be all over that.
Why would anybody buy something just to support something? That's terrible. If I buy anything I only buy stuff I really love. That applies to games only pretty much.
Mar 14, 2010 12:30 PM by Drunk_Samurai
(since really that's what your paying for given you can get the sub online for free)
It's pretty easy to find dubs online for free too...
Mar 14, 2010 11:15 AM by Nyktos
Anyway, I think this is great news, I love BakaTest and if they get that out on DVD then I'll be all over that.
Mar 13, 2010 5:14 PM by Hexrapper
Netwing, I wouldn't have any problem with FUNimation getting them if they would've at least waited for the series to finish first. The problem is that now we have to wait until they are released in the west.
And regarding Higurashi and Geneon, I believe they both belonged to ADV, who sold them to FUNi. However, FUNi have no plans to dub the second series, even though they bought it. And thus, they are assholes.
1.ADV never owned Geneon, they had an "alliance" that lasted two days before Geneon went under.
2.Funimation has stated they want to dub Higarashi however Geneon USA had exclusive rights to the property till I believe 2012
3.Funimation does not own Geneon, they released Geneon's shows on DVD, if you go on Anime on DVD and see who releases the shows it says Geneon.
Higarashi not coming to America is Geneon's fault, not ADV, not Funimation.
That still doesn't put a Higurashi Kai dub out of the question. Geneon just had the first season (With a non-stellar dub), they "Went out of business" before they had a chance to get the second season.
Funi has stated on more than enough occasions that the series has had great DVD success. My bets on after they release this new rerelease/remasterd boxset this month, Funi will open more about a possible Kai license in April-June.
That makes me sick. Who would buy a terrible dub like Higurashi?
Mar 12, 2010 4:12 PM by Drunk_Samurai
Netwing, I wouldn't have any problem with FUNimation getting them if they would've at least waited for the series to finish first. The problem is that now we have to wait until they are released in the west.
And regarding Higurashi and Geneon, I believe they both belonged to ADV, who sold them to FUNi. However, FUNi have no plans to dub the second series, even though they bought it. And thus, they are assholes.
1.ADV never owned Geneon, they had an "alliance" that lasted two days before Geneon went under.
2.Funimation has stated they want to dub Higarashi however Geneon USA had exclusive rights to the property till I believe 2012
3.Funimation does not own Geneon, they released Geneon's shows on DVD, if you go on Anime on DVD and see who releases the shows it says Geneon.
Higarashi not coming to America is Geneon's fault, not ADV, not Funimation.
That still doesn't put a Higurashi Kai dub out of the question. Geneon just had the first season (With a non-stellar dub), they "Went out of business" before they had a chance to get the second season.
Funi has stated on more than enough occasions that the series has had great DVD success. My bets on after they release this new rerelease/remasterd boxset this month, Funi will open more about a possible Kai license in April-June.
Mar 12, 2010 3:17 PM by Rogna
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but I'm starting to have doubt buying this because I refuse to buy any anime that is censored.
They already announced that it's going to be uncensored.
Looks like they're not going to get a boycott then.
Apr 16, 2011 12:03 PM by Drunk_Samurai