'Edens Zero' Gets Second Anime Season

The sci-fi adventure anime aired in 25 episodes from April to October last year. Netflix streamed the first season with subtitles and dubs in multiple languages.
Yuuji Suzuki (Fairy Tail: Final Series episode director) helmed the first season with chief director Shinji Ishihara (Fairy Tail) at J.C.Staff. Mitsutaka Hirota (Nanbaka) handled the series composition and script. Yurika Sako (Satsuriku no Tenshi animation director) designed the characters and Yoshihisa Hirano (Hunter x Hunter (2011)) composed the music.
The sci-fi adventure manga began in Weekly Shounen Magazine in June 2018. Kodansha will ship the 19th volume on February 17. Kodansha US licensed the manga in English and plans to release the 15th volume on February 22.
All his life, Shiki has been surrounded by machines. At Granbell Kingdom, a long-abandoned amusement park, he is the only one of his kind around. That is, until Rebecca Bluegarden and her feline companion Happy arrive, unaware that they are Granbell's first visitors in one hundred years. Their goal is to make fun videos for their B-Cube channel, but what they find instead is a friend in the socially awkward Shiki.
When Granbell becomes too dangerous for the three of them, they set off on an adventure through the Sakura Cosmos. They hope to make more interesting videos and even find the elusive goddess Mother, while Shiki wants to make more friends, spurred on by the words of his late grandfather. Of course, the journey will not be easy, as no one has seen Mother before, but Shiki is determined to reach his goal and explore the boundless reaches of space together with his new friends. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
Official site: https://edens-zero.net/anime/
Official Twitter: @EDENSZERO_PJ
Source: Comic Natalie
Edens Zero 2nd Season on MAL
20 of 31 Comments Recent Comments
Mashima doesn't "copy and paste" its literally just the design. He didnt just take Erza and put her in the story, he changed her quite alot and gave her a new name.
visually a copy paste is exactly what a design 1 for 1 transfer MEANS! he took what he had already done and moved her right into his new title. and her name? how is that name new or original? both their last names are a type of red. both their first names start with E. he copy/paste Plue, Happy, Lucy... other things i mentioned in the previous parts of this thread are exactly a 1 for 1 copy across several titles. or he just altered them slightly and kept the same baseline idea the same.
i'm not saying this is a bad thing. i know mangaka have to take shortcuts. i've read commentaries about other men/women doing successful manga that can only draw up to 10 different faces. the hair and the clothes are the only differences when the artist has to re-use the same faces over and over again. it is not a bad idea in and of itself, it is just a bad idea because of how OBVIOUS it is. [/quote]
You still don't seem to get it. Elsie and Erza share one thing actually 2 things. Number 1, design. They share the same design. Number 2, involved heavily with a blue haired or in Edens Zero's case, white haired character (his hair when using ether gear turns blue but it is naturally white). The name is a similarity, which honestly I prefer the name similarity than Mashima making an entirely new name for the character, that would be stupid.
Elsie does not share the exact same narrative purposes that Erza does, and that is what matters. Neither does Plue and Lucy isn't in Edens Zero aside from a cameo. And no, Rebecca is not just a slightly design tweaked Lucy, do they have very similar narrative purposes? Yes, and that is because they are both the main female protagonist in their respective series.
Happy is the only instance I've found where Mashima took the entire character (while still tweaking that character around a bit) and put it in another series, while that character serves the same narative purpose. I didn't like it either, but then I got over it because we got a second "mascott" type character in E.M.Pino, who is alot more involved in the story of Edens Zero than Happy is. I know that because I'm a manga reader currently caught up. It doesn't seem to me you have read the manga or are even a manga reader period. If you watched alot of Fairy Tail you probably remember a white cat, that is Carla. Carla was the second "mascott" type character in Fairy Tail. And no Pino and Carla are not the same character in design, although they do share alot of similarites in the narrative purposes they have.
In the end, if they designs bother you I don't what to tell you, I got over the designs. To be honest the designs never bothered me to begin with. I like Mashima's designs alot especially because they show and potray emotions very easily. It is very easy to tell when a character is mad, or sad, or happy, or depressed, or crying.
Jun 28, 2022 12:47 PM by Code3173
visually a copy paste is exactly what a design 1 for 1 transfer MEANS! he took what he had already done and moved her right into his new title. and her name? how is that name new or original? both their last names are a type of red. both their first names start with E. he copy/paste Plue, Happy, Lucy... other things i mentioned in the previous parts of this thread are exactly a 1 for 1 copy across several titles. or he just altered them slightly and kept the same baseline idea the same.
i'm not saying this is a bad thing. i know mangaka have to take shortcuts. i've read commentaries about other men/women doing successful manga that can only draw up to 10 different faces. the hair and the clothes are the only differences when the artist has to re-use the same faces over and over again. it is not a bad idea in and of itself, it is just a bad idea because of how OBVIOUS it is.
Jun 27, 2022 9:56 PM by KiliianSleipnir
It's okay to be skeptical for being an anime-only so far, the first season was pretty much the 'slow start.' Even though I think there are still *a lot* of differences and new things here, there weren't any big events.
But what you said was way too conclusive and overwhelming for the examples that you brought up. You basically just took the very basics of the synopsis and made it sound like you've actually read a substantial amount. You also took obvious references and called them 'rehashing ideas', such as Tanchimo/Turn-to-Timonium and Plue/Nikora. All of your narrative/character examples are also things we learn from the beginning, or are very simple and ignore the important nuances: which you might not learn more about until actually seeing more. The only one I can kind of understand is Elsie, but that's simply how the mangaka prefers it. He's clearly designed plenty of new characters, but he still chose to make her similar to Erza. The keyword 'chose.'
There are better reasons as to why Edens Zero hasn't garnered much attention on places like MAL, Anilist, Reddit, etc. (although it was popular on Japan's NTV and various countries in Netflix), but the best reason is simply the theme and aesthetic. Right now, stuff like Attack on Titan, My Hero Academia, Demon Slayer and Jujutsu Kaisen are popular. So are romcoms like Kaguya-sama and various isekai such as Reincarnated as a Slime, Mushoku Tensei and Rising of The Shield Hero. Not to mention dramas like Tokyo Revengers. Edens Zero, at least for the first season fills a genre that most have already passed on; but because season 1 only built up the main cast together and only set things up before any big events, it was even harder for it to catch on.
EDIT: I didn't think it was worth it at first, but I feel like this has to be mentioned as well: the best reason after the aforementioned one is the visual quality. Nowadays, anime fans favour great animation A LOT more. That's the only reason Boruto trends sometimes. People do orgasmic reactions to Demon Slayer without doing anything crazy with the story. Because Edens Zero shares many qualities with those kind of shounen series, the uninspired art and colours and the average animation that changed from stills to great sakuga hurt the attention and attraction.
The hope is that season 2 will get more eyes toward it, since things do change a lot from here on.
good points all around. but one you messed up on. read. i haven't read a single source. i've just watched this mangaka's shows. i even stated this in my 2nd paragraph.
the items i picked ARE the obvious ones. because they are so obvious. and so necessary to Eden's Zero, Rave Master, and Fairy Tail's anime. Plue was a single spot in a single place in EZ but he was a constant character in RM, and oh i forgot he showed up a few times in FT also. we also know Happy is a constant character in FT and EZ. the Rebecca/Lucy thing is also once more a constant character placement.
of course the mangaka had to choose to do something. for whatever reasons he had, i won't know, i'm not inside his head. but a one for one copy/paste from one title into another? i can just make my personal conjectures about that.
as to your other points, i do agree. visually EZ is kinda bland. middle of the road quality. neither stellar work nor sub-par.
as to the elements of the mangaka's writing or the screen-writer's adaptations... there are several parts to EZ's story i've enjoyed. otherwise i would have left it by the side-of-the-road like i did to FT and how it took me 2 years to go through RM the first time. EZ S1 has actually kept me interested MORE than the mangaka's 2 previous anime i've watched. so either he or the screen-writers has done a better job.
IMHO. :)
Jun 27, 2022 7:20 PM by Code3173
Mar 31, 2022 7:27 PM by yumiyamanari
the thing about folks 'not rating EZ' well? the mangaka keeps re-using specific characters, char designs, and storylines in his various titles.
he has seemingly, me as an anime only guy BTW just to clarify, just taken what he thinks works the best in all his titles and just inserted them into various parts of them.
he has used: Plue more than once, Happy more than once, Rebecca's twin Ether blasters are exactly the same idea as Elie's twin tonfa blasters, Rebecca is basically a design clone of Lucy (busty, big butt, blond, short skirts and other revealing clothes), Elsie Crimson? Erza Scarlet? seriously? he not only cloned his famous redhead but then he couldn't think of a more original name for the space pirate? he re-used Griffon Kato's 'horse?' in EZ, both Rebecca and Elie have a 'hidden power', Natsu and Shiki were both raised by 'people' who weren't their blood family and those people weren't human...
i understand manga is hard to write over long periods of time. the art and design and characters and original plotlines are difficult to create. but just taking the same people and other stuffs and repeating them in other titles? that's just hack writing.
i watched a good bit of Fairy Tail, dropped it because it got boring, watched Rave Master all the way through twice... first time took me over 2 years because i kept putting it on the back-burner of my watch list. watched all of Edens Zero S1, but it took me quite a while. i got to the point that i was so dis-interested that i would wait two to three weeks in-between episodes before i would catch up.
i'm not saying the mangaka can't write and can't draw. he just can't seem to create a brand new and fresh idea every time. and i get it. i really do. he's using what sells issues of the books he's published in and gets him THREE anime! not alot of mangaka can say they've gotten THREE DIFFERENT FRANCHISE ANIME in their careers.
the only one i can think of off the top of my head with 3 or more is Ms. Takahashi with Inuyasha, Rinne, Ranma, annd the old old old title that got an anime way way back in the day and is getting that remake soon. Urusei Yatsura right?
But what you said was way too conclusive and overwhelming for the examples that you brought up. You basically just took the very basics of the synopsis and made it sound like you've actually read a substantial amount. You also took obvious references and called them 'rehashing ideas', such as Tanchimo/Turn-to-Timonium and Plue/Nikora. All of your narrative/character examples are also things we learn from the beginning, or are very simple and ignore the important nuances: which you might not learn more about until actually seeing more. The only one I can kind of understand is Elsie, but that's simply how the mangaka prefers it. He's clearly designed plenty of new characters, but he still chose to make her similar to Erza. The keyword 'chose.'
There are better reasons as to why Edens Zero hasn't garnered much attention on places like MAL, Anilist, Reddit, etc. (although it was popular on Japan's NTV and various countries in Netflix), but the best reason is simply the theme and aesthetic. Right now, stuff like Attack on Titan, My Hero Academia, Demon Slayer and Jujutsu Kaisen are popular. So are romcoms like Kaguya-sama and various isekai such as Reincarnated as a Slime, Mushoku Tensei and Rising of The Shield Hero. Not to mention dramas like Tokyo Revengers. Edens Zero, at least for the first season fills a genre that most have already passed on; but because season 1 only built up the main cast together and only set things up before any big events, it was even harder for it to catch on.
EDIT: I didn't think it was worth it at first, but I feel like this has to be mentioned as well: the best reason after the aforementioned one is the visual quality. Nowadays, anime fans favour great animation A LOT more. That's the only reason Boruto trends sometimes. People do orgasmic reactions to Demon Slayer without doing anything crazy with the story. Because Edens Zero shares many qualities with those kind of shounen series, the uninspired art and colours and the average animation that changed from stills to great sakuga hurt the attention and attraction.
The hope is that season 2 will get more eyes toward it, since things do change a lot from here on.
good points all around. but one you messed up on. read. i haven't read a single source. i've just watched this mangaka's shows. i even stated this in my 2nd paragraph.
the items i picked ARE the obvious ones. because they are so obvious. and so necessary to Eden's Zero, Rave Master, and Fairy Tail's anime. Plue was a single spot in a single place in EZ but he was a constant character in RM, and oh i forgot he showed up a few times in FT also. we also know Happy is a constant character in FT and EZ. the Rebecca/Lucy thing is also once more a constant character placement.
of course the mangaka had to choose to do something. for whatever reasons he had, i won't know, i'm not inside his head. but a one for one copy/paste from one title into another? i can just make my personal conjectures about that.
as to your other points, i do agree. visually EZ is kinda bland. middle of the road quality. neither stellar work nor sub-par.
as to the elements of the mangaka's writing or the screen-writer's adaptations... there are several parts to EZ's story i've enjoyed. otherwise i would have left it by the side-of-the-road like i did to FT and how it took me 2 years to go through RM the first time. EZ S1 has actually kept me interested MORE than the mangaka's 2 previous anime i've watched. so either he or the screen-writers has done a better job.
IMHO. :)
Feb 12, 2022 12:18 PM by KiliianSleipnir
the thing about folks 'not rating EZ' well? the mangaka keeps re-using specific characters, char designs, and storylines in his various titles.
he has seemingly, me as an anime only guy BTW just to clarify, just taken what he thinks works the best in all his titles and just inserted them into various parts of them.
he has used: Plue more than once, Happy more than once, Rebecca's twin Ether blasters are exactly the same idea as Elie's twin tonfa blasters, Rebecca is basically a design clone of Lucy (busty, big butt, blond, short skirts and other revealing clothes), Elsie Crimson? Erza Scarlet? seriously? he not only cloned his famous redhead but then he couldn't think of a more original name for the space pirate? he re-used Griffon Kato's 'horse?' in EZ, both Rebecca and Elie have a 'hidden power', Natsu and Shiki were both raised by 'people' who weren't their blood family and those people weren't human...
i understand manga is hard to write over long periods of time. the art and design and characters and original plotlines are difficult to create. but just taking the same people and other stuffs and repeating them in other titles? that's just hack writing.
i watched a good bit of Fairy Tail, dropped it because it got boring, watched Rave Master all the way through twice... first time took me over 2 years because i kept putting it on the back-burner of my watch list. watched all of Edens Zero S1, but it took me quite a while. i got to the point that i was so dis-interested that i would wait two to three weeks in-between episodes before i would catch up.
i'm not saying the mangaka can't write and can't draw. he just can't seem to create a brand new and fresh idea every time. and i get it. i really do. he's using what sells issues of the books he's published in and gets him THREE anime! not alot of mangaka can say they've gotten THREE DIFFERENT FRANCHISE ANIME in their careers.
the only one i can think of off the top of my head with 3 or more is Ms. Takahashi with Inuyasha, Rinne, Ranma, annd the old old old title that got an anime way way back in the day and is getting that remake soon. Urusei Yatsura right?
But what you said was way too conclusive and overwhelming for the examples that you brought up. You basically just took the very basics of the synopsis and made it sound like you've actually read a substantial amount. You also took obvious references and called them 'rehashing ideas', such as Tanchimo/Turn-to-Timonium and Plue/Nikora. All of your narrative/character examples are also things we learn from the beginning, or are very simple and ignore the important nuances: which you might not learn more about until actually seeing more. The only one I can kind of understand is Elsie, but that's simply how the mangaka prefers it. He's clearly designed plenty of new characters, but he still chose to make her similar to Erza. The keyword 'chose.'
There are better reasons as to why Edens Zero hasn't garnered much attention on places like MAL, Anilist, Reddit, etc. (although it was popular on Japan's NTV and various countries in Netflix), but the best reason is simply the theme and aesthetic. Right now, stuff like Attack on Titan, My Hero Academia, Demon Slayer and Jujutsu Kaisen are popular. So are romcoms like Kaguya-sama and various isekai such as Reincarnated as a Slime, Mushoku Tensei and Rising of The Shield Hero. Not to mention dramas like Tokyo Revengers. Edens Zero, at least for the first season fills a genre that most have already passed on; but because season 1 only built up the main cast together and only set things up before any big events, it was even harder for it to catch on.
EDIT: I didn't think it was worth it at first, but I feel like this has to be mentioned as well: the best reason after the aforementioned one is the visual quality. Nowadays, anime fans favour great animation A LOT more. That's the only reason Boruto trends sometimes. People do orgasmic reactions to Demon Slayer without doing anything crazy with the story. Because Edens Zero shares many qualities with those kind of shounen series, the uninspired art and colours and the average animation that changed from stills to great sakuga hurt the attention and attraction.
The hope is that season 2 will get more eyes toward it, since things do change a lot from here on.
Feb 12, 2022 5:56 AM by daft_mariner
Feb 11, 2022 2:39 PM by removed-user
So what we thinking? Draken Joe and maybe up to the time skip?
Feb 11, 2022 2:37 PM by removed-user
he has seemingly, me as an anime only guy BTW just to clarify, just taken what he thinks works the best in all his titles and just inserted them into various parts of them.
he has used: Plue more than once, Happy more than once, Rebecca's twin Ether blasters are exactly the same idea as Elie's twin tonfa blasters, Rebecca is basically a design clone of Lucy (busty, big butt, blond, short skirts and other revealing clothes), Elsie Crimson? Erza Scarlet? seriously? he not only cloned his famous redhead but then he couldn't think of a more original name for the space pirate? he re-used Griffon Kato's 'horse?' in EZ, both Rebecca and Elie have a 'hidden power', Natsu and Shiki were both raised by 'people' who weren't their blood family and those people weren't human...
i understand manga is hard to write over long periods of time. the art and design and characters and original plotlines are difficult to create. but just taking the same people and other stuffs and repeating them in other titles? that's just hack writing.
i watched a good bit of Fairy Tail, dropped it because it got boring, watched Rave Master all the way through twice... first time took me over 2 years because i kept putting it on the back-burner of my watch list. watched all of Edens Zero S1, but it took me quite a while. i got to the point that i was so dis-interested that i would wait two to three weeks in-between episodes before i would catch up.
i'm not saying the mangaka can't write and can't draw. he just can't seem to create a brand new and fresh idea every time. and i get it. i really do. he's using what sells issues of the books he's published in and gets him THREE anime! not alot of mangaka can say they've gotten THREE DIFFERENT FRANCHISE ANIME in their careers.
the only one i can think of off the top of my head with 3 or more is Ms. Takahashi with Inuyasha, Rinne, Ranma, annd the old old old title that got an anime way way back in the day and is getting that remake soon. Urusei Yatsura right?
Feb 11, 2022 12:35 PM by KiliianSleipnir
it is actually better than 90% of the shounen mangas which are being published
Feb 9, 2022 12:15 AM by Parthss
Feb 8, 2022 11:09 PM by mostakeajka
Feb 8, 2022 6:26 PM by Renkini
Feb 8, 2022 1:35 PM by removed-user
Drakken Joe hype intensifies
Feb 8, 2022 11:56 AM by deg
Feb 8, 2022 11:16 AM by Softhenic03
Im gonna read the manga for this one day...I keep hearing that it's actually not bad lol
it is actually better than 90% of the shounen mangas which are being published
some spoilers in the video tho so keep that in mind
Feb 8, 2022 11:03 AM by Fario-P
Now this is a surprise. Given Season 1's cliffhanger that'd be no surprise that a continuation is in the works, the matter is when to release it.
Feb 8, 2022 10:25 AM by MaceChan
Probably the Mandela Effect but I could have sworn news about this was already confirmed a while ago lol.
Feb 8, 2022 9:47 AM by DatRandomDude
Anyway, Edens Zero is actually pretty decent and I found season 1 enjoyable so I'm looking forward to this. Gotta get back into the manga, I've heard it's not too bad and actually somewhat dark.
Feb 8, 2022 9:35 AM by thebrentinator24
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don't bother replying, i'm not interested in any further communications about these subjects. i've said my piece again and again and i'm finished.
have a pleasant day.
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